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From Conspiracy to Fact: An analysis of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Information Control, and the New World Order (Appendix includes hundreds of citations) - PART 1

PLEASE NOTE: This article may be updated periodically with new information and links as they become available. All referenced information and a whole lot more is indexed and linked in the related appendix posts. Please feel free to crosspost, share, and take from my ideas to build your own. Namaste.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Appendix A | Appendix B

Hello. My name is Chris. I am nobody, really. An average citizen. I am an overweight 42 year old white male from the Midwestern suburbs of the US who has been fortunate enough to live a pretty comfortable life. I used to be a freelance graphic designer with a focus on small businesses, but I'm coming to terms with the fact that that career and part of my life is more than likely over in light of current events. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.
I've always been concerned about social injustice and tried to stay politically informed, even dabbling in some activism here and there. At times I've stepped away from paying attention for my own mental health, or due to laziness, defeatism, whatever. But I've never stopped caring, or trying, to fight the good fight and do the right thing.
The news recently has of course swept us all up, and touched all our lives in some way or another. The world has never seen anything like the "Coronavirus Pandemic," and it's clear that our society will be changed forever when we finally come out the other end of this mess. But I've had the luxury of time recently, and in reading the news about things that were going on, I couldn't help but notice the patterns, and that a lot of stuff didn't exactly make sense.
So, here we go, with the "conspiracy theory."
I hate that term, because although it's technically accurate, it's been demonized and weaponized by the media and society at large to take on a bad connotation. Tinfoil hats, alien abductions, crazy people muttering to themselves, etc. You've no doubt got a lot of images in your mind of a conspiracy theorist.
And make no mistake, what I'm going to tell you here is all currently very popular conspiracy theory. However, I think that by removing opinions and conjecture from it, and focusing on facts and things that have already happened, I can present this huge amount of overwhelming, disparate information in a way that makes it less a "theory" and more a "research project." And so that is how I have approached this.
I have spent the last week doing little else besides reading every news and opinion article I could find, saving and organizing hundreds of links, and assembling a coherent, logical outline to organize and present these theories, and more importantly, facts. There are a lot of less-than-reputable sites and publications out there, and I have tried when at all possible to provide sources from verifiable news sites, with a wide range of slants and focuses, to illustrate that what is happening is not part of any one particular political agenda.
I hope that you take the time to check the links, really look into the information presented here, and form your own opinions. Please do not just take my word for it. To that end, there are also a few links mixed in that are labeled as having come from conspiracy. These are well-written and well-reasoned posts from other concerned citizens that I think are worth reading, and relevant to the discussion here.
One last thing - If you are new to most of these ideas, the information presented here is more than likely going to seem overwhelming at first. I encourage you now, and always, to take mental health breaks for yourself, and put down your phone or turn off your computer. The information will be here when you come back. And as you'll soon understand, what is happening is an unstoppable tide, truly a force of nature at this point, and there is nothing you can do to fight it, so try your hardest to relax, put on some chill music, hug your dog, and most of all...
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If you start researching conspiracy theory, you're going to find a lot of information. Some much better or worse presented than others, and some much more plausible or unbelievable than others. Despite the seeming ridiculousness of some things you might read, I encourage you to always approach new information with an open mind.
That said though, I have one main principle that guides all my beliefs about conspiracy theories, and that is the "Filter of Likelihood." Essentially, you have to ask yourself how possible, how likely, and how feasible a piece of information is. Furthermore, you need to ask yourself what the motivation would be. In many cases, it's quite easy to see how something makes a lot of sense based on other known info, whereas some theories seem rather implausible no matter how you look at it.
I am interested only in the plausible, and where possible, the already actualized. Additionally, there's a lot to be said, and a lot that has already been written on many of these topics, so I will focus on current events and simple concepts.
I will also ask you to open your mind to possibility. Please consider this as you evaluate new information:
  1. Do you believe there are things going on in the world that you don't know about yet?
  2. Do you believe that there is technology and science you've never heard of?
  3. Do you believe that society is progressing at an increasing rate?
  4. Do you believe that as populations grow, we require new societal strategies?
  5. Do you believe that those with power and money want to retain their power and money?
Of course you believe all these things, and none of these are wild or unusual concepts. Rather, these are very basic concepts that apply to everyone, and always have. They are all part of our shared human experience, and undeniable facts of life. Populations grow, societies evolve, technology advances, and the world changes. And most important to our discussion here, people, families, and empires constantly jockey for power and control, while fighting for resources, power, fame, and...
We all hate TicketMaster, right? Who do they think they are, what the hell is this bullshit "service fee," etc. It's something everyone can get behind. But did you know that TicketMaster willingly cultivates that image? That venues, teams, and artists, in their pursuit of more money, raise fees and then let TicketMaster be the bad guy and take the heat so their reputations remain intact?
There are many more people, organizations, and other entities in the world playing that same role for those who really have the money, who really call the shots. And those who call the shots work very hard and spend absolutely unfathomable amounts of money, time, and blood, to make sure that you don't ever realize who's actually taking your money.
They do this in the simplest, easiest way. If you simply control information from the top down, and disseminate it when and where you see fit, you can effect great societal change without lifting a finger.
Please imagine... really, try to imagine... You just read an article, saw a video, whatever, from a very, very reputable source. And it just informed you that an asteroid was 83% likely to impact the Earth next month. What would you do? What would happen in the world?
Hopefully an asteroid will not hit next month, but it's important to really imagine what would happen and why, and how. Because a huge amount of information would be generated and published, people would panic, society would crumble, and the world as you know it would change forever in an instant, the moment you read that headline.
Control of information is one of the most powerful tools known to mankind today. A person living in 2020 can easily encounter as much information in a day as someone in Medieval times might have encountered in a lifetime. And it comes at you from all angles, in all forms, non-stop, 24/7. Much like the water in the pipe, the information is always there, and one needs but turn it on.
Disseminating the information then becomes a practice all its own, and to be sure, information processing accounts for more than half of the US GDP. And the rate at which it's spread, and way it is handled makes a huge difference in the societal repercussions. So a few different techniques are used:
It might be the greatest understatement of all time to say that there has been a lot of information passed around about COVID-19, the "Coronavirus," recently. In fact, there has never been anything like what we are currently experiencing in all of human history, and not by a long shot. And this unprecedented turn of events has caused a lot of people to react in a lot of ways, and say and do a lot of things, for better or for worse.
Full disclosure: In particular, if you look up conspiracy theory, you'll see a lot of stuff suggesting that the "Coronavirus is a hoax." (You'll also find a lot of poorly-written rambling) I want to be clear that I DO NOT believe that. I am 100% sure that there is a Coronavirus, that it is making people sick, that a lot of people are dying, and that our medical professionals and many other undervalued workers are overwhelmed, and breaking their backs every day to do their best to keep their friends, families, and loved ones safe. I am extraordinarily grateful for them and admire the resolve and bravery that so many have shown in the face of this disaster. I do not think it is a hoax at all.
However, I think that literally everything else that is happening surrounding the "pandemic" is.
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The Pandemic
In the first week of January this year, I got sick. Really sick. I know when I got it and who I got it from, and honestly the exact moment I got it (I only was in proximity of the dude for a few minutes). He had warned me that he was really sick, and I blew it off. I started feeling sick a day or two later, and a day or two after that I felt like I was dying. Fever, chills, aches, extraordinary fatigue. And literal, nonstop, 24/7 coughing. I had every single symptom of what we now know as COVID-19. I commented to anyone who would listen that I didn't recall ever feeling that sick before in my entire life. The most memorable part of it though was that after a couple days, I completely lost my sense of smell and taste. Joked a lot about how you could feed me onions and soap cause I'd have no idea. I try to have a good attitude about being sick.
I spent a week sleeping on the couch before I finally went to the doctor. She gave me a Prednisolone steroid pack (which has worked well for me in the past), some Trazodone to knock me out, and Benzonatotate for my cough. As soon as I took the first dose of steroids I started to feel pretty fucking great, and it was more or less a non-issue after that.
I spoke to a lot of people about it then and after, and man, I can't tell you how many stories I personally heard from people I know that said the exact same thing. Then I started reading the same story over and over again on Reddit:
We didn't start really hearing about the Coronavirus in the media until the beginning of March, and we didn't hear about the "Pandemic" until just a couple weeks ago. And what a couple weeks it's been since then. But I am quite certain that it's been around for a lot longer and that I, and a lot of other people I know, had it - and DID NOT DIE FROM IT - way back in January.
We now know that the first documented case in the US was on January 19th, but that word "documented" is so, so important here. That means that we had identified the virus, developed a test, and tested a person with the symptoms that day. It does NOT mean that was when the virus reached the United States. How sick do you have to be before you take a day off work? Before you go to the doctor? With America's healthcare system or lack thereof, it's almost certain that many people had this virus before we determined what it was, and how infectious it really was.
There is also the matter of the statistics of severity vs the regular flu. This is a highly contentious topic and I am no medical expert, and do not wish to make any assertions. However, what I can tell you from my personal experience is this: I had a horrible "flu" in January, got basic medicine, got better. So, either I had the flu, or perhaps I did indeed have the Coronavirus.
We will never know because I was never tested. But the important thing is that it doesn't matter. Either I (and many others) had the Coronavirus and it did not kill us (calling into question the severity of the infection) or we just had a bad cold or flu, but it had the exact same symptoms as COVID-19 (calling into question the extent of Coronavirus diagnoses). But logically, one of those two statements is true.
Furthermore, the data keeps changing, and I don't mean increasing on a daily basis. I mean up and down, back and forth, it is deadly or maybe it isn't, etc. On January 14 the WHO told you it couldn't spread from human to human. But then on Jan 19 we saw the first case of Coronavirus in the United States. Then it turns out that the Wuhan market outbreak began earlier in December. And then it's an "epidemic," but most people will only get mild symptoms. What are you supposed to believe? And it sure does seem to come at you as a firehose, and it's hard to even think about anything because OHMYGODTHECORONAVIRUS!
But let's stop and look a couple basic facts. As a matter of fact, I'm going to let Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi explain this one to you. This is a very informative 10 minute video, watch it:
Sucharit Bhakdi - Very clear math showing that the COVID statistics are being manipulated
So 80% of people only experience mild symptoms, and we're crashing the economy for this? The statistics aren't any more extreme than many other illnesses we've had over time, and we're crashing the economy for this? It doesn't make sense until you consider that there are other factors besides just the virus at play.
Wolfgang Wodard - Explaining how the statistics are being manipulated to cause panic
The media, and society at large is inundating you with terrifying information about the Coronavirus. But if it's not as bad as we originally thought, then why? We don't freak out about every illness that comes along, and we've certainly never in the history of civilization had over 1/3 of the global population locked down under mandatory quarantine.
And then there's the debate about where the virus came from. We believe it came from a meat market in China, under unsanitary conditions. The science behind a coronavirus making the leap from one species to another is well-established and researched, and it is a very likely scenario. There are also conspiracy theories that state that China released it on its people intentionally, or even that the US military released it in China. Again, we will never know exactly where this Coronavirus came from. It may be natural, it may be man made, and there are very plausible paths for both. I don't know what to believe myself. So here I ask you to make your own judgement based on likelihood.
What we do know though is that the state of the world this virus has been unleashed on has played a major factor in its spread. In 1950 the global population was 2.5 billion, and that has exploded to almost 8 billion people in 2020. As a matter of fact, population growth has been exponential since about the time of the Industrial Revolution.
With all these people on the planet there are sure to be many disagreements and conflicts, and there indeed have been. As a matter of fact, 2019 saw global protests on an unprecedented scale, in Hong Kong, France, Syria, and many other countries. Citizens have literally been fighting police and military with rocks, clubs, arrows, and molotov cocktails.
Did you know that? Despite my seeing headlines and pictures every day of the riots in Hong Kong, I have been shocked to learn that multiple of my close friends, intelligent and aware people, had no knowledge whatsoever of the protests even existing. But that is far from a coincidence; rather, it is quite by design.
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Billionaires and Coincidences
Another major talking point over the last 5 to 10 years has been the "1%" - the handful of super-rich individuals who posess and control the vast majority of the Earth's wealth and resources. Where it used to just be a numerical term, "Billionaire" is now a dirty word, and one of the nastiest. We all hate billionaires. They are evil, and profit off the exploitation of the rest of the world.
The "Illuminati" we call them, in pursuit of a "New World Order." Crazy stuff, right? Mysterious symbols and people in black robes doing nefarious things in secret meetings, and running the world from behind the scenes. We love the Illuminati, it's a huge pop culture thing now. The subject of endless speculation, they are made fun of in the media, movies, and now Taco Bell commercials. It's so far fetched it could never really be true. And the fact that you think that is by design as well.
So, we don't know where the Coronavirus came from, but it's certainly here, and there are lot of other things unfolding in the world around it. Many different current events from all different places and fields of study. Some of it seems a little too coincidental. It is certainly very coincidental that this economically destructive Coronavirus entered the world right as there were global uprisings, protests in the street, and a growing public hatred for billionaires.
Well, here are a few other coincidences: Hundreds of CEOs of major companies stepped down from their positions in recent months. Multiple US Senators sold stock right before the market crashed. Even the boss of the New York Stock Exchange sold his own stock right before the crash. Did they know something they weren't telling us?
Here's another coincidence. In 2010, The Rockefeller Foundation published a selection of future-predicting scenarios in the name of "exploring the ways that technology and development could co-evolve." One of these four scenarios, entitled "Lock Step," eerily predicts a global viral pandemic and the resulting hypothetical consequences, which almost exactly mirrors the COVID-19 pandemic we are in the midst of today.
Also coincidental: The first case of COVID-19 was diagnosed in China on November 17th, 2019. Literally one month earlier, The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. In this exercise, they discuss the potential implications and consequences of a novel Coronavirus, including an economic crash, martial law, and of particular interest, the control of information. (You can view some published highlights here)
The World Economic Forum is comprised of the richest of the rich. The 1%. The Billionaires. CEO's, politicians, business owners, and many other powerful and influential figures. They meet regularly to discuss topics of global concern, and strongly control the dissemination of information. And of primary concern to many of them is maintaining their wealth and power in a rapidly-changing world.
And finally, here's one more coincidence: At the exact same time as the Event 201 exercise, The World Military Games was held in Wuhan, China, Oct 18-27, 2019. It was the largest military sports event ever to be held in China, with nearly 10,000 athletes from over 100 countries competing in 27 sports. Wuhan China was, as we now believe, the source of our current global COVID-19 outbreak.
Whether you think it is a "conspiracy" or not, that is all certainly coincidental, to say the least.
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"Why didn't I hear about any of this?"
That's an excellent question, and one that likely has multiple answers. For starters, how much do you really pay attention? Where do you get your news from? Do you research things you hear or just accept them on hearsay? Critical thinking skills are paramount in making sense of the chaos unfolding all around us.
As I mentioned before, I can tell you that I personally know multiple people who had no clue whatsoever about the riots in Hong Kong last year. As you read this, you may be one of them. And it may seem like something that is happening far away, and "could never happen here." Or you may have been aware of it but just that it was happening. But please, consider for a moment: millions of average citizens risked their lives and safety in the streets of Hong Kong for months on end, fighting police and military, and transforming the city they lived in into a warzone. WHY? Why would people do something like that? Regardless of their motivations, that many people were banding together to fight for something they believed in. And that is worth considering.
It's not really your fault though that you may not catch wind of all this news. The "mainstream media" that you hear about all the time deliberately controls information - downplaying threats and overreacting to silly things - in order to make sure that you hear the version of the news that they want you to hear.
Did you know that only 6 corporations control 90% of the media In America? That number is reduced from 50 companies in the 80's. And literally all the news you see on TV, at the very least, is 100% owned and controlled by these companies. Lately, distrust is growing for cable news networks, and many people turn to their local hometown station for trusted news. The problem with that though is that your hometown station is probably owned by Sinclair Media, one of the most powerful broadcast networks in the country that you've never heard of.
Please watch this very brief video, illustrating the chokehold that Sinclair Media maintains over your nightly local news broadcast:
Of course, not every piece of news is pre-programmed but a lot is. The real news is out there, but sometimes you have to look a little deeper than the infographics on TV news. Even if information is being directed from the top down, the boots on the ground tend to be passionate people with a variety of interests and agendas, and they are still doing their best to do real journalism despite corporate oversight.
Think of those who are directing the information as steering an impossibly massive ship with a rudder. You can slowly adjust the course of direction, however it is slow to react. If you want to stop, you have to start thinking about stopping wayyy ahead of time. And similarly, once it gets underway, it is then influenced by an inertia all its own. Micro controls and adjustments aren't really possible.
Our society is this giant ship. There are 8 billion people on this earth - that is 8000 million. An incomprehensible number that grows rapidly every day. As civilization grows and advances, so does our medicine, our technology, our cultural norms. These are all natural processes that are necessary to manage an increasing number of societies all around the globe. And many of the advances we're making have exciting potential benefits for humanity, although as with all tools, they also inherently possess the potential for abuse.
Here are some other things happening in society right now, some you may be aware of and many you may not:
There is an interesting chicken or egg relationship between science fiction and real world science. Sci-fi writers are inspired by the real science of the day, then they apply their creativity to imagine what might be in the future. Young scientists encounter these fantastical ideas and think they are worth pursuing, and then set about to make them a reality, and the cycle continues.
Futuristic concepts are then preempted and introduced through the media to the conscious mind, as we include them in books, movies, TV, video games, and more. Eventually we start seeing headlines of these new technologies and developments happening in other places, usually Japan and China first due to their prevalence in the industrial and technological sectors of our global economy.
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Continue to Part 2

submitted by SquarePeg37 to conspiracy [link] [comments]

From Conspiracy to Fact: An analysis of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Information Control, and the New World Order (Appendix includes hundreds of citations) - PART 1

PLEASE NOTE: This article may be updated periodically with new information and links as they become available. All referenced information and a whole lot more is indexed and linked in the related appendix posts. Please feel free to crosspost, share, and take from my ideas to build your own. Namaste.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Appendix A | Appendix B
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Hello. My name is Chris. I am nobody, really. An average citizen. I am an overweight 42 year old white male from the Midwestern suburbs of the US who has been fortunate enough to live a pretty comfortable life. I used to be a freelance graphic designer with a focus on small businesses, but I'm coming to terms with the fact that that career and part of my life is more than likely over in light of current events. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.
I've always been concerned about social injustice and tried to stay politically informed, even dabbling in some activism here and there. At times I've stepped away from paying attention for my own mental health, or due to laziness, defeatism, whatever. But I've never stopped caring, or trying, to fight the good fight and do the right thing.
The news recently has of course swept us all up, and touched all our lives in some way or another. The world has never seen anything like the "Coronavirus Pandemic," and it's clear that our society will be changed forever when we finally come out the other end of this mess. But I've had the luxury of time recently, and in reading the news about things that were going on, I couldn't help but notice the patterns, and that a lot of stuff didn't exactly make sense.
So, here we go, with the "conspiracy theory."
I hate that term, because although it's technically accurate, it's been demonized and weaponized by the media and society at large to take on a bad connotation. Tinfoil hats, alien abductions, crazy people muttering to themselves, etc. You've no doubt got a lot of images in your mind of a conspiracy theorist.
And make no mistake, what I'm going to tell you here is all currently very popular conspiracy theory. However, I think that by removing opinions and conjecture from it, and focusing on facts and things that have already happened, I can present this huge amount of overwhelming, disparate information in a way that makes it less a "theory" and more a "research project." And so that is how I have approached this.
I have spent the last week doing little else besides reading every news and opinion article I could find, saving and organizing hundreds of links, and assembling a coherent, logical outline to organize and present these theories, and more importantly, facts. There are a lot of less-than-reputable sites and publications out there, and I have tried when at all possible to provide sources from verifiable news sites, with a wide range of slants and focuses, to illustrate that what is happening is not part of any one particular political agenda.
I hope that you take the time to check the links, really look into the information presented here, and form your own opinions. Please do not just take my word for it. To that end, there are also a few links mixed in that are labeled as having come from conspiracy. These are well-written and well-reasoned posts from other concerned citizens that I think are worth reading, and relevant to the discussion here.
One last thing - If you are new to most of these ideas, the information presented here is more than likely going to seem overwhelming at first. I encourage you now, and always, to take mental health breaks for yourself, and put down your phone or turn off your computer. The information will be here when you come back. And as you'll soon understand, what is happening is an unstoppable tide, truly a force of nature at this point, and there is nothing you can do to fight it, so try your hardest to relax, put on some chill music, hug your dog, and most of all...
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If you start researching conspiracy theory, you're going to find a lot of information. Some much better or worse presented than others, and some much more plausible or unbelievable than others. Despite the seeming ridiculousness of some things you might read, I encourage you to always approach new information with an open mind.
That said though, I have one main principle that guides all my beliefs about conspiracy theories, and that is the "Filter of Likelihood." Essentially, you have to ask yourself how possible, how likely, and how feasible a piece of information is. Furthermore, you need to ask yourself what the motivation would be. In many cases, it's quite easy to see how something makes a lot of sense based on other known info, whereas some theories seem rather implausible no matter how you look at it.
I am interested only in the plausible, and where possible, the already actualized. Additionally, there's a lot to be said, and a lot that has already been written on many of these topics, so I will focus on current events and simple concepts.
I will also ask you to open your mind to possibility. Please consider this as you evaluate new information:
  1. Do you believe there are things going on in the world that you don't know about yet?
  2. Do you believe that there is technology and science you've never heard of?
  3. Do you believe that society is progressing at an increasing rate?
  4. Do you believe that as populations grow, we require new societal strategies?
  5. Do you believe that those with power and money want to retain their power and money?
Of course you believe all these things, and none of these are wild or unusual concepts. Rather, these are very basic concepts that apply to everyone, and always have. They are all part of our shared human experience, and undeniable facts of life. Populations grow, societies evolve, technology advances, and the world changes. And most important to our discussion here, people, families, and empires constantly jockey for power and control, while fighting for resources, power, fame, and...
We all hate TicketMaster, right? Who do they think they are, what the hell is this bullshit "service fee," etc. It's something everyone can get behind. But did you know that TicketMaster willingly cultivates that image? That venues, teams, and artists, in their pursuit of more money, raise fees and then let TicketMaster be the bad guy and take the heat so their reputations remain intact?
There are many more people, organizations, and other entities in the world playing that same role for those who really have the money, who really call the shots. And those who call the shots work very hard and spend absolutely unfathomable amounts of money, time, and blood, to make sure that you don't ever realize who's actually taking your money.
They do this in the simplest, easiest way. If you simply control information from the top down, and disseminate it when and where you see fit, you can effect great societal change without lifting a finger.
Please imagine... really, try to imagine... You just read an article, saw a video, whatever, from a very, very reputable source. And it just informed you that an asteroid was 83% likely to impact the Earth next month. What would you do? What would happen in the world?
Hopefully an asteroid will not hit next month, but it's important to really imagine what would happen and why, and how. Because a huge amount of information would be generated and published, people would panic, society would crumble, and the world as you know it would change forever in an instant, the moment you read that headline.
Control of information is one of the most powerful tools known to mankind today. A person living in 2020 can easily encounter as much information in a day as someone in Medieval times might have encountered in a lifetime. And it comes at you from all angles, in all forms, non-stop, 24/7. Much like the water in the pipe, the information is always there, and one needs but turn it on.
Disseminating the information then becomes a practice all its own, and to be sure, information processing accounts for more than half of the US GDP. And the rate at which it's spread, and way it is handled makes a huge difference in the societal repercussions. So a few different techniques are used:
It might be the greatest understatement of all time to say that there has been a lot of information passed around about COVID-19, the "Coronavirus," recently. In fact, there has never been anything like what we are currently experiencing in all of human history, and not by a long shot. And this unprecedented turn of events has caused a lot of people to react in a lot of ways, and say and do a lot of things, for better or for worse.
Full disclosure: In particular, if you look up conspiracy theory, you'll see a lot of stuff suggesting that the "Coronavirus is a hoax." (You'll also find a lot of poorly-written rambling) I want to be clear that I DO NOT believe that. I am 100% sure that there is a Coronavirus, that it is making people sick, that a lot of people are dying, and that our medical professionals and many other undervalued workers are overwhelmed, and breaking their backs every day to do their best to keep their friends, families, and loved ones safe. I am extraordinarily grateful for them and admire the resolve and bravery that so many have shown in the face of this disaster. I do not think it is a hoax at all.
However, I think that literally everything else that is happening surrounding the "pandemic" is.
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The Pandemic
In the first week of January this year, I got sick. Really sick. I know when I got it and who I got it from, and honestly the exact moment I got it (I only was in proximity of the dude for a few minues). He had warned me that he was really sick, and I blew it off. I started feeling sick a day or two later, and a day or two after that I felt like I was dying. Fever, chills, aches, extraordinary fatigue. And literal, nonstop, 24/7 coughing. I had every single symptom of what we now know as COVID-19. I commented to anyone who would listen that I didn't recall ever feeling that sick before in my entire life. The most memorable part of it though was that after a couple days, I completely lost my sense of smell and taste. Joked a lot about how you could feed me onions and soap cause I'd have no idea. I try to have a good attitude about being sick.
I spent a week sleeping on the couch before I finally went to the doctor. She gave me a Prednisolone steroid pack (which has worked well for me in the past), some Trazodone to knock me out, and Benzonatotate for my cough. As soon as I took the first dose of steroids I started to feel pretty fucking great, and it was more or less a non-issue after that.
I spoke to a lot of people about it then and after, and man, I can't tell you how many stories I personally heard from people I know that said the exact same thing. Then I started reading the same story over and over again on Reddit:
We didn't start really hearing about the Coronavirus in the media until the beginning of March, and we didn't hear about the "Pandemic" until just a couple weeks ago. And what a couple weeks it's been since then. But I am quite certain that it's been around for a lot longer and that I, and a lot of other people I know, had it - and DID NOT DIE FROM IT - way back in January.
We now know that the first documented case in the US was on January 19th, but that word "documented" is so, so important here. That means that we had identified the virus, developed a test, and tested a person with the symptoms that day. It does NOT mean that was when the virus reached the United States. How sick do you have to be before you take a day off work? Before you go to the doctor? With America's healthcare system or lack thereof, it's almost certain that many people had this virus before we determined what it was, and how infectious it really was.
There is also the matter of the statistics of severity vs the regular flu. This is a highly contentious topic and I am no medical expert, and do not wish to make any assertions. However, what I can tell you from my personal experience is this: I had a horrible "flu" in January, got basic medicine, got better. So, either I had the flu, or perhaps I did indeed have the Coronavirus.
We will never know because I was never tested. But the important thing is that it doesn't matter. Either I (and many others) had the Coronavirus and it did not kill us (calling into question the severity of the infection) or we just had a bad cold or flu, but it had the exact same symptoms as COVID-19 (calling into question the extent of Coronavirus diagnoses). But logically, one of those two statements is true.
Furthermore, the data keeps changing, and I don't mean increasing on a daily basis. I mean up and down, back and forth, it is deadly or maybe it isn't, etc. On January 14 the WHO told you it couldn't spread from human to human. But then on Jan 19 we saw the first case of Coronavirus in the United States. Then it turns out that the Wuhan market outbreak began earlier in December. And then it's an "epidemic," but most people will only get mild symptoms. What are you supposed to believe? And it sure does seem to come at you as a firehose, and it's hard to even think about anything because OHMYGODTHECORONAVIRUS!
But let's stop and look a couple basic facts. As a matter of fact, I'm going to let Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi explain this one to you. This is a very informative 10 minute video, watch it:
Sucharit Bhakdi - Very clear math showing that the COVID statistics are being manipulated
So 80% of people only experience mild symptoms, and we're crashing the economy for this? The statistics aren't any more extreme than many other illnesses we've had over time, and we're crashing the economy for this? It doesn't make sense until you consider that there are other factors besides just the virus at play.
Wolfgang Wodard - Explaining how the statistics are being manipulated to cause panic
The media, and society at large is inundating you with terrifying information about the Coronavirus. But if it's not as bad as we originally thought, then why? We don't freak out about every illness that comes along, and we've certainly never in the history of civilization had over 1/3 of the global population locked down under mandatory quarantine.
And then there's the debate about where the virus came from. We believe it came from a meat market in China, under unsanitary conditions. The science behind a coronavirus making the leap from one species to another is well-established and researched, and it is a very likely scenario. There are also conspiracy theories that state that China released it on its people intentionally, or even that the US military released it in China. Again, we will never know exactly where this Coronavirus came from. It may be natural, it may be man made, and there are very plausible paths for both. I don't know what to believe myself. So here I ask you to make your own judgement based on likelihood.
What we do know though is that the state of the world this virus has been unleashed on has played a major factor in its spread. In 1950 the global population was 2.5 billion, and that has exploded to almost 8 billion people in 2020. As a matter of fact, population growth has been exponential since about the time of the Industrial Revolution.
With all these people on the planet there are sure to be many disagreements and conflicts, and there indeed have been. As a matter of fact, 2019 saw global protests on an unprecedented scale, in Hong Kong, France, Syria, and many other countries. Citizens have literally been fighting police and military with rocks, clubs, arrows, and molotov cocktails.
Did you know that? Despite my seeing headlines and pictures every day of the riots in Hong Kong, I have been shocked to learn that multiple of my close friends, intelligent and aware people, had no knowledge whatsoever of the protests even existing. But that is far from a coincidence; rather, it is quite by design.
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Billionaires and Coincidences
Another major talking point over the last 5 to 10 years has been the "1%" - the handful of super-rich individuals who posess and control the vast majority of the Earth's wealth and resources. Where it used to just be a numerical term, "Billionaire" is now a dirty word, and one of the nastiest. We all hate billionaires. They are evil, and profit off the exploitation of the rest of the world.
The "Illuminati" we call them, in pursuit of a "New World Order." Crazy stuff, right? Mysterious symbols and people in black robes doing nefarious things in secret meetings, and running the world from behind the scenes. We love the Illuminati, it's a huge pop culture thing now. The subject of endless speculation, they are made fun of in the media, movies, and now Taco Bell commercials. It's so far fetched it could never really be true. And the fact that you think that is by design as well.
So, we don't know where the Coronavirus came from, but it's certainly here, and there are lot of other things unfolding in the world around it. Many different current events from all different places and fields of study. Some of it seems a little too coincidental. It is certainly very coincidental that this economically destructive Coronavirus entered the world right as there were global uprisings, protests in the street, and a growing public hatred for billionaires.
Well, here are a few other coincidences: Hundreds of CEOs of major companies stepped down from their positions in recent months. Multiple US Senators sold stock right before the market crashed. Even the boss of the New York Stock Exchange sold his own stock right before the crash. Did they know something they weren't telling us?
Here's another coincidence. In 2010, The Rockefeller Foundation published a selection of future-predicting scenarios in the name of "exploring the ways that technology and development could co-evolve." One of these four scenarios, entitled "Lock Step," eerily predicts a global viral pandemic and the resulting hypothetical consequences, which almost exactly mirrors the COVID-19 pandemic we are in the midst of today.
Also coincidental: The first case of COVID-19 was diagnosed in China on November 17th, 2019. Literally one month earlier, The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. In this exercise, they discuss the potential implications and consequences of a novel Coronavirus, including an economic crash, martial law, and of particular interest, the control of information. (You can view some published highlights here)
The World Economic Forum is comprised of the richest of the rich. The 1%. The Billionaires. CEO's, politicians, business owners, and many other powerful and influential figures. They meet regularly to discuss topics of global concern, and strongly control the dissemination of information. And of primary concern to many of them is maintaining their wealth and power in a rapidly-changing world.
And finally, here's one more coincidence: At the exact same time as the Event 201 exercise, The World Military Games was held in Wuhan, China, Oct 18-27, 2019. It was the largest military sports event ever to be held in China, with nearly 10,000 athletes from over 100 countries competing in 27 sports. Wuhan China was, as we now believe, the source of our current global COVID-19 outbreak.
Whether you think it is a "conspiracy" or not, that is all certainly coincidental, to say the least.
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"Why didn't I hear about any of this?"
That's an excellent question, and one that likely has multiple answers. For starters, how much do you really pay attention? Where do you get your news from? Do you research things you hear or just accept them on hearsay? Critical thinking skills are paramount in making sense of the chaos unfolding all around us.
As I mentioned before, I can tell you that I personally know multiple people who had no clue whatsoever about the riots in Hong Kong last year. As you read this, you may be one of them. And it may seem like something that is happening far away, and "could never happen here." Or you may have been aware of it but just that it was happening. But please, consider for a moment: millions of average citizens risked their lives and safety in the streets of Hong Kong for months on end, fighting police and military, and transforming the city they lived in into a warzone. WHY? Why would people do something like that? Regardless of their motivations, that many people were banding together to fight for something they believed in. And that is worth considering.
It's not really your fault though that you may not catch wind of all this news. The "mainstream media" that you hear about all the time deliberately controls information - downplaying threats and overreacting to silly things - in order to make sure that you hear the version of the news that they want you to hear.
Did you know that only 6 corporations control 90% of the media In America? That number is reduced from 50 companies in the 80's. And literally all the news you see on TV, at the very least, is 100% owned and controlled by these companies. Lately, distrust is growing for cable news networks, and many people turn to their local hometown station for trusted news. The problem with that though is that your hometown station is probably owned by Sinclair Media, one of the most powerful broadcast networks in the country that you've never heard of.
Please watch this very brief video, illustrating the chokehold that Sinclair Media maintains over your nightly local news broadcast:
Of course, not every piece of news is pre-programmed but a lot is. The real news is out there, but sometimes you have to look a little deeper than the infographics on TV news. Even if information is being directed from the top down, the boots on the ground tend to be passionate people with a variety of interests and agendas, and they are still doing their best to do real journalism despite corporate oversight.
Think of those who are directing the information as steering an impossibly massive ship with a rudder. You can slowly adjust the course of direction, however it is slow to react. If you want to stop, you have to start thinking about stopping wayyy ahead of time. And similarly, once it gets underway, it is then influenced by an inertia all its own. Micro controls and adjustments aren't really possible.
Our society is this giant ship. There are 8 billion people on this earth - that is 8000 million. An incomprehensible number that grows rapidly every day. As civilization grows and advances, so does our medicine, our technology, our cultural norms. These are all natural processes that are necessary to manage an increasing number of societies all around the globe. And many of the advances we're making have exciting potential benefits for humanity, although as with all tools, they also inherently possess the potential for abuse.
Here are some other things happening in society right now, some you may be aware of and many you may not:
There is an interesting chicken or egg relationship between science fiction and real world science. Sci-fi writers are inspired by the real science of the day, then they apply their creativity to imagine what might be in the future. Young scientists encounter these fantastical ideas and think they are worth pursuing, and then set about to make them a reality, and the cycle continues.
Futuristic concepts are then preempted and introduced through the media to the conscious mind, as we include them in books, movies, TV, video games, and more. Eventually we start seeing headlines of these new technologies and developments happening in other places, usually Japan and China first due to their prevalence in the industrial and technological sectors of our global economy.

Continue to Part 2 >>

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Georgia Tombstones (Part 1)

Georgia Tombstones (Part 1)
by Jayge 8^J
“The Earth has a cancer and the cancer is Man.” -- Club of Rome
“If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.” -- Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
“Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world, because the US economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries.” “World population needs to be decreased by 50%.” “Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.” and “The elderly are useless eaters.” -- Henry Kissinger
“A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.” -- Ted Turner
“In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it’s just as bad not to say it.” -- Jacques Cousteau
“Global Sustainability requires the deliberate quest of poverty, reduced resource consumption and set levels of mortality control.” -- Maurice King
“Society has no business to permit degenerates to reproduce their kind.” Theodore Roosevelt
“The present vast overpopulation, now far beyond the world carrying capacity, cannot be answered by future reductions in the birth rate due to contraception, sterilization and abortion, but must be met in the present by the reduction of numbers presently existing. This must be done by whatever means necessary.” -- Eco 92 Earth Charter
“There are many ways to make the death rate increase.” -- Robert McNamara
"Actually, the problem in the world is that there are too many rich people." -- Paul R. Ehrlich
"Move!" barked an IDF sow, jamming the snout of her Uzi into the backs of 2 Arab women, who winced innocently while I seethed, as if a few inches might make the line any shorter or faster. The bitch then turned to me, pawing at my papers to read my nephew-designed t-shirt. "Why don't you mind your own business?" I asked rhetorically, not interested in a reply, but she scanned me via RFID & oinked incoherently, as if that excused her obnoxious behavior. Friday August 9th 2019 began oddly enough with police banning cell phones, cameras, & reporters for midday prayers at the Islamic Dome of the Rock shrine atop 'Temple Mount', Al Aqsa Compound, & Haram esh-Sharif in East Jerusalem.
In his best Nazi goosestep imitation, 'the Donald' duckwalked to the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room podium in the White House West Wing at 9 am sharp & quacked, "I'm declaring martial law today to protect American liberty, in the wake of widespread chaos by disloyal Democrats, lying liberal media, & antifa anarchy. I'll sign executive orders to hold the DNC accountable, fine them billions, & add 4 more justices of my choosing to the Supreme Court. Sad that DC Mall cameras were too weak to record 6 million angels at my brilliant YUGE inauguration!" A sparse set of sycophant supporter reporters from Fox News, right wing radio, & other Murdock media, chanted in unison, "USA! Lock 'em up! Hail, Zion!"
Earlier, Trump's lard-ass Dick 'Tater' Cheney clone 'Bibi Face' Netanyahu had been terrorizing Palestinians nonstop by bulldozing homes, strafing with white phosphorus, & sniping at random with lethal ammunition, in prep for Tisha B'av, while moaning about temple destruction, & whining that Israel needed more tribute money. Meanwhile, his demolition team secretly wired Bir al-Arwah, Well of Souls, & the Guf inside the Foundation Stone to detonate a mosque full of Muslims at Friday prayers, blaming it on ISIS, which the media monopoly echoed. With the contentious site cleared of precious Islamic treasures & a prophesied rare red heifer ready, Israel proceeded with plans to build its 3rd temple. Most Ashkenazi Jews & pseudo-Christian Zionists were euphoric. Ready or not, they'd force their saviors to appear.
A cursory look at recent U.S. presidents (32-45) reveals some trivial tidbits: 1st 4-term president, who survived a fascist coup, 1st A-bomber president, who formed the CIA, Majestic 12, & NSA, yet felt more honored as top MO Mason, 1st ETO commander president, 1st president murdered by a huge conspiracy, including 3 future presidents in town that day, 2nd Johnson to succeed a slain president, 1st president to urge by letter another future president to run, after sitting with yet a 3rd at Bohemian Grove, 1st president unelected nor VP, 1st Trilateral Commission president, 1st actor president, 2 sinister secretive Bonesmen, 1st fake 'Black' president, 1st mixed-race former Muslim president, & 1st blatantly racist, misogynous, bankrupt, 'Jewish' mafia casino thug president, who lost by 3 million counted votes plus millions more disenfranchised votes.
Genocide by elites, likely Zionists who insist on a 6 million Jew holocaust, is etched in silent granite testimony 9 miles north of Elberton GA at 34°13′55″N 82°53′40″W since 3/22/1980. The Georgia Guidestones call for a 95+% reduction in human population, which is estimated to reach 7,777,777,777 in late 2019. For any who say the slabs are innocent assumption of a devastating 'accidental' nuclear war, global elite billionaire megalomaniacs waging that war from their insular bunkers are still to blame. Far more likely though, is a 95+% culling of humanity via means less destructive to property, like bioweaponry, neutron bombs, directed energy, sonic weapons, & Aussie vaporizers.
"The Georgia Guidestones are a granite monument erected in 1980 in Elbert County, Georgia, in the United States. A set of 10 guidelines is inscribed on the structure in eight modern languages and a shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in four ancient language scripts...A message consisting of a set of ten guidelines or principles is engraved on the Georgia Guidestones in eight different languages, one language on each face of the four large upright stones. Moving clockwise around the structure from due north, these languages are: English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity. Unite humanity with a living new language. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court. Avoid petty laws and useless officials. Balance personal rights with social duties. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature...Let these be guidestones to an Age of Reason" -- Wikipedia
"Biological warfare and chemical warfare overlap to an extent, as the use of toxins produced by some living organisms is considered under the provisions of both the Biological Weapons Convention and the Chemical Weapons Convention . Toxins and psychochemical weapons are often referred to as midspectrum agents . Unlike bioweapons, these midspectrum agents do not reproduce in their host and are typically characterized by shorter incubation periods." -- Wikipedia
"A neutron bomb, officially termed one type of Enhanced Radiation Weapon (ERW), is a low yield thermonuclear weapon in which a burst of neutrons generated by a nuclear fusion reaction is intentionally allowed to escape the weapon, rather than being absorbed by its other components. The neutron bomb was to be used as a tactical nuclear weapon intended for use against armored forces." -- Wikipedia
"A directed-energy weapon (DEW) is a ranged weapon system that inflicts damage at a target by emission of highly focused energy, including laser, microwaves and particle beams. Potential applications of this technology include anti-personnel weapon systems, missile defense system, and the disabling of lightly armored vehicles or mounted optical devices" -- Wikipedia
"Sonic and ultrasonic weapons are weapons of various types that use sound to injure, incapacitate, or kill an opponent. Some sonic weapons are currently in limited use or in research and development by military and police forces. Some of these weapons have been described as sonic bullets, sonic grenades, sonic mines, or sonic cannons. Some make a focused beam of sound or ultrasound; some make an area field of sound." -- Wikipedia
"Metal Storm has created a 36-barreled stacked projectile volley gun, boasting the highest rate of fire in the world. The prototype array demonstrated a firing rate of just over 1 million rounds per minute for a 180-round burst of 0.01 seconds (~27,777 rpm / barrel). Firing within 0.1 seconds from up to 1600 barrels (at maximum configuration) the gun claimed a maximum rate of fire of 1.62 million RPM and creating a dense wall (0.1 m between follow-up projectiles) of 24,000 projectiles." -- Wikipedia
"Even though it may look, sound, and act like a death ray, China claims that its new long-range pain beam isn’t lethal. Considering the claim that it can cause “overwhelming pain,” though, a victim just might wish it killed them anyway. Ever since Transmetropolitan’s bowel disruptor terrified a dystopian future and Minority Report made the movie-going world wonder — if only for a fleeting moment — if they’d rather be shot with a bullet than hit with the sick stick, there have been actual weapons developed in the real world that seem straight out of science fiction. While it hasn’t been used to win a war just yet, the beginnings of sonic weaponry already exist, and the US Navy already has laser weaponry that is controlled with a device reminiscent of a video game controller. China’s new weapon, dubbed the Poly WB-1, doesn’t make you uncontrollably poop or incapacitate you through induced vomiting, but it burns you from the inside out from over half a mile (or one kilometer) away. The Poly WB-1 uses millimeter wave beams to excite the water molecules within a victim until they heat up, causing overwhelming — but non-lethal — pain. Basically, it’s like a household kitchen microwave turned into a long-range, targeted weapon. As you can see from the image to the right, the beam is attached to a very conspicuous truck, complete with military colors and emergency lights — you don’t have to worry about someone sneaking it through a security checkpoint at an airport or concert just yet. Publicly, at least, the Poly WB-1 isn’t slated for miniaturization just yet, but will instead be attached to ships. While a pain beam sounds absolutely terrifying, it’s arguably a step in a safer direction for military conflict than the tried-and-true lethal favorites of bullets, bombs, and fire. It’s also a much safer alternative to weapons that use chemical or biological agents. Though the Poly WB-1 sounds like it’s from the future, it’s not the first non-lethal pain beam that acts like a microwave. The US developed its own microwave pain beam back in 2007, the Raytheon Active Denial System, as a means of crowd control. It was deployed in 2010, but wasn’t ever used — reportedly because of a 16-hour boot time, and massive fuel cost if left in standby mode after boot — and recalled the same year. It was also a satellite-like object placed atop a truck. Even if China has figured out the boot time and fuel cost, it may be keeping the weapon as insurance or a looming threat, rather than actually using it — the negative publicity of a long-range pain beam that microwaves people might be too much for China to handle if the rest of the world has a problem with it. For now, just be glad you can’t sneak that thing through a metal detector." --
"Radio-frequency identification (RFID) uses electromagnetic fields to automatically identify and track tags attached to objects. The tags contain electronically stored information. Passive tags collect energy from a nearby RFID reader's interrogating radio waves. Active tags have a local power source such as a battery and may operate at hundreds of meters from the RFID reader. Unlike a barcode, the tag need not be within the line of sight of the reader, so it may be embedded in the tracked object. RFID is one method for Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC). RFID tags are used in many industries, for example, an RFID tag attached to an automobile during production can be used to track its progress through the assembly line; RFID-tagged pharmaceuticals can be tracked through warehouses; and implanting RFID microchips in livestock and pets allows for positive identification of animals. Since RFID tags can be attached to cash, clothing, and possessions, or implanted in animals and people, the possibility of reading personally-linked information without consent has raised serious privacy concerns. These concerns resulted in standard specifications development addressing privacy and security issues. ISO/IEC 18000 and ISO/IEC 29167 use on-chip cryptography methods for untracebility, tag and reader authentication, and over-the-air privacy. ISO/IEC 20248 specifies a digital signature data structure for RFID and barcodes providing data, source and read method authenticity. This work is done within ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 31 Automatic identification and data capture techniques. Tags can also be used in shops to expedite checkout, and to prevent theft by customers and employees. In 2014, the world RFID market was worth US$8.89 billion, up from US$7.77 billion in 2013 and US$6.96 billion in 2012. This figure includes tags, readers, and software/services for RFID cards, labels, fobs, and all other form factors. The market value is expected to rise to US$18.68 billion by 2026." -- Wikipedia
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic..." ~Arthur C. Clarke
"It is completely clear that the state which is first to create such [psychotronic] weapons will achieve incomparable superiority." ~Major I. Chernishev, Russian army
"Whoever controls the best directed energy weapons controls the world without guns or bullets." ~Vladimir Putin
"With Remote Neural Monitoring Humanity is the Think Tank...Artificial intelligence is at the heart of the conspiracy." ~Omnisense
"It seems AI has the power of the Matrix (in the movie) without the need for us to be in a pod plugged in." ~Andrew Hale
"We have things in the Nevada desert that are alien to your way of thinking far beyond anything you see on Star Trek...If you've seen it in Star Trek or Star Wars, we've been there and done that." ~Ben Rich, Lockheed Skunkworks Program Manager
Perhaps for his temerity in asking Bonesmen about 322, veteran journalist Tim Russert was pronounced dead at 2:23 pm 6/13/2008. "When Tim Russert asked President George W. Bush what the Skull and Bones special number - 322 ­ signified Bush replied that this was a secret. Senator John Kerry, who ran against Bush in 2004, is also a member of this ultra-secret society. He also refused to tell us what the number 322 meant to Skull and Bones. Skull and Bones is a German secret organization that successfully transferred itself across the Atlantic Ocean in the early 1800's. When you back-engineer the secret societies from which the German version of Skull and Bones emerged one finds a strange fascination with Mars. March is the only month of the year that is named after a specific planet in the solar system. It is also the first day of spring as well as the first day in the zodiacal sign of Aries, which is the Greek word for Mars, and it is where 'March' gets its name. The number 322 is vitally important to these secret societies especially Skull and Bones, which has the number, enshrined in their tomb at Yale. The number 322 is actually the number for March 22nd. The first day of Aries, also called Mars. The great alchemist Fulcanelli was a member of a secret society in Europe. He tells us of a secret elite that rule the world. In his obscure book Mystery of the Cathedrals he tells us that there is a secret science called alchemy that only the elites understand. He also tells us that all alchemy begins in Aries (Mars)." -- "Fulcanelli was the name used by a French alchemist and esoteric author, whose identity is still debated. The name Fulcanelli seems to be a play on words: Vulcan, the ancient Roman god of fire, plus El, a Canaanite name for God and so the Sacred Fire." -- Wikipedia
"Skull and Bones is an undergraduate senior secret student society at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. The oldest senior class society at the university, Skull and Bones has become a cultural institution known for its powerful alumni and various conspiracy theories. The society's alumni organization, the Russell Trust Association, owns the organization's real estate and oversees the membership. The society is known informally as "Bones", and members are known as "Bonesmen"." -- Wikipedia
"The order was incorporated in 1856 by General William Huntington Russell, and Alphonso Taft who became Secretary of War under President Grant in 1876. The numerical value of this year is 1+8+7+6 = 22, and the numerical motto for Skull and Bones is 322, or 3 x’s 22 which you will see below is not a coincidence. In numerology, the number 22 is often called the Master Builder. The Phoenician-Hebrews possess 22 books and their alphabet is made up of 22 letters, which was created to compose the Word of God. The Kabbalah teaches us that the letters of the Hebrew alphabet are the building blocks of universe. The underlying occult scientific significance of the number 22 in science would represent the bones of the skull, of which there are twenty-two. 8 form the cranium, or braincase, and 14 are associated with the face. Our brains are what we use to think, reason and come to know the divine or God. The 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet created to compose the Word of God is our 22 boned skull, and the place where we receive the light to become illuminated, or enlightened beings. Hence, to be like Saint John and have our own Revelation. This is why I believe Skull and Bones had chosen the number 22 as the master builders of a New World Order (NWO). This fact would be validated by Bonesmen, former CIA director and President, George HW Bush; who in the video below taken from National television, makes no bones about their Apocalyptic plans for a New World Order. Please keep in mind that this speech of biblical proportions was done on 9-11-1991, and it was exactly 10 years later to the day that the U.S. suffered an attack on the World Trade Center Towers. Shortly thereafter his son George W. Bush would begin the war in Iraq. Now I would like to theorize about the number 66 and the connection to the Skull and Bones numerical motto of 322…In the bible, the Number 66 is the numerical value of the Wheel from the Hebrew Galgal, which is very similar to the word Google; meaning a wheel, whirl, whirlwind, or simply Chaos. The meaning of Gal, Gul or Gull, is to trick or to cheat. The word “curse” is used 66 times in the Old Testament. “As for the wheels, it was cried unto them in my hearing, O wheel.” – Ezekiel 10.13 This chaos of tricks may be indicative of the CIA domestic counter terrorism plan founded under Skull and Bones member, James Jesus Angleton who was called the “Mother of the Central Intelligence Agency.” Angleton was directly responsible for a domestic espionage project called Operation CHAOS, and had coined the phrase, “Deception is a state of mind and the mind of the State.” Hence, from this point forward the CIA would play a central role in creating chaos both domestically and abroad, or ORDO AB CHAO which is the motto of the 33rd degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry." --
“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” ― Woodrow Wilson, The New Freedom
Bilderberger elites met for the 66th time 6/7-10/2018 in Turin Italy. "The key topics for discussion this year include: Populism in Europe, The inequality challenge, The future of work, Artificial intelligence, The US before midterms, Free trade, US world leadership, Russia, Quantum computing, Saudi Arabia and Iran, The 'post-truth' world, & Current events" -- "The Bilderberg meeting is an annual conference established in 1954 by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands 'to foster dialogue between Europe and North America'. Participants are European and North American political leaders, experts from industry, finance, academia, and the media. The meetings are held under the Chatham House Rule. The Bilderberg meetings are also unofficially called the 'Bilderberg Group', 'Bilderberg conference' or 'Bilderberg Club'." -- Wikipedia
"The Bilderberg Group meets annually at the world’s most ritzy hotels and resorts, surrounded by an armada of armed private security and local police, for a closed-door, three-day forum involving about 140 top corporate titans, technology gurus, select royalty, central bankers, former and current intelligence officials, think-tank fellows, and select reporters and editors who leave their ethics and notebooks at the gate. The sitting head of NATO attends every year. Most attendees come from Europe and North America." --
"Although geographically separate, the city-states of London, the Vatican, and the District of Colombia are one interlocking empire called Empire of The City. The flag of Washington’s District of Colombia has three red stars, one for each city-state in the three city empire. This Corporate Empire of three city-states controls the world economically through London’s inner-city, militarily through the District of Colombia, and spiritually through the Vatican. From the mystery religions of ancient Egypt to the Zionist role in 9/11, Ring Of Power 'unrevises' 4000 years of revisionist human history with never - before - seen revelations." --
"California Wildfires: Role of Undisclosed Atmospheric Manipulation and Geoengineering SAN DIEGO, Nov. 14, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- California Governor Jerry Brown blames climate change for the currently raging wildfires in California. A recently published scientific article challenges that assertion, and reveals a fundamentally different underlying cause for the California wildfire severity that officials have neglected to disclose. Published October 1, 2018 in the Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, the scientific article by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD, of Transdyne Corporation and Mark Whiteside, MD, MPH, a Florida Department of Health physician, reveals an unrecognized source of causality leading to increases in combustibility, intensity, and the extent of California, wildfires, and the concomitant harm to human and environmental health. The authors, as noted in the article, "review the evidence that atmospheric manipulation utilizing aerosolized coal fly ash is a primary factor in the extent and severity of forest fires in California and elsewhere; adverse effects include exacerbation of drought, tree and vegetation die- off and desiccation, and unnaturally heating the atmosphere and surface regions of Earth." Jet-spraying tiny particles into the region where clouds form, instead of compensating for global warming as some climate scientists wrongly believe, does quite the opposite including, as the article reveals, inhibiting rainfall, retarding heat loss from the surface, contributing to global warming, blocking the flow of moisture-laden clouds from the Pacific, causing climate chaos, poisoning the environment, and posing serious potential health risks to humans. The article further reveals, "Forest combustibility is increased by moisture-absorbing aerosolized particles that damage the waxy coatings of leaves and needles, reducing their tolerance to drought. The aerial climate manipulation using coal fly ash greatly increases the potential for forest fire ignition by lightning. In addition as the article discloses, "Wildfires dramatically worsen baseline air pollution, emitting harmful gases and volatile organic compounds, and they both concentrate and re-emit toxic elements and radioactive nuclides over a wide area." As the article states, "The type of air pollution created by wildfires is associated with increased all-cause mortality, with the greatest impact on respiratory and cardiovascular disease. Studies have shown that aerosolized coal fly ash is an important risk factor for chronic lung disease, lung cancer and neurodegenerative disease. Failure to recognize multifold adverse consequences of jet-spraying particulates into the atmosphere … will continue the progression of ever-accelerating ecological disasters." The undisclosed jet-sprayed tiny particles do not remain in the region where clouds form, but mix with the air we breathe posing, without informed consent, human and environmental health calamities. No one has the right to poison the air we breathe or to corrupt our planet's complex and interrelated natural processes that makes life on Earth possible. The raging severity of the California wildfires should be a wakeup call for prudent citizens to demand an immediate and permanent halt to all geoengineering activities." --
"Conspiracy Confirmed: US Government Openly Meets To Discuss Future of Chemtrails/Geoengineering 11/11/2017 Wednesday marked the first time that the U.S. government openly acknowledged and discussed the reality of chemtrails—or as they and their ilk call it, “geoengineering.” Politicians and members of various fields convened for the US House Subcommittee on Environment and Subcommittee on Energy Hearing, discussing everything from funding the controversial sky-spraying operations to closely regulating them to prevent significant damage to the public. “One concern,” said Committee Chairman Lamar Smith during the hearing, “is that brightening clouds could alter rain patterns, making it rain more in some places or less in others. We still do not know enough about this subject to thoroughly understand the pros and cons of these types of technologies.” Described by some as a “coming out party” for the entire geoengineering industry, the hearing also acted as a way to legitimize the field and gain federal funding from the Trump Administration. [Philip] Rasch and [Joseph] Majkut are two climate specialists who testified Wednesday…on the potential for “geoengineering” — a catchall for proposals to directly cool the atmosphere or pull carbon emissions from it. “One idea gaining traction is to seed marine clouds with salt water or other particles, increasing their potential to reflect solar rays, cooling the earth. Its part of nascent and controversial branch of science known as “sunlight reflection methods,” or SRM. “’We think SRM could buy time for other (carbon-reduction) measures to be put in place,” said…Rasch, chief climate scientist for the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, Washington. “’If the worst case scenarios of global warming come to pass,” [added Majkut,] “these technologies could be used to help people, saving lives and economies from the worst effects of climate change.” America’s own elected representatives, along with key specialists in a variety of fields, are openly discussing spraying the sky with potentially-toxic materials. It’s an irony too bitter to handle after years of disinformation and social ostracization against the so-called “conspiracy theorists” who were convinced that large airliners high in the sky were spraying something…unnatural. But it hasn’t only been online speculators—numerous studies have suggested someone is spraying something into the sky, and sometimes with toxic consequences. “The widespread, intentional and increasingly frequent chemical emplacement in the troposphere,” reads one study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research, “has gone unidentified and unremarked in the scientific literature for years.” “The author presents evidence that toxic coal combustion fly ash is the most likely aerosolized particulate sprayed by tanker-jets for geoengineering, weather-modification and climate-modification purposes and describes some of the multifold consequences on public health.” Despite openly advocating for what was once ridiculed as a conspiracy theory—and which has plenty of evidence suggesting it could be harmful to the public’s health—attendees at the hearing casually discussed the importance of “regulating” upcoming geoengineering operations. Jerry McNerney, a Congressman from California, announced his plans to oversee any such spraying initiatives, including urging the Energy Department to support two new reports by the National Academy of Sciences, one of which includes suggestions on how to regulate the practice. A significant motive for chemtrailing seems to be centered on combating climate change. Chairman smith emphasized, “…we are not sure this is plausible, some scientists believe it could achieve substantial environmental benefits at a cheaper cost than regulations,” adding that there was, indeed, a potential for “unintended consequences of geoengineering.”" --
submitted by anti-ZOG-sci-fry to u/anti-ZOG-sci-fry [link] [comments]

Trump's Personal Wealth - A conspiracy dating back to 1976.
In May 1984, an official from the Trump Organization called to tell me how rich Donald J. Trump was. I was reporting for the Forbes 400, the magazine’s annual ranking of America’s richest people, for the third year. In the previous edition, we’d valued Trump’s holdings at $200 million, only one-fifth of what he claimed to own in our interviews. This time, his aide urged me on the phone, I needed to understand just how loaded Trump really was.
The official was John Barron — a name we now know as an alter ego of Trump himself. When I recently rediscovered and listened, for first time since that year, to the tapes I made of this and other phone calls, I was amazed that I didn’t see through the ruse: Although Trump altered some cadences and affected a slightly stronger New York accent, it was clearly him. “Barron” told me that Trump had taken possession of the business he ran with his father, Fred. “Most of the assets have been consolidated to Mr. Trump,” he said. “You have down Fred Trump [as half owner] . . . but I think you can really use Donald Trump now.” Trump, through this sockpuppet, was telling me he owned “in excess of 90 percent” of his family’s business. With all the home runs Trump was hitting in real estate, Barron told me, he should be called a billionaire.
At the time, I suspected that some of this was untrue. I ran Trump’s assertions to the ground, and for many years I was proud of the fact that Forbes had called him on his distortions and based his net worth on what I thought was solid research.
But it took decades to unwind the elaborate farce Trump had built to project an image as one of the richest people in America. Nearly every assertion supporting that claim was untrue. Trump wasn’t just poorer than he said he was. Over time I have learned that he should not have been on the first three Forbes 400 lists at all. In our first-ever list, in 1982, we included him at $100 million, but Trump was actually worth roughly $5 million — a paltry sum by the standards of his super-monied peers — as a spate of government reports and books showed only much later.
The White House declined to comment for this story. The Trump Organization did not respond to a request for comment.
I was a determined 25-year-old reporter, and I thought that, by reeling Trump back from some of his more outrageous claims, I’d done a public service and exposed the truth. But his confident deceptions were so big that they had an unexpected effect: Instead of believing that they were outright fabrications, my Forbes colleagues and I saw them simply as vain embellishments on the truth. We were so wrong.
This was a model Trump would use for the rest of his career, telling a lie so cosmic that people believed that some kernel of it had to be real. The tactic landed him a place on the Forbes list he hadn’t earned — and led to future accolades, press coverage and deals. It eventually paved a path toward the presidency.

Malcolm Forbes came up with the idea of the Forbes 400 in 1981 and assigned me to spend a year traveling around the country and interviewing wealthy people and those who worked with them about one another. The most challenging sector was private real estate wealth. My grandfather had been an accountant to a number of major New York developers, so I had the advantage of knowing many of the players there. But the reporting was opaque, because so few of the relevant financial documents were public; we relied disproportionately on what people told us. As the project progressed, other experienced reporters and editors joined what would become the most successful annual special issue in Forbes history.
From the beginning, Trump was obsessed. The project could offer a clear, supposedly authoritative declaration of his status as a player, and while many of the super-rich wanted to keep their names off the ranking, Trump was desperate to scale it.
When I first contacted him for the inaugural issue, Trump pulled out all the stops to convince me that he was the wealthiest real estate developer in New York. At an afternoon-long meeting in his cavernous Fifth Avenue office, he argued that his family was worth more than $900 million and deserved to be higher on our list than any of the far more accomplished developers (with names like Rose and Rudin) who had spent generations building top-tier housing in the golden borough of Manhattan. His father, Fred Trump, was well known for building nearly all the apartments that the Trump Organization owned before Donald even joined the company, so it amazed me when Donald claimed that he, and not his father, possessed 80 percent of the 23,000 apartments he said they had in Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island. He added that these were almost debt free and worth $40,000 each.
I questioned his valuation. Trump shrugged and said, “Okay, then $20,000 each.” That would mean his family was worth some $500 million, still atop our list for New York real estate tycoons.
But that figure seemed high. I estimated the apartments to be worth about $9,000 each: They could not easily be converted to lucrative co-ops, and Trump had falsely described the location of the Queens buildings. He’d claimed they were in Forest Hills when, in fact, they were in the far less valuable Jamaica Estates neighborhood a few miles away. Since Donald’s new projects were still in development or unproven, the outer-borough apartments formed the basis of a Trump family net worth estimate of $200 million.
Six weeks after my initial interview, I received a call at my desk from Trump’s secretary and gatekeeper, Norma Foerderer . She said she wanted my work address so Trump could send me an invitation to a company party. Then she abruptly added: “Oh, Donald was just passing by! He said that he wanted to have a few words with you.”
I switched on my audio recorder — my normal practice — as Trump expressed his concern for what he called “your little article.” He invited me for a follow-up interview with him because, he said, because he was richer than the rest. “I don’t think that you have your facts 100 percent correct” about his standing vis-a-vis other New York developers. I was contemplating a too-low appraisal of his net worth, he said. “You had us down in a certain category, and then you mentioned other names, and there’s no contest, you know. I mean, there’s no contest. So I just wanted to mention that.”
Trump knew I had doubts about his assertions, so he had his lawyer, Roy Cohn, call me. Cohn spent most of his time threatening lawsuits, schmoozing with mobster clients and badgering reporters with off-the-record utterances that made his clients look good and their enemies look bad. Cohn surprised me at my Forbes desk that summer: “Jon Greenberg,” a scrappy voice bellowed, before I could connect my tape recorder. I took notes by hand. “This is Roy. Roy Cohn! You can’t quote me! But Donny tells me you’re putting together this list of rich people. He says you’ve got him down for just $200 million! That’s way too low, way too low! Listen, I’m Donny’s personal lawyer, but he said I could talk to you about this. I am sitting here looking at his current bank statement. It shows he’s got more than $500 million in liquid assets, just cash. That’s just Donald, nothing to do with Fred, and it’s just cash.” He concluded: “He’s worth more than any of those other guys in this town!”
I offered to have a messenger pick up the bank statement at his office. Cohn protested that the document was confidential. “Just trust me,” he said. I told him I wouldn’t take his word without seeing the paperwork. “It’s confidential!” Cohn yelled.
My Forbes editors and I spent many hours deliberating about where to place Trump. Based on what little we knew — his claims; a 1976 New York Times profile that said the Trump Organization owned 22,000 apartments; and Fred’s reputation for housing a generation of working-class New Yorkers in Brooklyn and Queens — we ranked Donald and Fred in the bottom tier among major real-estate developers, each with half of a $200 million apartment empire.
Even though I learned later that this was far more money than Donald possessed, it did not satisfy him for the following year’s edition. During his 1983 interview, Trump claimed that there were actually 25,000 apartments and that his net worth had ballooned because of the success of his new projects, Trump Tower and the Grand Hyatt Hotel on East 42nd Street, as well as a pending casino deal in Atlantic City.
Then Cohn called again, this time to say Trump was worth more than $700 million. I recorded our chat. He opened with an outrageous claim that Trump had personally received $250 million from the recent sale of a 50 percent interest in his new project to build a Harrah’s casino in Atlantic City. “A certain amount was cleared, say, around a hundred million,” Cohn said. “. . . But the balance was used by him to liquidate certain other things, which made his overall position very impregnable. Trump Tower has been going like a house afire, and the profits on that are much higher than had been anticipated, and the same is true with Grand Hyatt. On top of which he’s been in a series of private transactions, and he files with banks for between $700 to $750 million, as well as with Equitable” — Equitable Life Assurance, the company that financed Trump Tower — “which backs him in all of his deals.”
Again, Cohn refused to show me a statement, but armed with misinformation about Trump’s casino payout and claims about cash flow at other properties, I inflated his (and his father’s) net worth to $200 million each. In retrospect, Fred Trump was probably worth half that amount, and Donald, once again, should not have been on the list at all.
The next year I received two calls from “John Barron,” the fictitious Trump executive who told me that Donald had taken “in excess of 90 percent” ownership from Fred. He also suggested that Trump was on track to earn a $50 million profit every year from his first Atlantic City casino. And so, in 1984, we increased Donald’s net worth estimate to $400 million and left Fred in, for his last year on the Forbes 400, at $200 million. (Barron also bad-mouthed the competition, saying that developer George Klein had struck a “bad deal” to redevelop Times Square — a bid Trump had lost — and was “going to go down the tubes.”)
Although Trump, posing as Barron, asked Forbes to conduct the conversation off the record, I am publishing it here. I believe an intent to deceive — both with the made-up persona and the content of the call — released me from my good-faith pledge. In a 1990 court case, Trump testified that he had used false names in phone calls to reporters. In 2016, when The Washington Post published a similar recording, Trump denied it was him.
Fred Trump turned down my attempts to interview him for the Forbes 400. He allowed Donald to say whatever he wanted about the family’s business. In the only major interview he gave after Donald seized the limelight, Fred told the New York Times in 1983 that “Donald has a competitive spirit and I don’t want to compete with him. . . . He amazes me. He’s gone way beyond me, absolutely.”

Eventually, nearly every one of Trump’s pronouncements about his wealth unraveled.
The number of apartments was the first problem. The commonly cited figure — that his family owned 25,000 units — began with the mention of 22,000 apartments in that fawning 1976 New York Times profile. In 1988, after I left Forbes, I counted the units and found fewer than 8,000. (I was working briefly on a documentary about Trump that was never completed.) Another Forbes reporter that year, John Anderson, found the same thing. He called the Trump residential management organization, he told me then, and asked an executive named Harry Green how many apartments the company owned. “About 10,000,” Green told him, meaning that our 1982 family valuation of $200 million should have been just $90 million (below the cutoff at that time for inclusion on the list). A few minutes later, Green called Anderson back and corrected himself: Now there were 25,000 again.
Another brazen claim was that Trump, not his father, owned the company’s outer-borough apartments, which his father built beginning in the 1930s. Based on what Trump said during our 1982 and 1983 interviews, I’d assumed that Donald and Fred each owned half, resisting the son’s insistence that he had purchased 80 percent of the units or consolidated the holdings himself. Still, this comment went into the Forbes 400 records, and in 1985, after I left the project, Trump was estimated to be worth $600 million, and his father was off the list.
It would be decades before I learned that Forbes had been conned: In the early 1980s, Trump had zero equity in his father’s company. According to Fred’s will (portions of which appeared in a lawsuit), the father retained legal ownership of his residential empire until his death in 1999, at which point he left it to be divided between his four surviving children and some of his grandchildren. That explains why, after Trump went bankrupt in the early 1990s, he borrowed $30 million from his siblings, secured by an estimated $35 million share of his future inheritance, according to three sources in Tim O’Brien’s 2005 biography, “TrumpNation.” He could have used his own assets as collateral if he’d had any worth that amount, but he didn’t.
The most revelatory document describing Trump’s true net worth in the early ’80s was a 1981 report from the New Jersey Casino Control Commission. O’Brien obtained a copy for his book. Trump had applied for an Atlantic City casino license, and regulators were able to review his tax returns and personal and corporate debt, giving them the most accurate picture of his finances. They found that he had an income of about $100,000 a year, while his 1979 tax returns showed a $3.4 million taxable loss. Trump’s personal assets consisted of a $1 million trust fund that Fred Trump provided to each of his children and grandchildren, a few checking accounts with about $400,000 in them and a 1977 Mercedes 450SL. Nowhere did the report list an ownership stake in the Trump Organization’s residential apartments. Trump also possessed a few parcels of valuable but highly leveraged real estate, financed with $22.5 million in debt, all of it secured by his father’s assets. He did not own a safe deposit box or stocks in publicly traded companies. In sum, Trump was worth less than $5 million, not the $100 million that I reported in the first Forbes 400.
During our first interview in 1982, Trump informed me that he had bought the Barbizon Plaza Hotel and the adjoining 110 Central Park West for just $13 million, a steal. While I was in Trump’s office, a broker supposedly called to offer him $100 million for the property. Trump refused the offer while looking me in the eye; he pointed out that his net worth should include an equity boost of $87 million profit. I believed then that he used a staffer to stage the call, and I resisted the fictitious valuation. But the $13 million price tag for a valuable parcel was recorded in Forbes 400 files, and it soon showed up in other publications, such as New York magazine . It remains on Wikipedia today. Yet tucked away on Page 63 of the Casino Commission report was a section describing Trump’s purchase of the property for $65 million, facilitated by a $50 million loan to Trump by Chase Manhattan Bank. As with many of his buildings, Trump’s debt was far higher, and his true equity far lower, than he claimed.
Roy Cohn had told me that Trump received $250 million from Holiday Inn for its half-interest in the Atlantic City casino. But according to O’Brien, Trump’s actual income from the deal was a construction and management fee (not profit) of about $24 million, while Holiday Inn financed the construction of the $220 million casino.
Later attempts by Trump to paint himself as fantastically wealthy were also duplicitous. In 1989, Trump sent Forbes journalist Harry Seneker a statement of his $3.7 billion net worth. I have obtained the letter. It indicated $900 million in liquid assets. “I am more liquid than any major developer in the United States,” Trump wrote, inducing the magazine to increase Trump’s listing from $1 billion in 1988 to $1.7 billion in 1989.
But according to the New Jersey Casino Commission, which issued another report in 1991, by the end of 1990 Trump’s entire cash position — in both his business and personal accounts — was just $19 million. The amount was insufficient to pay the debt on his over-leveraged casino and real estate holdings while still covering his personal expenses of $1 million per month. His net worth, the commission estimated, was $205 million — less than 6 percent of what he’d told Forbes. In 1990, the magazine dropped Trump from the list and kept him off it for five years.
Forbes declined to comment for this article, but its top editor, Randall Lane, interviewed then-candidate Trump for the Forbes 400 in 2015 and wrote about the magazine’s long struggle to accurately assess his net worth in an article titled “Inside The Epic Fantasy That’s Driven Donald Trump For 33 Years .” Of the 1,538 tycoons who had been on the “Rich List” through the years, Lane wrote, “not one has been more fixated with his or her net worth estimate on a year-in, year-out basis than Donald J. Trump.”

I was a leading New York real estate reporter through the 1980s. I left the Forbes staff in 1983 but continued to freelance for the magazine while writing major investigative features as a contributing editor for the new Manhattan, Inc. magazine, as well as New York, Avenue and New York City Business. I knew all the key players. I thought I had a handle on this material.
But Trump was so competent in conning me that, until 35 years later, I did not know I had been conned. Instead, I have gone through my career in national media with a misinformed sense of satisfaction that, as a perceptive young journalist, I called Trump on his lies and gave Forbes readers who used the Rich List as a barometer of private wealth a more accurate picture of his finances than the one he was selling.
The joke was on me — and everyone else. Trump’s fabrications provided the basis for a vastly inflated wealth assessment for the Forbes 400 that would give him cachet for decades as a triumphant businessman.
In truth, almost nobody had a clear picture of Trump’s books. In 1990, Trump brought in Steve Bollenbach as a new chief financial officer to respond to lender concerns about his crippling debt. “When Bollenbach began delving into the organization’s finances, he got a surprise,” The Washington Post’s Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher write in “Trump Revealed,” their comprehensive 2016 biography. “The small staff on the twenty-sixth floor of Trump Tower included three accountants. Each knew about pieces of the fraying empire — the casinos, for instance, or the condos. But no one knew the overall picture; there were no consolidated financial reports.”
In the absence of a functioning balance sheet, the list didn’t just make Trump feel like a winner, according to O’Brien; it may have provided some of the documentation he needed to borrow reckless sums of money — vast loans that he used, for years, to actually make him a winner. “The more often Forbes mentioned him, the more credible Donald’s claim to vast wealth became,” O’Brien said, arguing that Trump and the list were “mutually reinforcing”: “The more credible his claim to vast wealth became, the easier it was for him to get on the Forbes 400 — which became the standard that other media, and apparently some of the country’s biggest banks, used when judging Donald’s riches.”
Trump returned to the Rich List in 1996 with a reported net worth of $450 million and an editor’s note that he claimed to be worth $2 billion. He never fell off it again. In his book, O’Brien criticized Forbes for rewarding Trump’s fabrications, citing interviews with “three people with direct knowledge of Donald’s finances” who estimated his true net worth after debts to be “somewhere between $150 million and $250 million.” Trump, who had told O’Brien he was worth $6 billion, sued for libel — and lost. When he lost his appeal in 2011, a New Jersey appellate judge wrote, “The largest portion of Mr. Trump’s fortune, according to three people who had had direct knowledge of his holdings, apparently comes from his lucrative inheritance. These people estimated that Mr. Trump’s wealth, presuming that it is not encumbered by heavy debt, may amount to about $200 million to $300 million. That is an enviably large sum of money by most people’s standards but far short of the billionaires club.”
The opacity persists. In 2016, Trump’s presidential campaign put out a statement saying the candidate had a net worth “in excess of TEN BILLION DOLLARS.” But he has never released his tax returns, and he has said that the core Trump Organization asset is the ownership of his brand — an ineffable marketing claim that is impossible to substantiate or refute.
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gaming I wasn't able to post this on the other subreddit but I found this Playstation at a local thrift store! Came with a game and a controller. I've never owned a console before, what do I need or need to know? Thanks guys! Playstation
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Showerthoughts I sometimes go to shop at Whole Foods just to remind myself how poor I'm Whole Foods
gaming Looking for a PC or Xbox One game to take up my free time. Xbox
pics When Southwest spoils you too much Southwest
Showerthoughts If Mr Rogers was actually your neighbor, he'd be too creepy to trust around your kids. Rogers
Futurology The United Kingdom dreams of British space ports by 2020 United
worldnews MPs have reacted with incredulity after the boss of Volkswagen told them the company in Europe had done nothing wrong and “misled nobody”, despite having agreed a multibillion-dollar settlement in the US over the emissions-rigging scandal. Volkswagen
pics Jungle bungalow built for Ford executives in 1928, now being lived in by a vegetable farmer Ford
Futurology How a College Kid Made His Honda Civic Self-Driving for $700 - Who needs a Tesla when you can build your own automated copilot using free hardware designs and software available online? Honda
pics An encroaching forest frames the decaying walls of the hospital in Fordlândia, a fantasyland created by Henry Ford deep in the Amazon Ford
Showerthoughts Stepping on a Lego isn't that bad with socks on Lego
funny Spotted on Google Street View: Guys losing an uphill battle with life Google
AskReddit If you could change anything about the United States right now, what would it be and why? United
listentothis The Hand of Gavrilo -- Fait Accompli Stoner Rock/ Post-Punk/ Progressive Rock 2017 Progressive
personalfinance Am i able to transfer points to a Chase Sapphire card from a Chase Freedom card i am an Authorized User on? Chase
Jokes A Guy Walked into a Lexus Dealership... Lexus
videos [Fish bites through rock; poos out tropical beaches. Feeding Humphead Parrotfish - Blue Planet - BBC Earth](
mildlyinteresting The McDonald's I was in today had a screen displaying the blue screen of death McDonald's
AskReddit Dear foriegners why or why wouldn't you come and live in the United States? United
worldnews 'Suicide bombers killed' after targeting Pakistan court - BBC News BBC
videos Dear Mark Zuckerburg - SHUT DOWN NAMBLA Facebook Page - A Page For Pedofiles Facebook
movies Studio-by-Studio Profitability Ranking: Disney Surges, Sony Sputters Sony
movies Eclipse to be turned into mega-movies BBC News - 2 days ago BBC
pics If Clark Kent do it, so can you. Kent
mildlyinteresting A The Flash themed bus that Kenyans use to commute. You can search "Matatu Culture" in Google Images for more buses like this. Google
photoshopbattles PsBattle: Night Sky Silhouette /w Astronaut in the sky Sky
AskReddit What are your thoughts on McDonald's fries? McDonald's
worldnews London terror arrests: Metropolitan Police hold five teenagers - BBC News BBC
movies Fine Redditors outside of the United States, what movie would you describe as the "quintessential American film"? United
AskReddit I don't trust Google translate so, how do you say "To meet my parents again was extremely nice and probably one of the happiest moments in my life" in French? Google
Jokes A blonde pushes her BMW into a gas station. BMW
OldSchoolCool Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford Fooling Around on the Set of 'The Empire Strikes Back' 1978/79 Ford
food Would you still be buying KFC even if you found out about the actual receipe one day? KFC
todayilearned TIL Isaac Asimov once said: "There is a cult of ignorance in the United States...The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our life, nurtured by the notion that democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge." United
gaming I streamed GTA III on Youtube for 2 hours and got 6 copyright claims... Youtube
science Snail venom compound 'offers chronic pain therapy' - BBC News BBC
worldnews Heterosexual couple lose civil partnership challenge - BBC News BBC
AskReddit How do you configure Outlook Express in Yahoo Mail? Yahoo
news Heterosexual couple lose civil partnership challenge - BBC News BBC
gaming PSA: Merlin PIAS is wrongfully taking down videos on Youtube that use music from Team Fortress 2, even though they are not affiliated with Valve, and have no rights to the music whatsoever. Youtube
todayilearned TIL: A UPS driver who spotted "call 911" scrawled on a package helped police free a woman who had been held captive in her own home and sexually assaulted, authorities said. UPS
Music Dj Okawari - Starry Sky Chillhop Sky
AskReddit If Reddit can be seen like the 4chan for normal folk, what is Facebook compared to Reddit? Facebook
movies Review - The Lego Batman Movie 2017 Lego
Futurology Shell and Toyota Partner on California Fueling Stations for Hydrogen Cars - Toyota to almost eliminate internal-combustion engines by 2050 Toyota
todayilearned TIL of Casey Legler. At 6'1" she is a former Olympic swimmer and is now the world's first female model contracted to model as a man for Ford Models. Ford
worldnews Burger King and Tim Hortons owner nears deal to buy Popeyes - sources Tim Hortons
AskReddit Uuumm...what happens when Google turns evil? Google
funny I always knew Facebook was evil, but this is something else. Facebook
worldnews Three held for 'planning French attack' - BBC News BBC
worldnews [City watchdog investigating HSBC over potential financial crime, bank reveals Business](
pics Lighted City Skylines under Deep Blue Sky during Night Sky
explainlikeimfive ELI5:What is the most common job in the United States? United
videos Reacting to Twitter Accounts such as "Common White Girl" and "Relationship Goals" Twitter
gaming Are there any Diablo 2 types of games on Apple TV? Apple
nottheonion Sutton United unhappy with goalkeeper Wayne Shaw after pie stunt overshadows FA Cup match vs Arsenal United
WritingPrompts WP You Google yourself for fun one day and you stumble upon a website all about you that you've never seen before. You are not remotely famous or unusual and know no-one who may be responsible. The weirdest part is that a lot of the content is stuff you've never externalized. Google
AskReddit Why does Paris Hilton only wear closed toe shoes? Does she have really ugly feet? Hilton
mildlyinteresting If you turn the Dove logo upside down in front of a mirror, it looks like Dong. Dove
Futurology 7 Amazing and important facts about Donald Trump, The President of United States United
videos How Facebook fucks me over Facebook
worldnews Swede detained after Barcelona police fire on stolen butane gas truck - BBC News BBC
news Owners of Ford Explorers describe a sulfur or rotten egg smell coming into the car while they are driving that is making them sick. Ford
news Yahoo salvages Verizon deal with $350 million discount Verizon
funny If you turn the Dove logo upside down in front of a mirror, it looks like Dong. Dove
videos Guy runs Doom on his Porsche 911 Porsche
Art "Not cool..." by @oristatdesign, Adobe Illustrator, 2017 Adobe
Music China Crisis - Arizona Sky Alternative Pop/Rock Sky
worldnews Jean-Claude Juncker: UK faces hefty Brexit bill - BBC News BBC
explainlikeimfive ELI5: why does Google Chrome have a bad reputation when it come to memory? Google
personalfinance Declined for Discover student card Discover
gaming Accurate review of dark souls on the Xbox marketplace Xbox
funny A Strange Juxtaposition Seen in an NYC Subway Station Subway
worldnews Vancouver man denied entry into United States after US Customs and Border Patrol officer read his profile on the gay hookup app Scruff United
AskReddit What is -1 ^ -i. Google says its 23.14069, but how did it arrive at that answer? Google
news 3 Alarm Fire at Wells Fargo West Des Moines, IA Campus Wells Fargo
todayilearned TIL the U.S. Air Force operates and maintains all GPS satellites for the United States United
mildlyinteresting I think my thumb freckle looks like the Apple logo Apple
todayilearned TIL In 1928, automotive pioneer Henry Ford built his vision of a utopia--Fordlândia--deep in the outskirts of the Amazon river basin. Ford
worldnews Tim Hortons and Burger King owner to buy Popeyes for $1.8 billion Burger King
mildlyinteresting The Under Armour I wore for work displaced the blood in my bruise from work Under Armour
pics "When the waiter leaves his number... you look it up on Facebook and he's #engaged" Facebook
pics A Walmart patriot Walmart
news Thousands of spills at US oil and gas fracking sites - BBC News BBC
pics When the waiter leaves his number... you look it up on Facebook and he's #engaged Facebook
WritingPrompts WP Nincompoopery, Unbridled Hooliganism, Total Disregard for Common Sense, and Buffoonery on a Scale Heretofore Unconceived of. Total
videos Virtual Reality horror videos are terrifying even on Google Cardboard. Google
todayilearned TIL Honda had in-car navigation in 1981 based off gyroscopes Honda
personalfinance Was my Uber driver onto something? Uber
AskReddit Serious Economists of Reddit, in a scenario in which California really did split from the rest of the United States let's assume peacefully, what would happen to CA economically? The rest of the US? United
nottheonion Married man travels 400 miles for Facebook affair, only to discover it is a hoax Facebook
personalfinance If the United States somehow collapsed and was no longer a nation, would happen to my 401k? Would all that money be gone? United
funny Just win this at Tim Hortons Roll up the rim Canada Tim Hortons
personalfinance Question about a Facebook post. Facebook
AskReddit Reddit, with how divided the United States is, what's something that a large majority of us can all agree on? United
news Muslim teacher denied entry to US 'not given reason' - BBC News BBC
photoshopbattles PsBattle: 1955's McDonald's Ad McDonald's
explainlikeimfive ELI5: Orange Alligators Orange
worldnews Muslim teacher denied entry to US 'not given reason' - BBC News BBC
science Rooftop solar panels could provide nearly half of our power -if all suitable roof areas in the United States were plastered with solar panels, they would generate about 1,118 gigawatts of solar power. That is 40% of the power that Americans consume every year. United
pics I made a random comment on a promoted post and Toyota FedExed me a "motivational" poster of it. Toyota
AskReddit Why is Starbucks more busy on rainy cold,& gray days than sunny regular days? Starbucks
mildlyinteresting I was lodged between 3 identical BMW X5s this morning BMW
nottheonion [Morrisons approach ex-Sutton United goalkeeper Wayne Shaw to become official 'pie-taster' The Independent](
videos How to mod your Porsche 911 or other car to run Doom in 3 easy steps Porsche
worldnews Trump says 'ugly' anti-Semitism must stop - BBC News BBC
mildlyinteresting I was lodged between 3 identical BMW X5s this morning -- same make/model/yeacolowheels!!! BMW
Showerthoughts In high school, using Google was considered lazy. As an adult, guessing is far lazier than using Google. Google
todayilearned TIL you outgrow IKEA when you turn 34 IKEA
WritingPrompts WP You board the Subway to get back to your New York hotel after going out. You arrive, but when you exit, you end up in LA. There wasn't a Subway station behind you. No one knows what "New York" is. Subway
Futurology Dear Mark Zuckerberg: Democracy Is Not A Facebook Focus Group Facebook
Showerthoughts I don't know how anyone could save money on Progressive insurance when their advertising budget must be outrageous. Progressive
funny China vacation picture from a friend's Facebook caught a stranger at the perfect time. Facebook
photoshopbattles PsBattle: 1955's McDonald's Boy McDonald's
worldnews Trafficking victim: 'I was raped and blindfolded underground' - BBC News BBC
videos How the BBC makes Planet Earth look like a Hollywood movie. BBC
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Ads for 2017-02-17 (1 / 2)

Subreddit Title Brand
UpliftingNews 7-year-old girl asks Google for a job, gets response from CEO Google
worldnews VIDEO: John McCain Divulges U.S. Policy & Intel Secrets to Russian Prankster Posing as Ukraine Prime Minister; Incredible Breach Intel
funny This is why I don't mind if Google takes over the world. Google
gaming Just finished my first Xbox skin! Xbox
WritingPrompts WP You're part of a secret organization for the United States Government, but there are two spies within your ranks. Each day, before every meeting, one person is brutally murdered by the spies. Your organization tries to figure out who the spies are. United
funny Canadian tennis star Genie Bouchard agrees to bet with Twitter follower for a date Twitter
Music Introducing the amazing Compact Disc - ABC History 1982 ABC
todayilearned TIL there have only been two vice presidential resignations, John Calhoun and Spiro Agnew, in United States history. If a vice president resigns, both Houses of Congress must approve any vice presidential nominee made by the President. United
videos F 2877 American Airlines 727 Touchdown to Turnoff American Airlines
AskReddit What was the biggest bullshit excuse you ever heard for an Uber driver coming late? Uber
AskReddit The main character from the last movie you watched is now President of the United States. What is their first executive order? United
gaming The Casino in Asbury Park New Jersey in GTA 4 Casino
news Florida man created bombs, planned to plant them in Target stores to drive down stock price, buy later. Target
nottheonion Robert De Niro Concerned With Dangers Of Mercury In Vaccines « CBS Pittsburgh CBS
funny You think the UPS man was good at hide and seek as a child? UPS
videos A FEW GOOD BOYS - a well shot action short film that showcases various Youtube celebrities Youtube
LifeProTips LPT: Don't forward or write "return to sender" on mail marked Presorted Standard or Non-Profit Org. in the United States. The USPS does not forward this type of mail 3rd class, but rather shreds it. United
Showerthoughts I will never click on the top hit for my search on Google if it has the "ad" icon on it. Even though the second one that I actually click on is usually the exact same website and URL as the first. Google
mildlyinteresting Breaking the rules My Dell has a magnet built into its cover. Dell
Showerthoughts A Walmart late at night is the earthly equivalent of the star wars cantina scene. Walmart
personalfinance Small Time Cashier for Walgreens here with a tip to save you money by the hour Walgreens
videos I Cross Terrible Dubbing & Break The 4th Wall With A Voice Actor That Can't Stand His Job - Shell Shift Gameplay Shell
pics The bridge from Canada to United States Sault Ste. Marie. Taken on a iPhone SE. United
explainlikeimfive ELI5: What's the real reason marijuana is still illegal at the federal level in the United States? United
todayilearned TIL: There is a McDonald's That Is Also Museum for 70s/80s McDonaldland McDonald's
tifu TIFU By possibly killing an elderly family member with a Facebook post. Facebook
Showerthoughts When I'm in the car, I can't tell Google Maps audio cues to shut up enough, but when I'm on my motorcycle, I can't beg it enough for it to just cue me. Google
Showerthoughts " I am feeling lucky" in Google is like an ad on a web page. We see it whenever we see the page, but we never click it Google
gaming Blood is Paid DLC in Total War Warhammer, literally, BLOOD IS DLC. Please don't support this crazy ass game with its horrible money-grubbing DLC policies. Total
personalfinance Can you Balance Transfer from one Chase CC to another? Chase
movies Mel Gibson says talks with Warner Bros. over Suicide Squad 2 are still in the “first date” phase, but other reports say the job is his if he wants it. Warner Bros.
Showerthoughts I keep expecting Rory McCann to show up as the Colonel in one of those KFC ads. KFC
pics original receipt from my dad's 1964 Porsche -- he only selected one dealer-installed option Porsche
mildlyinteresting I just wanted to watch the 'Dick Van Dyke Show.' Xfinity is here making me feel bad. Xfinity
todayilearned TIL that in the early 1960s, a Florida cattle rancher sold his family's land to The Walt Disney Company. The land would become part of the construction site for Disney World. The land was sold for little more than $100 an acre. Walt Disney
AskReddit What did you think of The Lego Batman Movie? Lego
Jokes TIL America has more museums than Starbucks and McDonald's combined. McDonald's
Jokes TIL America has more museums than Starbucks and McDonald's combined. Starbucks
nottheonion Man stands under dangling Walmart sign for 2 days hoping to get hit, sue them Walmart
mildlyinteresting There's a greeting on the bottom of my Xbox one. Xbox
AskReddit Taxi and Uber drivers of Reddit, who was your most interesting passenger? Uber
Jokes What is United States of America's national bird? United
worldnews Tony Blair calls for people to 'rise up' against Brexit - BBC News BBC
Music Saint Pepsi - Enjoy Yourself Vaporwave Pepsi
books Wild Sheep Chase Explained Chase
AskReddit What are your favorite Twitter accounts to follow? Twitter
mildlyinteresting This Coca-Cola vending machine advertises Coke Zero, but doesn't offer it for sale. Coca-Cola
mildlyinteresting My straw from Taco Bell was sealed on one side Bell
funny On today's episode of Facebook Marketplace: I don't think that's how that works. Facebook
todayilearned TIL the "Mr. President" official title was not favored by the 1st Congress. Among the proposed were "His Excellency," "His Elective Highness," and "His Highness the President of the United States of America and Protector of their Liberties." United
videos Rocking out, Saudi-style - BBC News BBC
worldnews 9 things it’s hard to believe the president of the United States actually just said United
news Yahoo issues fresh warning over hacking, nears Verizon sale Verizon
pics Warren Buffett pulling out a McDonald's coupon when offering to pay for lunch with Bill Gates McDonald's
worldnews Zuckerberg: my Facebook manifesto to re-boot globalisation Facebook
AskReddit Would you ever pay for a Linkedin writing search optimising or resume/CV writing service? This service also provides a Social network scan to see if any red flags would be visible to an potential employer. If so, how much would this service be worth to you? Linkedin
WritingPrompts WP Humans Discover Faster Than Light Space Travel Via Warpdrives That Not Only Change Their Position In Space, But Send Them Back In Time. So While Earth Is Relatively Modern, The Areas Further From The Earth Are More Advanced As They Go Further. Describe The Political And Social Nature. Discover
AskReddit What are some great Google Street View locations to take a virtual trip on? Google
worldnews [Mark Zuckerberg pens major Facebook manifesto on how to burst the bubble Technology](
worldnews Record numbers of refugees flee to Canada from the United States United
AskReddit Why did Neil Degrass Tyson did so much of over acting in Cosmos. Tyson
mildlyinteresting I heard that Tom Metcalf of the 1963 Yankees lives in our small city of 30,000. I ordered his Topps card off eBay a week ago on the off chance I meet him and I could ask him if he'd sign the card sometime. I brought the card to work to show my boss and guess who came in for dinner? eBay
Showerthoughts Even if I had studied at MIT, my chances of working at Google would be zero due to my search history. Google
Showerthoughts Quantum physics is just the Lego of the Universe Lego
GetMotivated Neil de Grasse Tyson on the afterlife video Tyson
Futurology Dubai Will Have Flying Taxis in the Sky by July Sky
pics Agent Orange Alert Orange
worldnews Robert Harward turns down Trump's national security adviser offer - BBC News BBC
AskReddit Which "on this day" Facebook post are you most ashamed of? Facebook
todayilearned TIL Non-payment of the BBC licence fee accounts for 10% of prosecutions in UK magistrates courts with one person jailed every week BBC
AskReddit What is something that is normal in Europe, but would be considered unusual in the United States and vice versa? United
funny Aussie girl laughs at her man passing out on Sky swing ride. Brutal. Sky
gaming I came across this in my Walmart parking lot today Walmart
AskReddit Redditors living in France, what can you tell us about the upcoming election? Are there parallels to the United States election and Brexit? United
gaming PS4 pro not recognizing Apple headphones. Apple
mildlyinteresting Someone at McDonald's was very diligent and it made my day. McDonald's
television I wasn't even aware this existed until 20 min ago. This is a special KND/Billy and Mandy crossover episode chock full of references to nearly every other show on CN at the time. CN
listentothis Non-camera - Sky Lantern Rock Music 2017 Sky
worldnews Kim Jong Nam's Facebook account found under alias "Kim Chol" Facebook
AskReddit How many people likes President of the United States Donald Trump ? United
mildlyinteresting The shadows in my glass of beer looked like an Xbox logo. Xbox
funny Was trying to learn to make egg custard, when YouTube tossed a little shade. Google AI has a sense of humor. Google
funny First time Facebook has ever made me burst out laughing Facebook
worldnews Plastic 'nurdles' found on 73% of UK beaches - BBC News BBC
mildlyinteresting This Taco Bell drive thru window is on the right side Bell
worldnews Dominican Republic radio hosts killed during Facebook Live broadcast Facebook
aww Waiting at CVS car park CVS
Showerthoughts Seeing a commercial for Sprint's unlimited data just makes me turn on wifi so I don't use my Verizon data Verizon
food i ate Carmel Apple Chimi Cheese Cake I think that's what it was called Apple
UpliftingNews Couple who met over a bin finally marry in their 80s - BBC New BBC
worldnews Scientists appeal for more people to donate their brains - BBC News BBC
worldnews Lal Shahbaz Qalandar shrine attack prompts Pakistan security crackdown - BBC News BBC
movies Roman Polanski’s Movie ‘Based on a True Story’ Sold to Sony Classics Sony
AskReddit What are some videos everyone shared on their phones before Youtube was a thing? Youtube
worldnews Ashton Kutcher Speaks About Human Trafficking On Capitol Hill - CBSN Live Video - CBS News CBS
Showerthoughts Buzzfeed is like the McDonald's of the Internet. McDonald's
worldnews Thai police fail to find monk in Dhammakaya temple raid - BBC News BBC
funny How Facebook can fu*ckup your sleep Facebook
UpliftingNews [Facebook algorithms 'will identify terrorists' Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has outlined a plan to let AI review content posted. In a letter describing the plan, he said algorithms would eventually be able to spot terrorism, violence, bullying and even prevent suicide.](
worldnews Anna LeBaron: How I escaped my father's murderous polygamous cult - BBC News BBC
worldnews Zealandia: Is there an eighth continent under New Zealand? - BBC News BBC
AskReddit What was something as controversial but that happened before Madonna's "like a virgin" performance at the MTV Awards 1984? MTV
todayilearned TIL: Rob Reiner offered $2.5 million for the script to The Shawshank Redemption, with plans to star Tom Cruise as Andy Dufresne and Harrison Ford as Red. Ford
Futurology Mark Zuckerberg pens major Facebook manifesto on how to burst the bubble Facebook
todayilearned TIL: Rob Reiner offered $2.5 million for the script to "The Shawshank Redemption", with plans to star Tom Cruise as Andy Dufresne and Harrison Ford as Red. Ford
UpliftingNews 7-Year-Old Girl’s Awesome Letter To Google CEO Elicits Response “Keep Following Your Dreams” Google
Showerthoughts Saying the Republican party represents Christian values because of its stance on abortion is like saying that McDonald's is a vegetarian restaurant because they offer salads. McDonald's
Showerthoughts Wouldn't it be funny if one day you come to Reddit and everyone's Facebook account is linked to their Reddit account? Facebook
Jokes New safeguards will require every visitor to the United States to count to 1000 United
Music Ed Sheeran - How would you feel? New release on Youtube LIVE Youtube
listentothis Evil Empire Orchestra - Use You Jazz / Progressive Rock Progressive
worldnews Hatton Garden raider Daniel Jones admits earlier £1m heist - BBC News BBC
photoshopbattles PsBattle: Kent Under 18s Kent
Jokes What do Wenger's Arsenal and a Gucci snakeskin belt have in common? Gucci
news You Decide! If Volkswagen has Really Let Down its Customers’ Trust? Volkswagen
Futurology Private Astronaut Taxis by SpaceX, Boeing May Not Be Ready by 2019 Boeing
science Weather experts say new El Niño possible later this year - BBC News BBC
AskReddit Halo Xbox or destiny PS4 which console should I buy? Xbox
news Florida man accused of planning to bomb Target stores to lower company's stock Target
AskReddit Reddit, why do you all hate Neil deGrasse Tyson ? Tyson
AskReddit Serious What are some credible new sites? I get there is always bias but I trust BBC new more than anything from Sun Media BBC
news Marmite owner Unilever rejects Kraft takeover bid Kraft
news Marmite owner Unilever rejects Kraft takeover bid Unilever
funny When Facebook reminds you you’re a shitty friend Facebook
EarthPorn Sunrise light! Sartle, Scotland, United Kingdom. By Brad Eide 2048 X 1365 United
worldnews Kraft Heinz to pursue merger despite Unilever rejection Unilever
news A Florida Man Tried to Blow Up Target Stores to Hurt the Company's Stock Target
dataisbeautiful 75 years of mortality in the United States, from 1935 to 2010 United
funny This is what my best friend posted on Facebook while my friends are getting engaged. Facebook
videos Teleteria Casino Reviews # 5! Casino
news Man accused of plotting explosions at multiple Target stores Target
pics I don't think Obama would park like this. Something, something BMW drivers.. BMW
science AAAS 2017 Annual Meeting AMA Series: Hi, I’m Ethan Jackson of Microsoft Research, and I lead Project PREMONITION, which uses emerging technologies to detect, and help thwart, epidemics. Recently, we developed a trap to catch mosquitos that could track spread of Zika. Ask me anything! Microsoft
worldnews Unilever rejects $143 billion Kraft offer as bid too low - Unilever said it saw no merit in a proposed merger with U.S. food group Kraft Heinz Co after rejecting a $143 billion offer, saying it "fundamentally undervalues" the Anglo-Dutch consumer goods giant. Kraft
worldnews Unilever rejects $143 billion Kraft offer as bid too low - Unilever said it saw no merit in a proposed merger with U.S. food group Kraft Heinz Co after rejecting a $143 billion offer, saying it "fundamentally undervalues" the Anglo-Dutch consumer goods giant. Unilever
Futurology Lost Winston Churchill essay reveals his thoughts on alien life for 1939, stunningly prescient Winston
videos Real Time Travelers Caught on Tape Travelers
mildlyinteresting The typo correction on this Walmart oil change sticker. Walmart
news Florida man arrested for plotting to bomb Target - Born and bred in the USA Target
todayilearned TIL a Ph.D. and mother of four was banned from McDonald's in 2011 after testing their play areas and finding traces of antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA McDonald's
todayilearned TIL The United States is ranked the 18th most obese nation. Not even close to #1. United
worldnews Nigerians Deported From United Kingdom Arrive In Lagos With Ghana Must Go Bags United
funny When Google really understands your typo Google
AskReddit Taxi drivers of reddit, how welcomed was Uber in your country? Uber
IAmA IamA IamA inner-city high school senior in the United States, AMA! United
gaming Why does Rainbow 6 Siege not show you your K/D and W/L on Xbox one? Xbox
gaming Kona Out on March 17th on Windows, Mac, Linux, Xbox One, PS4 Xbox
funny Taco Bell should make a new menu item called "the wall" it should be a wall of tacos. Bell
funny Wow, Walmart really does have some unbeatable prices... Check out the specs! Walmart
Showerthoughts IKEA test, he's not marriage material if he can't put IKEA furniture together. IKEA
videos Teleteria Casino Review #10 Casino
WritingPrompts WP You've cooked a decade at a local Burger King that's on the verge of closing due to poor revenue. Just days prior to closing, management notices your birthmark peeking from under your sleeve. The prophecy has been fulfilled. YOU are the Burger King and decide to have it your way. Burger King
LifeProTips LPT: If you are wanting free ebooks, then Google the name of the book and add "pdf" after it. Google
mildlyinteresting My kid's toy looks like Google Chrome Google
funny Funny Lego Batman Movie review - The Cupid got him! Lego
Showerthoughts Taco Bell should make a new menu item called "the wall" and it should be a wall of tacos. Bell
todayilearned TIL in 1939, Winston Churchill published a scientific essay about the feasibility of space travel and extraterrestrial life Winston
gaming Interesting Article. This points out some fears that I had going into E3 this year. We haven't seen anything on gameplay yet, and nothing on what the launch line up will be. Microsoft really has to nail this, and this article explains everything I was worried about before E3. Microsoft
AskReddit IF a Screensaver aren't necessary anymore why does the Apple TV and new technology still have them? Apple
funny When you're on Xbox Live, nobody knows you're a dog Xbox
todayilearned TIL - The BBC banned 'Deep In the Heart of Texas' during work hours on the grounds that its infectious melody might cause wartime factory-hands to neglect their tools while they clapped in time with the song BBC
Showerthoughts Thanking people for upvoting/gilding your Reddit comment or post is the same thing as posting a comment thanking people for liking your Facebook status. Facebook
dataisbeautiful Marketing Campaign Statistics in Tableau using Google Analytics OC Google
news Florida man made 10+ explosive devices, wanted to put them in several Target stores, affidavit says Target
news Collier teacher reassigned after anti-immigrant Facebook post Facebook
EarthPorn Grass Blurring the Loch Surface Loch a'Choire, Ben Y Vrackie, Pitlochry, Perthshire, Scotland, United Kingdom oc 3264x2275 United
aww [Why is this Purple Bird going viral on Facebook Trash Dove Explained](
aww [Why is this Purple Bird going viral on Facebook Trash Dove Explained](
todayilearned TIL George Washington never wanted to be president of the United States United
worldnews Fancy a flying bike? BMW Motorrad, LEGO Technic unveil Hover Ride Design Concept BMW
news Feds: Man plotted to blow up Target stores to buy cheap stock Target
AskReddit If you owned a restaurant like a Subway but more local and less chain-y what type of music would you expect your employees to play? What type of vibe would you want your store to give off? Subway
todayilearned TIL that when you enter a Ferrari Testarossa, it automatically puts the seat belt on you. Ferrari
funny David Suzuki Foundation: Bachman-Turner Overdrive succumbed to global warming Suzuki
funny A young woman asked 9 different Microsoft paint experts around the world to ’make her beautiful.’ This was the result. Microsoft
television Kevin Smith to Helm Sam and Twitch TV Series For BBC America BBC
pics I stopped near this Ford Millennium Falcon, in Fort Smith, AR. Ford
AskReddit Can I put Youtube Fanvideos AMV/GMV into my entry portfolio for art school? Youtube
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