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Melawan Lupa Sejarah Judi Online

Melawan Lupa Sejarah Judi Online

Melawan Lupa Kilas Balik Sejarah Judi Online (sumber :
Melawan Lupa Sejarah Judi Online tidak jauh dari awal mulanya terjadi judi offline sebelumnya yang telah lama berlangsung dari jaman prasejarah. Sejarah umat manusia terkait erat dengan sejarah perjudian, karena tampaknya tidak peduli seberapa jauh Anda pergi ke masa lalu, ada tanda-tanda bahwa di mana sekelompok orang berkumpul bersama, perjudian pasti telah terjadi. Sekarang kami tidak akan mencoba melacak setiap putaran dan mengubah evolusi perjudian di artikel ini, tetapi apa yang akan kami lakukan adalah memilih beberapa tanggal terpenting untuk bertindak sebagai tonggak dalam perjalanan menuju perjudian hari ini. pengalaman.
Sejarah Perjudian
Berjudi selama berabad-abad adalah sekilas yang menarik ke dalam cerita budaya dan peradaban. Membawa keberuntungan bagi rakyat biasa sambil tidak menghormati raja, adalah sifat kebetulan yang berubah-ubah dan harapan akan putaran yang menguntungkan yang telah memikat kita selama ribuan tahun. Kami melihat kembali sejarah perjudian.
Permainan Judi telah ada sepanjang sejarah yang tercatat. Itu juga salah satu hiburan favorit dunia. Ini adalah pengaruh besar budaya populer (pikirkan Casino Royale, Ocean's Eleven, The Color of Money, dan banyak lainnya), dan dengan sendirinya terus berubah seiring waktu. Bergabunglah dengan kami saat kami melakukan perjalanan yang menarik melalui sejarah perjudian.
6000 SM: Afrika & Timur Tengah
Tidak mungkin untuk mengetahui secara pasti kapan manusia pertama mempertaruhkan sesuatu untuk hasil dari suatu kejadian kebetulan. Papan dari dua atau tiga baris lubang paralel yang ditemukan di Timur dekat berasal dari era Neolitik (10.000 - 4.500 SM) tetapi kami tidak dapat mengatakan dengan pasti apakah ini benar-benar permainan papan atau bukan.
Jadi kita akan memulai Sejarah Perjudian kita dengan apa yang kita ketahui. Arkeolog di Mesir telah menemukan apa yang sekarang kita anggap sebagai dadu yang berasal dari sekitar 3000 SM. Adegan yang dilukis di dinding makam dan gulungan papirus kuno menunjukkan pemain di sisi berlawanan dari papan yang menikmati permainan rekreasi seperti Mehen, Senet, Twenty Squares, dan Hounds and Jackals. Tampaknya permainan ini menyebar ke seluruh Mesir dan Timur Dekat melalui perdagangan barang dan kampanye militer. Faktanya, empat game kuno populer ini ditampilkan di The Metropolitan Museum of Art di New York City jika Anda pernah berada di lingkungan tersebut.
Untuk memberi Anda gambaran tentang ini semua, kami akan menggunakan game Mehen sebagai contoh. Dimainkan pada Periode Predinastik Mesir dan Kerajaan Lama (itu 2649 - 2130 SM), papan tersebut menunjukkan seekor ular melingkar yang dibagi menjadi beberapa kotak. Ular itu melambangkan dewa yang melingkari dewa matahari Re untuk melindunginya selama perjalanannya sepanjang malam. Kita tahu ini karena permainan itu dilukis di makam Hesre di Saqqara (2700 SM) bersama dengan potongan permainan yang akan digunakan dengan papan Mehen (tiga singa, tiga singa betina, dan enam set enam kelereng). Kami juga memiliki ide bagus tentang bagaimana permainan itu dimainkan berkat dokumen keagamaan yang disebut Teks Piramida. Ini menunjukkan bahwa akhirat dapat dicapai jika Anda berhasil melewati papan permainan Mehen dan mencapai pusat spiral, secara simbolis bergabung dengan Re.
Selain Mehen, ada lusinan game peluang yang dimainkan di dunia kuno. Senet adalah yang paling terkenal dan sangat populer sekitar 664 - 332 SM. Lain adalah Mancala yang, luar biasa, masih dimainkan hingga hari ini di seluruh Afrika, Timur Tengah dan Asia. Faktanya, ada banyak varian dari game strategi (baca : Game Judi) dua pemain ini yang bertujuan untuk menangkap semua atau sebagian bidak lawan.
Permainan dimulai dengan penempatan sejumlah benih, yang ditentukan untuk permainan tertentu, di setiap lubang di papan. Pemain mengambil giliran dengan membuang semua benih dari lubang, “menabur” benih (menempatkan satu di setiap lubang berikut secara berurutan) dan menangkap berdasarkan keadaan papan. Tujuannya adalah menanam benih paling banyak di bank. Jika bermain dalam mode tangkap, setelah pemain mengakhiri giliran di lubang kosong di sisinya sendiri, dia menangkap bidak lawan secara langsung. Setelah ditangkap, pemain dapat meletakkan benih di banknya sendiri. Setelah menangkap, lawan kehilangan giliran.
Tercatat ada lebih dari 800 nama permainan mancala tradisional. Aspek-aspek tertentu dari permainan mengingatkan kita pada aktivitas pertanian dan pemain tidak memerlukan peralatan khusus untuk ambil bagian. Bukti Mancala telah ditemukan di begitu banyak peradaban kuno, dari daerah Aksumite abad ke-6 di Eritrea dan Ethiopia, hingga Spanyol Muslim abad ke-10 dan pemandian Romawi yang digali di kota Gedera, Israel, dan bukti yang ditemukan di Yordania yang berasal dari sekitar 6000 SM . Hal ini membuat beberapa sejarawan menyarankan bahwa game tersebut bisa jadi yang tertua di dunia, sejak awal peradaban itu sendiri.
2000 SM: India
India memiliki sejarah panjang permainan taruhan. Salah satu permainan, Mahabharata, berada di tengah-tengah mitos epik dalam teks-teks Hindu yang berasal dari tahun 2000 SM. Dalam ceritanya, permainan dadu menyebabkan Pandawa bersaudara kehilangan kerajaannya. Mereka dikirim ke pengasingan sementara istri mereka dianiaya oleh lawan mereka yang menang. Ini membuat marah Dewa Krishna yang menyelamatkan para istri dan cerita berakhir dengan pertempuran epik di mana Pandawa bersaudara menang. Ini adalah kesimpulan yang sangat memuaskan ketika pembaca menemukan bahwa saudara-saudara ditipu untuk memainkan permainan judi yang dicurangi sehingga saudara-saudara itu selalu ditakdirkan untuk kalah - sampai Krishna turun tangan. Ada bukti bahwa judi kadang-kadang digunakan di India untuk menyelesaikan perselisihan antara musuh.
2300 SM: Tiongkok
Meskipun hampir pasti bahwa beberapa bentuk taruhan telah terjadi sejak awal sejarah manusia, bukti konkret paling awal berasal dari Tiongkok Kuno di mana ubin digali yang tampaknya digunakan untuk permainan kebetulan yang belum sempurna. 'Buku Lagu' China mengacu pada "gambar kayu" yang menunjukkan bahwa ubin mungkin merupakan bagian dari permainan jenis lotere. Kami memiliki bukti dalam bentuk slip keno yang digunakan pada sekitar 200 SM sebagai semacam lotre untuk mendanai pekerjaan negara - mungkin termasuk pembangunan Tembok Besar China. Lotere terus digunakan untuk tujuan sipil sepanjang sejarah - Harvard dan Yale sama-sama didirikan dengan menggunakan dana lotere - dan terus berlanjut hingga hari ini.
500 SM: Yunani Kuno & Roma
Penyair Yunani, Sophocles, mengklaim bahwa dadu diciptakan oleh pahlawan mitologis selama pengepungan Troy, dan meskipun ini mungkin memiliki dasar yang agak meragukan, tulisan-tulisannya sekitar tahun 500 SM adalah penyebutan dadu pertama dalam sejarah Yunani. Kita tahu bahwa dadu ada jauh lebih awal dari ini, karena sepasang dadu telah ditemukan dari kuburan Mesir dari tahun 3000 SM, tetapi yang pasti adalah bahwa orang Yunani dan Romawi Kuno suka bertaruh pada segala hal, tampaknya pada setiap kesempatan. Faktanya semua bentuk perjudian - termasuk permainan dadu - dilarang di dalam kota kuno Roma dan hukuman dijatuhkan pada mereka yang tertangkap yang bernilai empat kali lipat taruhannya. Akibatnya, warga Romawi yang cerdik menemukan chip judi pertama, jadi jika mereka ditangkap oleh penjaga, mereka dapat mengklaim bermain hanya untuk chip dan bukan untuk uang sungguhan. (Perhatikan bahwa tipu muslihat ini tidak akan berhasil jika dicoba di kasino Vegas).
200 SM: Mesoamerika
Salah satu permainan tertua di Amerika, Patolli, adalah permainan strategi dan keberuntungan dengan komitmen pada perjudian yang akan membuat rambut Anda berdiri tegak! Varian permainan dimainkan di seluruh Mesoamerika (hari ini meliputi Meksiko tengah, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nikaragua dan Kosta Rika utara). Ada bukti bahwa patolli dimainkan oleh Teotihuacanos (sekitar 200 SM - 650 M), Toltec (750 - 1000), Aztec (1168-1521), dan Maya (yang peradabannya ada dalam satu bentuk atau lainnya dari 2000 SM sampai penaklukan Spanyol di Amerika Selatan pada 1697 M).
Patolli adalah perlombaan atau permainan perang dan apa pun bisa dipertaruhkan - selimut, batu dan perhiasan berharga, makanan, tanaman dan bahkan rumah, anggota keluarga, dan kebebasan penjudi! Anda dapat memahami mengapa permainan patolli selalu dianggap serius dalam kasus 'pemenang mengambil semua' dan pemain mempersiapkan diri secara psikologis dengan memanggil dewa permainan atau perjudian - Macuilxochitl.
Setiap pemain biasanya bertaruh enam item yang dihitung dengan enam penanda yang digunakan setiap pemain untuk menyelesaikan sirkuit di sekitar papan. Gagal melakukan ini dan pemain harus kehilangan satu item. Seberapa jauh bidak-bidak itu bisa bergerak ditentukan dengan melempar lima biji kacang hitam yang diberi tanda pada satu sisi berlubang. Ada banyak kendala yang harus diatasi saat memindahkan enam penanda di sekitar papan bertanda 52 kotak. Misalnya, jika penanda mendarat di salah satu dari dua ruang segitiga gelap di dekat ujung setiap lengan X, pemain harus memberikan harta karun kepada lawan.
Setelah Penaklukan Spanyol di Meksiko, pendeta Spanyol melarang pitolli dan tangan penduduk setempat dibakar jika ketahuan sedang bermain.
800: Tiongkok
Kami kembali ke China untuk penemuan kartu remi. Sebagian besar sejarawan setuju bahwa setumpuk kartu remi modern saat ini yang digunakan di setiap kasino berbasis darat dan online saat ini, mulai hidup di China pada abad ke-9. Jenis permainan yang digunakan untuk kartu ini telah hilang, tetapi beberapa menyarankan bahwa mereka mungkin telah digunakan dalam permainan yang mirip dengan permainan kartu perdagangan anak-anak modern atau mungkin bentuk kertas dari kartu domino Cina.
1300: Italia & Prancis
Permainan kartu dua pemain Baccarat merupakan permainan tertua di dunia yang masih bisa dinikmati di klub judi saat ini, walaupun sangat berbeda dengan permainan yang pertama kali dimainkan di Italia dan Perancis. Kami masih belum tahu bagaimana game ini sampai ke Eropa. Satu teori adalah bahwa itu didasarkan pada permainan Cina Pai Gow (dimainkan dengan ubin, bukan kartu), yang dibawa ke Italia oleh Marco Polo ketika ia kembali pada 1290-an dari ekspedisinya. Sulit untuk mengatakannya karena catatan tertulis pertama tentang Baccarat ditulis pada tahun 1800-an.
Beberapa orang percaya bahwa permainan modern (baca : Judi Online) berasal dari permainan Macao yang populer saat itu atau diciptakan menggunakan kartu Tarot oleh orang Italia - yang bernama Felix Falguiere - kemudian diperkenalkan di Prancis oleh tentara yang kembali dari konflik Italia pada tahun 1490-an. Yang lain menautkan Baccarat hari ini ke game Vingt-et-un yang berasal dari Prancis.
Either way, itu milik dunia sekarang dan tetap menjadi permainan favorit sebagian besar berkat kemudahan bermain dan keunggulannya rendah (dan kami tidak lupa betapa kerennya James Bond membuatnya terlihat!).
1600: Spanyol dan Blackjack
Pada awal 1601, penulis Spanyol Don Quixote, Miguel de Cervantes, menyebutkan permainan veintiuna dalam bahasa Spanyol di salah satu bukunya. Mungkin saja ventiuna adalah nenek moyang blackjack modern, atau dia bisa saja merujuk pada trente-un, permainan populer pada tahun 1570. Bahkan mungkin itu adalah permainan quinze Prancis. Tampaknya dengan persediaan kertas yang sedikit, tingkat melek huruf yang rendah dan tidak adanya pulpen, para jenius yang menemukan versi paling awal dari permainan yang kita sukai, jarang ditulis dalam sejarah.
Jadi apa yang kita ketahui tentang blackjack? Permainan seperti yang kita kenal sekarang secara resmi dinamai oleh orang Amerika dan dikaitkan dengan promosi 'get'em through the door' di Nevada pada tahun 1930-an - dengan peluang 10: 1 dibayarkan jika seorang pemain menang dengan Jack of Clubs or Spades hitam bersama dengan Ace of Spades.
1638: Italia dan kelahiran kasino
Meskipun perjudian adalah aktivitas yang populer dan tersebar luas di Venesia pada tahun 1600-an, baru pada tahun 1638 para pemimpin kota mengubah sayap Palazzo Dandolo Venesia menjadi rumah judi milik pemerintah bernama Il Ridotto, yang berarti "kamar pribadi".
Il Ridotto terbuka untuk umum, tetapi taruhannya yang tinggi dan aturan berpakaian formal tidak mencakup semua orang selain bangsawan. Permainan termasuk biribi dan basetta. Dalam biribi, pemain akan bertaruh pada salah satu dari 70 kemungkinan hasil. "Bankir" bertanggung jawab untuk menarik nomor, dan mereka yang bertaruh pada nomor itu akan memenangkan pot permainan. Pemain yang menang hanya akan mengumpulkan 64 kali taruhan aslinya, memungkinkan rumah untuk membuat bayaran 10 persen pada permainan. Ini nantinya akan menjadi tepi rumah.
Permainan paling populer di Il Ridotto adalah basetta, yang menggabungkan unsur-unsur dari apa yang kita kenal sekarang sebagai blackjack, poker, dan gin rummy. Pemenang bisa mendapatkan 60 kali lipat taruhan mereka dalam pembayaran.
Klub ini akhirnya ditutup pada tahun 1774 oleh pembaru Venesia, Giorgio Pisani, dengan tujuan "untuk menjaga kesalehan, disiplin yang baik, dan perilaku yang moderat".
1796: Rumah Judi Paris
Para Pemain Judi memiliki rumah taruhan di Paris untuk berterima kasih atas roulette. Versi paling awal dari gim ini tampaknya merupakan hibrida dari roda gim yang ditemukan pada awal 1700-an dan gim biribi Italia yang populer. Permainan dalam bentuk modern pertama kali disebutkan dalam novel Prancis tahun 1801, La Roulette - Ou le Jour, dan diperkirakan dimainkan di Paris untuk pertama kalinya pada tahun 1796.
Kasino Little Wheel di Paris memiliki skema warna yang berbeda saat itu. Merah digunakan untuk nol tunggal dan hitam untuk nol ganda, tetapi di beberapa titik di tahun 1800-an, hijau diperkenalkan untuk menghindari kemungkinan kebingungan.
Sepanjang tahun 1800-an, game judi ini semakin populer dan menyebar ke seluruh Eropa setelah dibukanya Kasino Monte Carlo yang ikonik. Meskipun bentuk nol tunggal dari permainan ini dimainkan di Eropa dan sebagian besar dunia, orang Amerika tetap menggunakan roda nol ganda yang asli.
1829: Pertumbuhan global Poker
Di sini sekali lagi, kita harus berspekulasi tentang asal mula poker. Beberapa ahli percaya bahwa permainan tersebut dapat ditelusuri kembali 1.000 tahun ke jenis permainan kartu domino yang dimainkan oleh seorang kaisar di Tiongkok abad ke-10. Sekolah pemikiran lain memiliki poker yang berasal dari permainan kartu Persia abad ke-16 yang disebut "As Nas".
Yang kita tahu adalah bahwa permainan bernama Poque semakin populer di Prancis pada tahun 1600-an bersamaan dengan padanannya di Jerman, pochen. Kedua permainan perjudian didasarkan pada permainan primero Spanyol abad ke-16 - tiga kartu dibagikan kepada setiap pemain dan menggertak adalah bagian penting dari permainan.
Poque dibawa ke Amerika Utara oleh penjajah Prancis, dan pemukim berbahasa Inggris Anglicized Poque ke poker. Pada tahun 1834, banyak fitur modern dari permainan ini digunakan, termasuk lima kartu untuk setiap pemain dan setumpuk 52 kartu.
Segera, popularitas permainan di antara anggota kru di perahu sungai yang mengangkut barang ke atas dan ke bawah Sungai Mississippi menyebarkan permainan itu ke seluruh negeri. Kita tahu pasti, bahwa tentara di kedua sisi Perang Saudara Amerika bermain poker dan itu juga merupakan favorit perusahaan di bar Wild West di permukiman perbatasan pada tahun 1870-an dan 1880-an.
Itu adalah Menteri Amerika untuk Inggris Raya yang memperkenalkan permainan ke Eropa pada tahun 1871. Ratu Victoria mendengar dia menjelaskan permainan kepada anggota istananya dan meminta aturan. Secara umum diterima bahwa fenomena global poker benar-benar melonjak selama Perang Dunia I karena tentara Amerika mengambil kesempatan untuk bermain kapan pun mereka bisa.
Baik Anda menikmati permainan poker langsung atau versi meja yang lebih tradisional, Anda mungkin paling akrab dengan varian Texas Hold'em tahun 1970-an, tetapi ada sejumlah versi berbeda selama bertahun-tahun.
1891: One Armed Bandit Amerika
Mesin slot yang sangat populer saat ini mulai hidup sebagai mesin judi sederhana yang dibuat oleh Sittman dan Pitt dari Brooklyn, New York pada tahun 1891. Mesin ini menggunakan 50 dari 52 kartu setumpuk poker untuk menantang pemain membentuk tangan poker. Permainan ini membutuhkan biaya satu nikel untuk dimainkan dan meskipun semakin populer, tidak ada cara untuk menstandarkan pembayaran untuk semua kombinasi kemenangan yang beragam - ini berarti hadiah untuk menang bervariasi dari satu batang ke batang lainnya.
Kemudian, pada tahun 1895, seorang pria bernama Charles Fey menciptakan mesin tiga drum dengan menggunakan lima simbol. Ini membuatnya lebih mudah untuk menstandarkan pembayaran pada jumlah kombinasi. Mesin slot elektronik pertama baru lahir pada tahun 1963. Kemudian pada tahun 1976, mesin slot video ditemukan dengan layar berwarna 19 inci dan papan logika Sony, yang ternyata lebih dapat diandalkan daripada suku cadang mekanis, lebih murah untuk diproduksi dan tidak terlalu rentan terhadap penipuan. Ini tentu saja membuka jalan bagi slot digital di klub berbasis darat dan slot online yang merupakan tulang punggung sebagian besar operasi perjudian saat ini.
1960-an: Taruhan Olahraga Inggris
Inggris Raya memiliki sejarah panjang dalam taruhan olahraga, tetapi baru setelah Undang-Undang 1960 melegalkan taruhan di luar jalur, Inggris berkembang menjadi pasar yang sangat besar seperti saat ini dengan lebih dari 1.000 toko taruhan di London saja. Tidak diragukan lagi daya tariknya adalah menambahkan taruhan seseorang melalui taruhan pada hasil salah satu hiburan favorit kami, dan seringkali obsesif, - olahraga.
Pasar taruhan olahraga online saat ini di Inggris Raya bernilai sekitar £ 650 juta dengan populasi perjudian online 2,1 juta pelanggan dan terus bertambah.
Taruhan pada olahraga telah menjadi rekor sejak orang Yunani menemukan Olimpiade ribuan tahun yang lalu. Tidak diragukan lagi legalisasi tahun 1950-an atas hobi di Las Vegas dan pelonggaran undang-undang tahun 1960-an di Inggris menyebabkan penggunaan hobi tersebut. Tetapi baru setelah internet menjadi arus utama, taruhan online melonjak ke ketinggian baru. Anda dapat membaca lebih lanjut tentang sejarah taruhan olahraga di Inggris di blog ini.
1994: Perbatasan Baru untuk Perjudian
Sama seperti kita telah memindahkan begitu banyak aktivitas kita secara online, tidaklah mengherankan bahwa perjudian di dunia maya telah meledak sejak Internet tersedia di rumah kita. Faktanya, dalam lima tahun setelah online, industri taruhan diperkirakan bernilai £ 3,8 miliar. Saat ini, ini adalah industri multi-miliar pound dengan lebih dari seribu kasino online di seluruh dunia.
Sekarang tablet dan ponsel cerdas memungkinkan penjudi untuk bermain game online di mana pun mereka berada, dan kapan pun mereka suka, dan para ahli memperkirakan bahwa ini hanyalah awal dari tren peningkatan dalam perjudian seluler. Dengan pemikiran ini, situs perjudian terus berupaya untuk membuat pengalaman online semudah dan seautentik mungkin bagi pelanggan mereka, sehingga terbentuklah situs taruhan online.
Dengan teknologi baru yang menarik segera hadir di bidang Virtual dan Augmented Reality, tidak sulit untuk percaya bahwa tak lama kemudian, pengalaman online akan menawarkan semua realisme ruang judi, tanpa Anda harus meninggalkan kenyamanan rumah Anda. .
Bermain langsung di VIVA99 sebagai agen judi adalah pengalaman yang benar-benar unik. Penawaran kelas satunya memberi para pemain kesempatan untuk mengambil bagian dalam permainan kasino langsung favorit mereka tanpa perlu mengunduh untuk bermain - hanya pengalaman kasino sejati setiap saat.
2020: Perjudian Telah Beralih ke Seluler
Sejak New Jersey melegalkan perjudian online pada tahun 2011, minat orang-orang terhadapnya telah meningkat pesat. Amerika telah melihat langkah untuk melegalkannya negara bagian demi negara, serta mengalami peningkatan pesat dalam perjudian seluler. Di seluruh dunia, pengguna internet secara bertahap beralih dari desktop ke perangkat genggam mereka. Ini juga berlaku untuk penjudi online, ingin dapat menikmati permainan favorit mereka saat bepergian. Situs judi online teratas di luar sana telah mengenali pasar dan telah meningkatkan kualitasnya. Dengan gelombang tujuan perjudian online yang berfokus pada seluler yang mengesankan dan menggemparkan dunia, aman untuk mengatakan bahwa desktop tertinggal jauh demi alternatif yang lebih seluler.
Apa Selanjutnya, Masa Depan
Memprediksi masa depan perjudian sama sulitnya dengan mengungkap beberapa asal mula permainan judi yang kita kenal dengan baik hari ini. Sebagian besar fokus saat ini adalah di pasar game seluler, dengan kasino online berebut untuk membuat lebih banyak konten yang kompatibel dengan perangkat genggam terbaru. Teknologi realitas virtual baru saja mengambil langkah pertamanya sebagai proposisi komersial, dan Anda dapat yakin bahwa akan ada aplikasi perjudian di masa mendatang. Bagaimana Anda ingin duduk di sekitar meja poker virtual dengan sekelompok teman Anda dari seluruh dunia, berbagi sedikit tawa, mencoba untuk mengetahui apakah Anda dapat melihat tanda centang wajah; dan semua ini dari kenyamanan rumah Anda? Headset VR dapat mewujudkannya - mungkin tidak hari ini, tetapi tentunya hanya beberapa tahun ke depan jika teknologi terus berkembang pesat.
Dan setelah itu? Siapa yang tahu, tetapi jika menyangkut perjudian, semua hal mungkin terjadi.
SUMBER : Mengenang Sejarah Judi Online -
submitted by richardviva99 to u/richardviva99 [link] [comments]

Report your table minimums here (COVID Edition)

6/17 Edit: Great info guys. Keep it coming! If something changes, please let me know.
I reached out to the mods asking about putting together a post to collect minimums for craps tables in Vegas and other places.
If this post gains traction, it may get a sticky. It may also help cut down on the amount of posts asking for this info.
I'll try to keep the body of the post updated. If information is correct, let me know.
Update 6/18 - Nevada Gaming Board announced masks required at table games in Nevada. I haven't heard that this is being enforced yet.
6/30: Keep reporting, especially any of you heading to Vegas. We would love to hear what the mins are on the strip
Let me know what casino, day or night and the minimums:
Vegas Strip Casino Day Min Night Min Dividers Comments
Aria 15 25 Unknown
Bellagio 10 25 Yes, all tables Poker tables open
Caesars 15 25 No Poker tables open
Casino Royale N/A N/A N/A Table Games not open
Cosmo 100 50-100
Encore 50 100 Yes, on some tables Updated 6/16
Excalibur 10-15 Unknown 10 crapless, 15 regular
Flamingo Rare (5) - 15 25
Harrah's 15 25 No Confirmed no dividers per 6/16 Youtube video
Linq 15 25 No
Luxor 10 15
Mandalay Bay N/A N/A
MGM Grand 10 25 Yes, all tables
NY/NY 10 15 Yes, all tables
Osheas Unknown 15
Paris N/A N/A No Opened 6/18 - Masks required at tables.
Planet Hollywood N/A N/A No open date announced
Rio N/A N/A No open date announced
Strat Day 10 Unknown
Treasure Island 5 15
Venetian Unknown 25 No
Wynn 25-50 50-100 Yes, on some tables Updated 6/16
Downtown Casino Day Min Night Min Dividers Comments
Binions 10 10
California 10 10
The D 10 15 No glass
El Cortez 10 10 Yes, some tables 2 tables
Four Queens 5 5 No Confirmed thru 6/14 Youtube video
Fremont 10 10
Golden Gate 5 5 From 6/9 on Vegas Message Board (no carnival games)
Sams Town 15 15 1 table
Offstrip Casino Day Min Night Min Dividers Comments
Aliente 10 10
Boulder Station 10 10
Cannery 5 5 up to 2 tables, a mask was provided but not required
Ellis Island 5 5 1 table
Gold Coast 5 5
Green Valley Ranch 10 10 2 tables open
The Orleans 10 25 up to 4 tables, I was asked to wear a mask
Palace Station 10 10 Unknown
Palms N/A N/A No open date announced
South Point 5 5 2-3x tables w/ only one $5 buy in
Strat 5 10
Sunset Station 5 5
Other NV Casinos Day Min Night Min Dividers Comments
Edgewater (Laughlin) 10 10
Harrahs (Laughlin) 10 15 no
Atlantis (Reno) 5/10 5/10 2 tables with different mins
Cal Neva (Reno) 5 5
Circus Circus (Reno) Closed Closed Closed table game pit
Eldorado (Reno) 10 10
Grand Sierra (Reno) 15 15-25
Peppermill (Reno) 10 10 3 craps tables
Silver Legacy (Reno) 10 10
Hard Rock (Tahoe) Closed Closed Currently closed
Harrahs (Tahoe) 25 25
Montbleu (Tahoe) 10 15
Non/NV Casino Day Min Night Min Dividers Comments
Foxwoods (CT) 15 25
Mohegan (CT) 10-50 10-50 2 were 10, 2 $15, 1 $25, 1 $50. Plus a high rollers table
Harrington (DE) 10 15-25 Must wear mask and face shield
Blue Chip (Michigan City, IN) 5 10 5 minimum prop bets, 5 min ATS bet.
L’auberge (Lake Charles,LA) 25/50 25/50 2 $25 min and 2 $50 min tables. 1 bubble craps $5 min
Harrahs (Shreveport, LA) 15 25
Margaritaville (Shreveport, LA) 25 25
Ocean Downs (MD) 10 15
Maryland Live (MD) 25 50 Yes 5 tables, 4 per side. Electronic craps 15 min
MGM @ National Harbor 50-100 Yes 4 craps tables 2 were $50 and 2 were $100 mins. Not bubble craps or low roller options.
Firekeepers (Battle Creek, MI) 10 15+ No dividers, only distancing 1-2 tables depending on demand, did see it at $15 during the day $25 on Fri/Sat night. Masks required, no smoking. $3 Bubble Craps.
River City (St. Louis, MS) 20 20 Unknown 4 players per side. $20 min. You have to have at least a $20 bet for every throw to "hold your spot"
Beau Rivage (Biloxi, MS) 25 25 unknown 3 tables
Boomtown (Biloxi, MS) 10 10 Unknown 1 table
IP (Biloxi, MS) 25 25
Scarlett Pearl (Biloxi, MS) 25 25
The Palace Biloxi, MS) 10 15
Treasure Bay (Biloxi, MS) 10 10
Hard Rock (AC, NJ 25 25 Yes 2 tables
Resorts (AC, NJ) 15 25 Yes 1 table
Ocean (AC, NJ) 15 25 Yes 4-6 tables
Hollywood (Columbus, OH) 10-15 Unknown Unknown 2 tables, masks required
Hollywood (Grantville, PA) 15 25 Unknown 2 tables, masks required
Meadows (PA) 10 10 2-3 tables.
Sycuan (San Diego, CA) 10 10 Masks required
Barona (So Cal) 5 5 3 tables, dealers managing bets for players.
Harrahs (So Cal) 15-25 15-25 Bubble craps $5 min, Interblock bubble $3 min, 1 electronic table $5 min
Viejas (So Cal) N/A 15 1 table
Southland Casino Racing (West Memphis, TN) N/A N/A Yes 4 tables all closed. Other pit games open with plexiglas dividers. Bubble craps $5 minimum.
Last update 7/9
There is a similar post for all games on the Vegas Message Forum
submitted by necrochaos to Craps [link] [comments]

Love? Give it six months

Love? Give it six months

Warning: this story will contain mentions of unhealthy relationships and adult themes. The main character also has some character traits that may differs from your own, please do keep that in mind.
Review and comments will be appreciated
There once was a dashing bachelor
(That looked like )(uses the OH male feces)
Face 1
Face 2
Face 3
Face 4
James Bond (black slick backed)
Don Diego Vega (dark brown wavy hair slicked back long neck)
Steve Rogers (Short blonde side swept hair)
Agent J (Short kinky curls)
Is this him?
No (go back to customisation)
What is his name?
(Default: George)
(Default: Bishop)
There he meets
A beautiful woman
A handsome man
A beautiful woman
Face 1 (Asian; has pale skin, dark almond eyes, straight black mid-back hair with a mid-part)
Face 2 (Hispanic: has tan skin, deep brown eye and over shoulder-length volumes wavy hair with side bangs.)
Face 3 (Afro-American: dark skin, expressive brown eyes with long blackish brown chest-length kinky curly hair.)
Face 4 (Caucassian: pinkish skin with freckles, clear blue round eyes, collarbone length layered dirty blonde hair)
A handsome man
Face 1 (Asian: pale skin, dark almond eyes, straight black hair put up in a pompadour style)
Face 2 (Hispanic: tan skin, with slicked back wavy hair that always looks like it is coming undone.)
Face 3 (Afro-American: dark skin, expressive brown eyes, with a crewcut with tight natural curls.)
Face 4 (Caucasian: pinkish skin with freckles, clear blue eyes, dirty blonde hair in a Taper haircut.)
As the two peoples eyes lock across the room. The sensation of a pull drives them to get closer to one another.
As the dashing bachelor offered his hand his partner gladly accepted it. Leading into a dance that lasted the rest of the night.
The whole world faded away to the sound of the Jazz band, their breathing and their dancing.
As their lips moved to meet...
???: “Oh come now Joanna, you know that is no way that would ever happen.”

(Record Scratch)
Joanna: “Oh for craps sake, George I was getting to the best part.”
George: “Forgive me for finding it uncomfortable that you have decide how my love life is going to go.”
Lance: “He does have a point there sis.”
Joanna: “Way to stand up for your sister Lance.”
Lance “Look I’m all for love conquers and all that jazz but it is kind of difficult to make a love life for someone else.”
George: “Thank you.”
Lance: “I mean he isn’t a completely lost cause. I’m sure some desperate soul will take him.”
Lance: “I mean he’s got dads looks, and he managed to get with mom when they were young.”
Lance: “That might make up for his zero tact.”
George: “Your faith in me is awe inspiring.”
Lance: “Oh cheer up. With your upcoming trip to Vegas, maybe you’ll have luck in love and not just on the poker table.”
Joanna: “Maybe you’ll meet someone special!”
You snort, finding the idea silly.
George: “I wouldn’t bet on it.”
Chapter 1: One night in Vegas
In an underground speakeasy decked out in old decor from the 20th centuries first half. You sit there nursing your drink. After a long day at the office you love nothing more than when you can enjoy your secret fancy. Dressed up in an old-fashioned pinstripe suit and a fedora. You feel like a king, this little piece of haven in Chicago that seemed to be frozen in time.
You feel your friend beside you stir, he himself having to relax from work as well as dreading an upcoming event.
After his fifth sight you opt to actually talk about it.
You take a swing of your drink and decide to talk about the elephant in the room.
Or more accurately you decide to talk about the issue in pre 1940’s slang
George: “Your bear cat of a sister still giving you a hard time?”
Jeremy: “Noneofya.”
He mumbled.
George: “Look Pally, I known you since we were scrubs and had squat. What's eating you?”
Jeremy: “That dame will chisel me out of every dime I own.”
George: “Stephie acting like a Big cheese cause she is getting hitched?”
Jeremy: “She wants everything spiffy and I’m quite sure her ankle biters will be paying the bills. My folks are on my case regarding my dame.”
You think for a moment. Jeremy and Katie had been together for four years. They got one another, they lived together.
George: “Stephie’s lucky her guy thinks she’s the Cat's meow.”
You said reflecting on everything you ever heard regarding Darren, he was a good guy. Definitely not the smartest but he loved Stephanie like she was the only woman alive. You just wondered why anyone would want to spend time with that woman.
Jeremy: “Alright, real talk.”
Jeremy said as he dropped ‘the act’, we were no longer hot shots in the prohibition era. We were now just George Bishop and Jeremy Jackson a financial advisor and a computer wizard.
George: “In all do honesty I do not see why you need to go there? Aren’t bachelorette parties strictly female?”
Jeremy: “They used to be, but I am quite sure I am not going with them to be pampered like the bridesmaids.”
George: “Then your function is?”
Jeremy: “If I were to guess, fall guy and pack mule.”
Jeremy: “I think she is also doing it to brag, that ‘she did it first.’ To rub it in Katie’s face.”
George: “You never really care what your sister does. Why now?”
Jeremy: “Because they are pressuring me and Katie. Not just my family but next to everyone we know. ‘When is the wedding? What is the venue? How many guests? Are you going to have it this year?’ Look I love my girl, but none of us is in rush to walk down the aisle.”

Yeah, you know, you were the first one Jeremy told about his plan to propose. You were happy for him but at the end of the day it was up to Katie and Jeremy. Not you or their families. However the rest of the world seemed to think differently.
Mom: “Oh sweetheart, happy valentine’s day! Are you spending it with someone special?”
George: “Mom, you know I am not looking for someone.”
Mom: “Oh, don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll find that certain someone sooner or later.”

Yeah, it isn’t enough your sister is married and your brother is utterly twitterpated with his boyfriend. You need to ensure your oldest is also with someone.

Boss: “Mr. Bishop, I must say. I am impressed with your work ethics, but we have decided to go with Mr. Robinson as the face of the company.”
Never minding the fact that you worked twice as hard as said college.
George: “I understand. May I ask what made you choose him?”
Boss: “We did research and found that your college would be favourable, due to circumstance.”

Translation: we wanted a man that was married and not the workaholic bachelor.

Stranger 1: “You see that guy over there?”
Stranger 2: “You mean the one with the RBF?”
Stranger 1: “Yeah, probably one of those loners, will never find anyone.”
Stranger 2: “I mean who goes to a restaurant like this alone?”

Honestly? You can’t have a meal alone?

George: “Yeah, I know that feeling.”
Jeremy: “Seriously.”
Both of you take a sigh.
Jeremy: “But in all honesty. Thank you for coming along, I really appreciate it. Would probably loose my mind if I went alone.”
George: “Of course.”
  1. It would be a shame to lose my partner in crime.
  2. My boss would be pissed if I didn’t.
  3. Who would turn down free drinks?
Jeremy: “Yeah sounds about right.” *Choice 1*
George: “Remember how we got back at Marcus Thatcher?” *Choice 1*
Jeremy: “Oh, I remember. Too bad he didn’t check the file we sent, it might have saved him some embarrassment.” *Choice 1*
George: “Big tough football star being fooled by ‘two scrawny’ freshmen.” *Choice 1*
Jeremy: “And we were hailed as heroes for a month.” *Choice 1*
Jeremy: “Wait, don’t tell me HR department has been on your case.” *Choice 2*
Geroge: “Yep, too much overtime.” *Choice 2*
Geroge: “Never mind I make sure that everything is quality controlled.” *Choice 2*
Jeremy: “Geesh. Well glad to know I could be of service.” *Choice 2*
Jeremy: “Ah there it is, I knew you had a hidden agenda. *Choice 3*
George: “Jeremy, Jeremy, Jeremy, when have I ever hid something from you?” *Choice 3*
Jeremy: “Alright fair, you are honest to the point of insult.” *Choice 3*
Geroge: “You asked for my opinion, besides those shoes where ugly as sin.” *Choice 3*
Both of you laugh, you had been in each other’s life since kindergarten. You where the odd ducks, most kids and adults always considered you to be cold or judging. Even if neither of you had that intention.
Jeremy raises his glass.
Jeremy: “To intellectual companions.”
George: “To intellectual friends.”
You said as you raised your own drink in a toast.

The weekend finally arrived for the trip. You arrived at O’Hare airport with a good three hours to spare. You crack open the book you brought with you.
It was a supernatural detective story you received as a gift on last birthday a few months back. While you applaud your sister for trying, it was still jarring to follow all the supernatural deus-ex-machinas that discarded real detective work.
So that is how a 31 year old was reading a supernatural book in broad daylight.
George: ‘ with gun drawn, Duskraven made her way down the basement, the surroundings smelled of blood and muck.’
Geroge: ‘Romano’s empire was now in full display in front of her. Fae, lined the walls, eyes hollow and only the movement of their chest indicating they were still alive.’
George: ‘Duskraven took out her polaroid camera, it was a risky but if this would ever have a chance to justice. Her leads and information would need to be solid if she wanted to take down the vampire cartel. She just hoped the light for the camera would be noticed.’
George: ‘With a blinding light the entire basement lit up temporarily blinding her, when she regained her sight again a new horror met her eyes. Multiple pairs of hungry red eyes.’
Jeremy: “George!”
You tear your eyes away from the book in your hand.
There is Jeremy and Katie, hand in hand. Seeing them together was always a happy occasion.
Katie and Jeremy met at your favourite speakeasy a few years back. You didn’t blame your friend for becoming interested in the ICU nurse. Curly red hair and big blue eyes. Even if the courtship had started out rocky due to both of them being so shy. They overcame that hurdle and found something they wanted.
Sometimes however you wished you didn’t feel like you were interrupting them.
George: “Good morning, is Stephanie and her friends also here?”
Katie: “No they had a sleep over at Daria’s house. So they will be carpooling.”
You look at your clock and it was about two hours before the plane would take off, your bags where checked in and you were ready to leave and get to the section where the gates would be. But there was still no sign of Stephanie.
As you though you heard a rumbling sound.
Both you and Katie looked at Jeremy as a sheepish grim grew on his face.
Katie: “Told you, a ham sandwich wouldn’t hold.”
Jeremy: “It will hold till lunch, which is a few hours away.”
George: “You sure that is a good idea?”
Jeremy: “Tell you what, I’ll go if you come with me and Katie.”
Katie: “So what do you say?”
· Sure, I could have a bite. (💎12)
· Perhaps we shouldn’t
Diamond Choice:
George: “Alright, let us have something to eat.”
Jeremy: “Good! Airplane food leaves much to be desired.”
Katie: “You always think with your stomach.”
Jeremy: “Yet you love me.”
Katie: “Yes, odd isn’t it?”
You make your way inside and stay in line.
You look at the menu and order
· Breakfast burrito
· Bacon and scrambled eggs
· Fruit and oatmeal
You order your food along with a big coffee. You all slide into the booth, Katie had her yogurt in hand both of you looked worryingly at Jeremy’s breakfast.
(Tilting tower of pancakes)
(Holy crap!)
You swore for a moment both you and Katie was reading each other’s mind.
‘He is going to puke.’
George: “Hey Jeremy, think you can get some napkins?”
Jeremy: “Sure.”
As he left you plied a few pancakes away, making sure that you saved the top one so he wouldn’t notice. Katie making sure the tower didn’t fall.
She gave a thumbs up, thanking you.
George: “So Katie, how have you been?”
Katie: “There is always a lot of things to do at the ICU, sometime I wonder where humanity is headed.”
George: “Really, that bad?”
Katie: “How would you explain having a locomotive lodge up your rectum?”
George: “How did that happened?”
Katie: “They claim they fell on it, if I had a dollar every time this happened I wouldn’t have any student debts.”
You shake your head, you have been thinking a bit about what Jeremy said at the Speakeasy. You had also noticed that something was up with Katie, she was on edge.
George: “Katie…”
1. “Did you want to go on this trip?”
2. “Has Mr and Mrs Jackson been pressuring you?”
3. “Do you want to get married?”
Katie: “In all honesty no, but Stephanie has made me a bridesmaid. I need to partake in these things. Even if I wish I didn’t.” *Choice 1\*
George: “Why?” *Choice 1\*
Katie: “I wish I could care as little about protocol as you do, but she is Jeremy’s sister, if I say no it might affect my relationship with Jeremy and his family.” *Choice 1\*
Katie: “Yes, I mean no, I mean… it’s complicated.” *Choice 2\*
George: “How come?” *Choice 2\*
Katie: “I’m 30 years old George, time is ticking. They want grandchildren to spoil.” *Choice 2\*
George: “And you have to be married to do that?” *Choice 2\*
Katie: “Of course I love Jeremy.” *Choice 3\*
George: “That wasn’t the question, do you want to get married?” *Choice 3\*
Katie: “It is just so big, all those expectations. I… it scares the crap out of me.” *Choice 3\*
George: “Listen, I will tell you something.”
You said using your stern voice.
George: “Jeremy loves you, he chose you. You chose him. That is the truth at the end of the day.”
Katie looked at you, a shy smile graced her lips. She mouthed a thank you.
Jeremy made his way back to you with a great pile of napkins. You all begin to take part of the meal. During the entire meal Katie and Jeremy’s shoulders touched and they looked as content as they could be.
(‘Loving it’ you had breakfast at McDermott)
None diamond choice:
George: “Let us just sit down and relax, we should be in Las Vegas at 1 am. Knowing Stephanie we will probably eat something there before heading to the hotel.”
Katie: “Maybe, I’ll get some water at least.”
Jeremy: “Good idea.”
(‘Not hungry’ you didn’t have a McDermott breakfast)
As all of you wait for the supposed ‘bride’ you hear commotion.
Sure enough you see a brunette with a close to permanent scowl on her face. Followed but two very flustered women.
“There you are! WHERE have you been?!”
Her tone is as pleasant as you remember, nails on a chalkboard.
Jeremy: “We have been here waiting for you.”
Stephanie: “You aren’t even going to help me with my bags. What type of brother are you?”
Jeremy: “Well we are here, we have about half an hour before the plane leaves. So let’s get to the gate.”
Stephanie just huffed. Storming away.
George: “Wow she is in a good mood.”
You state sarcastically.
Jeremy: “Yeah she gets like that some time.”
Jeremy: “Just try not to set her of, she can be a handful.”
Katie: “I mean how bad could it possibly be?”
You were never the very superstitious type, but you were quite sure that Katie just opened Pandora’s Box.

From the time the plane touched ground in Nevada everything that could set of Stephanie did.
Stephanie: “URRGH!!! where is that shuttle! He is LATE!!”
Jeremy: “They told us like five minutes ago there is traffic jam.”
Stephanie: “Then he should have planned it earlier!”
Stephanie: “I will not wait an hour! WE have a schedule to follow!”
George:’ This coming from the woman that almost missed the plane to her own bachelorette party.’
Daria: “They say it is only another 15 minutes.”

Stephanie: “I DON’T CAREEEEE!”
Stephanie: “What do you mean that our suits where not booked?”
Receptionist: “You never sent in the deposit for your stay.”
Stephanie: “THAT WAS GEMMA’S JOB!”
Gemma: “I told you, the suits needed to be paid for by the same person that booked them.”

Stephanie: “You are a bridesmaid, you are supposed to make things work!”
George: ‘Honetly…’
George: “Sigh…”
Waitress: “Yes it is, you wanted a calamari.”
The poor waitress looked exhausted and probably wanted to be anywhere but here, not that one could blame her.
Stephanie: “NO IT ISN’T! I wanted the pasta with bacon and cheese.”
Katie: “A cabonara?”
Jeremy: “Stephie we are at a seafood restaurant.”

George: ‘IS she ever satisfied?’
All of us where back at the hotel, Stephanie insisting that they ‘needed’ a new set of clothes for the casino and club they were planning on hitting. Jeremy looked ready to just give up.
George: “You know, you could simply say no to her.”
Jeremy threw an exhausted glair at me.
Jeremy: “If it was so simple neither me, you nor Katie would be here right now.”
George: “And you wouldn’t be here doing this Sisyphean task, which obviously brings you missery.”
Jeremy: “Yeah well, I still want my parents in my life, if I didn’t do this, they would never let me live it down.”
What to wear to the casino?
· Tuxedo 007 (💎 15)
· Basic black
Diamond option:
Jeremy: “You look like James Bond.”
George: “I’ll have a martini, shaken not stirred.”
You said and an amused smile spread across Jeremy’s face.
None diamond choice
“I Think I’ll stick with this.”
“Fair enough, I am too exhausted to care anyway.”

Jeremy said with a tired smile. You both left the room, making our way to one of the pulsing centres of the strip.
There in the golden casinos you thought finally your luck would finally turn for the better. That the glamorous atmosphere would rub off on the soon-to-be bride. Causing her to stop doing her impression of a screeching barn owl and let ALL of them enjoy Sin City.
Well it seemed to have worked, for now.
Both you and Jeremy where at the black jack tables, enjoying yourself. While the ladies were back at the slots machines.
Jeremy folded a while ago, it is just you and one more. You looked down at your cards a jack and an ace. You opponent opposite you had this confident smirk on his face. But you saw how the sweat was running down his face. He was bluffing.
George: “Hum…”
  1. Act as if you have a bad hand
  2. Act arrogant and self-assured
  3. Do not react at all and watch the man squirm
You decide to let your brows furrow in what would look like frustration. The man opposite you lets the edge of his mouth turn in a smirk. His confidence boosting with every minute. *Choice 1*
You decide to put on the theatrics, giving a smile like the cat that ate the canary you look at your opponent. That is growing more and more agitated by the minute. *Choice 2*
You keep your face natural, a lot of people often comment that you look angry whenever they see you. You could only assume it was true because your opponent was practically squirming in his seat. *Choice 3*
When he reviles his hand, you pause for a moment before reviling yours.
You won.
George: “I’ll be taking these.”
You said as you dragged them back chips and split them evenly between you and Jeremy. You had started with the same amount of tokens. Even if you did work with money daily, this was one of those occasions you allowed yourself to be a bit more relaxed regarding that subject.
Jeremy: “Nice one.”
George: “All in a day’s work.”
Jeremy: “So what next?”
Before you could answer you hear commotion from the opposite side of the casino. The screeching voice meant that Stephanie was somewhere in the middle of it. Both of you sigh, knowing that your happy hour was over.
Sure enough there at the era leading into one of the shows where Stephanie and her entourage, all of them except Stephanie wearing baby pink dresses and Stephanie herself wearing a sash reading ‘all hail the bride’ along with a tacky tiara probably worth a five dollar bill at most.
She was screaming at a bouncer, while all the others tried in vain to calm the soon-to-be bride.
Stephanie: “You are an idiot! What service is this!?”
When we had arrived there was already an audience forming. Yeah this was common whenever Stephanie was involved. ‘Drama Queen’ had been your nickname for her during high school for a reason.
Jeremy: “What happened?”
Bouncer: “Your friend here slapped one of your dancers, something about them stealing from them.”
Stephanie: “I am the BRIDE! I am not supposed to have to pay for anything during my bachelorette party.”
Jeremy: “Stephanie, what about we get some fresh air, okay?”
Jeremy said as he tried to deescalate the situation. He gently grabbed her arm, but Stephanie was having none of it.
It felt like it all happened in slow motion, Stephanie turned around and a closed fist and rage connected it with Jeremy’s face. Your friend flew back and hit his head on the floor pretty hard. Stephanie didn’t even care to check what state her brother was in. Katie flew to her fiancés side and the sight of your friend’s bleeding face was enough to make you see red.
George: “Alright enough.”
  1. Scold her
  2. Embarrass her
  3. Give her the evil eye
George: “Stephanie, you are way out of line.” *Choice 1*
Stephanie: “No I am not!” *Choice 1*
George: “You have taken no responsibility during this trip, you have been rude to every member of the party, you have caused a scene at every place we have been to. Do I need to keep going?” *Choice 1*
Your voice is like ice, you swear the temperature just dropped a few degrees. As you pointed out everything she has done during the less than 24 hours you been together. *Choice 1*
Stephanie looks angrily at her bridesmaids as is she is waiting for them to defend her. *Choice 1*
They do not, they know you are just stating the truth. *Choice 1*
George: “Your own brother did not want to be on this trip, he begged me to come along. Doesn’t that tell you just how vile you have been acting?” *Choice 1*
Stephanie: “You listen here…”*Choice 1*
George: “No you listen for once in your life!” *Choice 1*
You rarely let your emotions out but Stephanie was a special case. *Choice 1*
George: “If this is how you treat people, do not be surprised when Darren leaves you at the altar. He deserve better than this.” *Choice 1*
With that as a closing line you left, Jeremy might need to get to the hospital. He was worth more than Stephanie would ever be in your eyes. *Choice 1*
As you leave you are quite sure you hear someone applauding. *Choice 1*
With determined steps you made your way to one of the waitresses. *Choice 2*
George: “Excuse me.” *Choice 2*
You hand her a 50 dollar bill as you grab a big jug glass filled with beer and briskly walk back to Stephanie that is still screaming profanities. Because of her back being turned to you she didn’t see you. You saw how people began to take out their cameras and phones. No one made a move to stop you. *Choice 2*
With one quick movement you had poured it over her and a shriek of surprise entered your ears. *Choice 2*
Stephanie: “What the fuck is wrong with you!?” *Choice 2*
George: “Are you done with your little temper tantrum?” *Choice 2*
Stephanie: “What!? How dare you!” *Choice 2*
George: “You have been acting like a spoiled five year old since the moment we landed. I am surprised no one has done anything until now.” *Choice 2*
Stephanie: “You are so not coming to my wedding!” *Choice 2*
George: “It isn’t a loss, I was never here for you. Now excuse me I have more important things to deal with.” *Choice 2*
You left Stephanie to deal with the people that had gathered for the ‘show’ and she began to scream at them and calling them all sorts of names. But no one was intimidated, they found it hilarious. *Choice 2*
You grab hold of Stephanie, until she has no choice but to look at you. She is screeching, calling you every slur and bad name in the book. Your hands are firm on her upper arm, you just hold no squeezing, no pushing. You keep your eyes locked on her, you must have stood there quite a while until finally her defiant stare became weaker and weaker. *Choice 3*
You kept hold of her until she burst out into tears. At that point you let her go. Knowing you had knocked her down a peg. *Choice 3*

But Stephanie wasn’t your main concern, Jeremy was. You moved to stay with Katie and Jeremy, the crowd parted as the red sea as you walked by. All in stunned silence. *Choice 3*

George: “Are you sure you’ll be alright?”
Jeremy grimaced at the questing, blood still trickling down his face from where he had been punched. Luckily the nose would heal, the only question was what colour it would be in time for Stephanie’s wedding.
Jeremy: “I’ll be fine, Katie is here too. She knows what she is doing.”
Katie: “Having your fiancé being a nurse does have its perks huh?”
Jeremy: “Yeah one of many.”
The two of them smile at one another, before Jeremy turn back to you.
Jeremy: “Think you can manage your own?”
George: “I think I can stay out of trouble for one night.”
Jeremy: “Maybe, see you tomorrow George.”
Katie: “Have a nice night.”
With that the two of them made their way up to the hotel rooms.
You decided to check out the hotel bar. Despite being 10 o’clock it was surprisingly empty. Some people where there, some having already had a few to many.
But what caught your eye was a stranger sitting at the end of the bar.
There sitting in a knee-length ocean blue dress was a woman, leaning over resting her elbows at the counter. She had a faraway look in her face as she absentmindedly stirred her drink. *♀*
There sitting a young man, nursing his drink. His blue vest and slacks combo suited him well with the crisp white shirt. His attention seeming being elsewhere. *♂*
You sit down by the bar and is about to call on the bartender when I noticed a man, clearly intoxicated made a move on the man/woman at the end of the bar.
Drunk Idiot: “Hello there, did it hurt when you fell from heaven?”
The person in question just rolled hehis eyes. Clearly not in the mood to be the object of drunk admiration.
Drunk Idiot: “How about you and me go up to my hotel room and get to know each other a bit more.”
Haven seen the man/woman in question do every none-verbal que but slapping the idiot you decide enough was enough. He had disturbed you and the rest of the bar enough.
With the smoothest and coolest tone of voice you could muster you cleared your throat to get the drunk man’s attention. It wasn’t appreciated to say the least.
Drunk idiot: “What the hell do you want prick.”
The smell of alcohol radiating off him, one would think he had bathed in vodka. It was surprising no one had tossed him out from being a nuisance earlier.
George: “I do believe that you are bothering him/her. Please stop.”
George: “Look we are old friends, its noneofya business so bug off.”
George: “Oh really, then what is your friends name?”
Drunk Idiot: ”What?”
George: “What. Is. your. friend’s. name? If you are old friends you should surely know it.”
Drunk Idiot: “It’s ummm… Terry.”
???: “That is not even close.”
With both of you staring straight into him, mentally cornering him.
Drunk idiot: ”Screw this.”
The man declared in frustration and with that the idiot stormed off leaving both of you alone.
After making sure the guy was out of sight you turned back to the stranger.
He/She gave you a grateful smile.
???: “Thanks’ I really appreciate that?”
George: “It was nothing.”
You said making yourself ready to go back to your seat.
???: “Wait!”
The stranger called after you, out of sheer politeness you turned back around.
He/she Seemed a bit nervous, what now?
???: “Can I at least buy you a drink?”
You thought for a moment. You were on your own, Jeremy was probably nursing the bruise with some painkillers and you did not want to risk running into Stephanie or any of the bridesmaids. It also felt wrong to not take the opportunity to experience Vegas however.
So you accepted.
???: “Well What’s your poison?”
He/she asked in a joyous tone.
  1. Matrini
  2. Old Fashioned
  3. Red Wine
With a quick wave they called the bartender over.
???: “So what brings you to Vegas?”
George: “Bachelorette party.”
???: “Did it have anything to do with that brunette that slapped one of the dancers and had security physically lift her out?”
George: “Bingo.”
???: “No one got seriously hurt?”
George: “Thankfully no.”
With that the bartender served the drink and the stranger slipped a 50 dollar bill.
You lift the glass in a gesture for a thank you. And let the beverage slip down your throat. It was nice, it was a good year and the taste was strong but not overpowering.
You noticed that his/her eyes were on you, almost as if they were trying to decipher your character.
George: “What are you doing?”
???: “Trying to get a read on you, some say what you order is often an indication of who you are.”
George: “Really? Then what can you say about me?”
You asked, deciding to humour them.
???: “I can say that that you are a man that know what he wants and how you want them.” *Martini*
???: “You are an old soul, you probably know your liquor well. My guess you have a great library at home.” *Old fashioned*
???: “You are quite classy, and you can find a way to get drunk before noon.” *Red wine*
With that you give an amused chuckle.
George: “Well there is some truth to that statement.”
You take a look at the drink they self are nursing.
(Dark n Stormy)
George: “If I were to do the same to you, I guess you have a sweet tooth and might have wanted to be a pirate at some point.”
At that comment the stranger began to laugh. It was the infectious kind of laugh that made someone warm form the bottom of their stomach.
???: “Alright you got me there.”
He/she then stuck out their hand.
(My name is..)
(Default name: Skyler)
George: “‘Skyler’ it is a pleasure to meet you.”
You said as you shook it.
You take in Skyler’s look. You had to admit that they were an attractive specimen of a man/woman.
George: “The name is George Bishop.”
Skyler: “George Bishop, how professional sounding.”
He/ she said as if they were tasting your name in their mouth.
George: “Well I do hope so, would be difficult to be an advisor if people believed I was a joker.”
Skyler: “Ah, so you are one of those people that look at you and stamp ‘rejected’ on every paper?”
George: “I believe that I am fair in my judgement.”
George: “How about yourself?”
At that their eyes fell.
Skyler: “Right now, I’m a 30 year old trying to figure out my next move.”
George: “How come?”
Skyler: “Lost my job due to relationship issues between my manager and her boyfriend. Apparently, me being friendly was mistaken for flirting.”
Skyler: “What, they want a grumpy Greeter at the door?”
George: “That is unprofessional.”
Skyler: “Yeah, well relationships are messy.”
George: “Agreed.”
Skyler: “I must say the way you handled that woman, it was surprising.”
Skyler said in a genuinely impressed voice.
George: “You were watching?”
Skyler: “Kind of hard not to, I’m surprised half the hotel didn’t hear her.”
George: “Someone had to show her she isn’t the Queen of Sheba.”
Skyler: “What are your thought on marriage?”
You shoot up a bit, a bit startled by the blunt question.
George: “My thoughts?”
Skyler: “You seem like a guy that know what he thinks. I want to pick that brain a bit.”
It had been a while since someone had so blatantly flirted with you. To be fair you were a bit surprised. Dating had often been a minefield for you.
George: “Marrige…”
  1. It’s an institution
  2. It’s a partnership
  3. It’s indescribable
George: “Historically it was a way to ensure land, money and heirlooms where added into a new household.” *Choice 1*
George: “It was also a safety for children back in the day, since basterds often faced quite a few challenges from being born out of wedlock.” *Choice 1*
George: “It is a symbol of trust, that you do have someone that you can count on.” *Choice 2*
George: “But at the end of the day, if you are unfair to that partner hey might not stay.” *Choice 2*
George: “To describe marriage is like trying to describe oceans and water. Even with similarities we can see, gathering it all in an explanation would probably not give a fair judgement.” *Choice 3*
Skyler: “To me it’s a promise. ‘To have and to hold’ it is silly in this day and age were people divorce left and right for trivial things.”
Skylers eyes became dark, falling into deep thoughts. You had never been the poetic kind, but there was a sweet sentiment in Skyler’s view on things. Your parents where still married over 30 years now. Your sister was due some time in December, your brother was off celebrating a two year dating anniversary and your paternal grandmother still loved her deceased husband dearly.
To you it just never happened, perhaps it wasn’t for you.
George: “That we can agree on, people are so afraid they will settle. At the first sign of trouble they leave.”
Skyler: “So that woman form before… how long do you think her marriage will last?”
George: “If she acts like she did tonight, I wonder if her husband will even stay for the ceremony.”
You looked at your new companion and in an unusual turn of events you called the bartender over.
George: “Can I buy you a drink?”

With that Skyler smiled, deciding to keep you company.
Sometime later you awake to the sound of your alarm clock.
You feel a splitting headache, you drag you hand over your face as you do you feel a cold metal band around your finger. Pulling back as your eyes focus you see that it is a plain sliver coloured band.
(is that?)
· Oh no…
Feeling more sober than ever before you realised just what a mess you got yourself into.
George: ‘I just got married in Vegas.’
Well, you’re screwed.
submitted by ItLivesLover to Choices [link] [comments]

[PI] You owe the Devil, your fairy godmother, five witches and a dog your soul for various reasons and now they have all come to collect at the same time.

Original Prompt here.

Thomas had made plenty of bad decisions in his life. He was well aware of it, and most days he was able to accept his situation with a rueful laugh and a shrug. A majority of those bad decisions had left him with a variety of health problems, a penchant for crème brulee vape juice, and a mountain of debt.
But he was 86 years old, and he decided enough was enough. He hadn’t had a terrible life, somehow. He had friends at the nursing home (most of whom were senile), a good caretaker (who thought overcooked rice was still edible), grandkids (who hated him), and a girlfriend (who had introduced him to the concept of flavored vape and sneaked him pods from her kids’ stash).
Yes, enough was enough. It had been a good run. Thomas painstakingly raised himself from his wheelchair, taking care to hold onto the rails next to his bed, and settled down in his overstuffed chair to contemplate death. He figured it would hurt, but it didn’t bother him. Life had been quite painful on its own.
Just as Thomas was immersing himself in a pleasantly morbid mindset, the door to his room banged open.
“I can still hear, you know,” he grumbled without opening his eyes. “Is something wrong-”
“Thomas Fletcher!” a voice screamed shrilly from the door. “I have come to collect what is owed to me! You will surrender the necessary payment now, at the moment of your demise!”
“Don’t you people usually call the bank for that?” Thomas mumbled. “My daughter Megan is the executor of my estate; you’ll have to talk to her if there’s something off.”
“Look at me when I am speaking to you!” the voice railed. “You address Winnifred Beaumont, Grand Sorceress of the High Council! I have your contract right here-” parchment rustled angrily- “that clearly states I am owed one human soul, signed by the holder! That means you,” the witch added quickly.
Thomas grudgingly pried his eyes open and blinked at the short squat black-clad woman wearing an oversized pointy hat. “I think you’ve got the wrong person...”
“No I most certainly do not!” Winnifred bellowed. “Thomas Fletcher, of 1319 Birch Hill Street? Residing in Las Vegas, Nevada at the time of the signing?”
He grabbed his glasses, peered more closely at the contract, and sighed. It was not mistaken. He recognized his own drunken scrawl at the bottom. “Oh right. You were offering me some free poker chips.”
“Precisely!” Winnifred barked. “Five additional racks for no charge, only the soul contract. I would like to get this over with quickly, I’m a busy witch and haven’t got all day.”
Thomas nodded. “That’s fair.”
Winnifred dragged one of her necklaces over her head, a thick gold chain with an amethyst tear pendant, and pointed a short knobby finger at his heart. “Hold still dearie, this should only take-”
A cloud of white smoke enveloped Winnifred, flinging her aside. Thomas ducked as the necklace flew over his head and clattered into the corner.
A second woman strode regally out of the smoke, bootheels ringing on the linoleum floor. She stretched out a ringed hand towards the fallen Winnifred and the witch rose into the air, clutching her throat. “Thought you’d get here before the rest of us? Snatch this soul away before we even caught word that he was dying?”
Winnifred made an assortment of affirmative gagging sounds.
“Think again!” she roared, and Winnifred sailed through the air once more, leaving a witch-shaped hole in the drywall.
Thomas took it all in with a minimum of shock. People hallucinated before dying all the time. At least this was entertaining. And he couldn’t deny that the second witch was quite easy on the eyes.
“Oh hello Mr. Fletcher,” she said briefly. “I’m Keira Pattison, Grand Sorceress of the High Council. The real Grand Sorceress,” she added, glaring at the feebly moaning Winnifred. “That one seems to think she’s won the seat, but it’s another one of her lies as usual… Well, I’m sure you understand that you have signed a soul contract?”
“Another one?” Thomas asked.
“This is a valid one,” Keira assured him. “I believe you were residing in Montgomery, Alabama at the time of signing?”
More memories came flooding back. He suddenly remembered where he had seen Keira Pattison before. “Right, you were that bank advisor I went to for the business loan.”
“Indeed- $500,000 and five years of guaranteed success in exchange for the soul contract. How did that pan out, by the way?”
“It was all right,” Thomas said wistfully. “Made good money and then sold it to some bozo who ran it into the ground. But it wasn’t my problem by the time it started failing, so I just moved to California and didn’t look back.”
“How very witch-like of you,” Keira chuckled. “About that soul then. I do hope you’ve enjoyed your time on Earth, Mr. Fletcher.” The necklace rose from the corner into her hand. “Eyes closed and hold still.”
He did as requested, taking what he thought could be his last breath, but a horrible smell caught in his throat. His eyes snapped open. “Do you smell something funny?”
Keira coughed vigorously. “I do… oh, Hecate, it’s a…”
Her eyes rolled back in her head and she collapsed in a faint at his feet.
“That’s right, stay down,” someone cackled from the hallway. “Sweetie, could I trouble you to look away for a moment?”
Thomas’ eyes were watering so badly from the stench that he couldn’t see if he tried. “I’m as good as blind out here.”
A disgusting squelching sound oozed through the doorway. Dozens of nebulous limbs dragged the slimy green mass upright into a humanoid form. “Hello Tommy-boy.”
Thomas blinked. Only one person at the nursing home called him that. “Deborah?”
“Don’t like me much now, do ya?” His girlfriend, or Thomas supposed, his ex-girlfriend’s silhouette blurred and resolved into the familiar white-haired shape, but pure malice glittered in the green eyes. “Keepin’ tabs on you hasn’t been easy. But then I heard all the yelling and somebody got chucked through a wall, right into my prunes! The nerve!”
“Oh yeah, I think her name was Winnifred or something,” Thomas said weakly. “Barged in saying she had a soul contract on me.”
Deborah grinned, revealing a green maw with quadruple rows of pointy teeth. “Busy boy. Just so happens, I got one too.” More limbs unrolled a third roll of parchment. “Your John Hancock, right here. Coughed up that soul in exchange for your kids’ college funds. Noble, but nobility don’t count for much after death.”
“Nothing matters now, does it?” Thomas asked. “Alright, get on with it already.”
“Gimme that…” Deborah pried the amethyst necklace away from the unconscious Keira. “Now let’s do this right and proper.”
She pointed twenty-five green fingers at his heart. “So long, Tommy-boy.”
“Cheers Deb,” Thomas said sleepily. “Thanks for the vapes.”
A pale purple thread of mist rose from his chest, seeking the great amethyst dangling from the gold chain. Thomas felt a chill settle over his limbs, starting at his feet and creeping upwards towards his innards. The stone began to glow- softly at first, intensifying by the second.
“Oh it was you!” another voice shrieked. “Crawl back into your dumpster, you trashy little SKANK!”
Rays of pink light stabbed into Deborah’s form like spears, withering and burning the green flesh wherever they touched. The creature let out a howl of agony and recoiled.
“Forgive!” Deborah wailed. “No more! Please!”
Thomas gave up on trying to figure out what was real and what was not. The smell and the very real hole in the drywall seemed to have ruled out hallucinations, but he knew better than to interfere in matters over which he had no control.
“Thomas,” the pink light said sternly. “I truly thought I raised you better than this.”
“Don’t know who you are, but I promise you, none of this is your fault.” It was a feminine voice, with a matronly flutter, he thought. “I’m plenty aware I’ve messed up.”
“After all these years, this is how you repay me? Signing your SOUL away to witches you don’t even know? Sleeping with THAT?”
“Looks aren’t a priority for me,” Thomas said, and it was true. “My vision’s damn near gone, and with the lights off, you can’t even tell.”
Urghhh!” The light shuddered in disgust so hard that it assumed a human form. “It’s Anastasia, Thomas. I’m taking you home right this instant, away from all these… loose women.”
“Anna?” Thomas recognized his caretaker in her home uniform immediately. “What the hell is going on here?”
“Who are you calling loose?” Winnifred croaked from the next room. “Say it to my face, ya sparkly bi-”
Anastasia pointed an imperious finger in her direction. An enormous pink cloud descended over the plump witch, muffling her voice. “Your fairy godmother is taking you somewhere much safer than this, and then we’ll do the soul extraction in a humane and comfortable fashion. Not like these crude, rude, old bats.”
“Still on about the soul?” Thomas was beginning to get tired of the routine. “Jeez.”
“Well, if you’d kept track of who actually owned it, we wouldn’t be in this position right now,” Anastasia said primly. She summoned a towel out of thin air and began wiping Deborah’s slime off of the arm of Thomas’ chair. “As it stands, that soul is now owed to me due to your failure to stay out of trouble despite all of my guidance. There. Now let’s be away from here before anyone else shows up.”
“Forgetting someone?”
A smooth male voice seemed to emanate from every single surface in the room. Winnifred, Keira, Deborah, and Anastasia all froze.
“I believe I have the sole claim to Mr. Thomas Fletcher’s soul… and all of your claims are rendered illegitimate if I have understood this correctly.”
“The Dark Lord,” Anastasia whimpered. “Oh Thomas, you didn’t.”
“What, Voldemort?” Thomas grumbled. “I know damn well I didn’t hand my soul to J.K. Rowling.”
Someone stepped cleanly out of the wall. There were no pops, or bangs, or clouds of smoke, just a silent presence that had not been there before. It was a tall thin man, but his face was out of focus, somehow, or just plain wrong. He seemed to be smiling, scowling, baring his teeth, and staring neutrally all at once.
“Mr. Fletcher, as a representative of the denizens of Hell, I’d like to extend our warm welcome for you to join our little entourage,” the man said. He didn’t sound angry or upset. “I have a soul contract here that predates the others that have been presented today; I believe this was signed by your mother?”
“It requires the signature of the soul holder,” said Winnifred stubbornly. “As you are aware, Lord Satan, the signature of the mother is null and void-”
“Ordinarily you would be correct, but this situation unfortunately falls under ‘defiance of acts of God,’ which states the signature of a blood relative is valid if the soul holder is incapacitated or otherwise incapable of signing.” Satan unfurled a fifth scroll. “At the age of 3, Mr. Fletcher was struck by a falling tree branch. The wound would have been fatal had I not intervened at his mother’s behest.”
“Oh,” Keira grumbled. “His mother…”
“Well this sucks!” Winnifred yelled. “I could be somewhere else right now!”
Deborah promptly rounded on her. “Then GO, you big fat toad!”
“Don’t you call me a toad, you stupid slime heap!” A whip of lightning flashed from Winnifred’s hand, but it sank into the greenish puddle without effect. “At least I bathe more than once a year!”
“We’d never know it by looking at you,” Anastasia sneered.
“Ladies, ladies,” Satan said patiently. “Perhaps you’d consider taking this outside?”
NO!” they all shouted at once.
“I think I’ve already made myself clear-”
Another blast like a cannon sent the entire group reeling. Thomas could only shield his face with his hands as a flash of red light blinded his already weak vision.
When his eyes cleared, he almost gagged at the sight. It seemed to be at least two women, but their bodies had been fused and twisted somehow, leaving them a single mass of twisted limbs and facial features that looked like something Dali or Picasso might have sculpted. A dented, scarred blob of a head had four eyes of varying sizes, one overlarge mouth with two tongues, and a bifurcated nose with four nostrils. Next to the fleshy mass, a large well-groomed yellow Labrador stood at attention.
“Eww!” Keira shrieked. “What happened to you, ugly?”
We have come far,” two voices whispered. “We must have the soul. The last soul that will break our curse.
Two minds. One mind. No silence. No peace,” one of them intoned. “We are one who wishes to be two.”
The Lab licked their hands sympathetically and both patted his head in perfect synchronization.
There is a problem,” the twin said. “He tells us that he lays claim to you as well.”
“Who… The DOG?” Thomas demanded. “How does a DOG…”
He tells us that you made a promise. Broke a promise. The promise of the thrown ball. The betrayal of the empty hand.
“Sorry, but that means my soul is forfeit?”
“Lying to a dog is a mortal sin,” Satan said warily. “If you’d apologized to him right afterward, it would have been alright, but I think he’s a bit beyond accepting apologies right now.”
Soul. Give us soul and all will be forgiven.”
The Lab barked in agreement. Its eyes blazed with a captivating golden light.
“Ladies, I do feel badly for you, but you’ll have to go elsewhere,” Satan told them. “We’ve got a full house here already.”
No,” one of them hissed. “Will not let go of hope. Not when it is so close at hand.”
“I suppose we’re at a standstill then,” Keira said. “As the Grand Sorceress of the High Council, I would like to propose that Mr. Fletcher decide to whom the soul ought to be given.”
“Except for the fact that the High Council has no jurisdiction over me,” Satan snapped. “I’ve already made my claim quite clear. Your contracts are invalid.”
A lance of purple light flashed from Deborah’s amorphous form, aimed at Thomas. Waves of heat and cold rippled through his body as it brushed his skin, but a black thread coiled snakelike around the light and shattered it like glass.
“Thievery won’t be tolerated in this instance,” Satan began sternly, but his voice was drowned out by Winnifred and Keira pouncing on the slime creature. The Lab barked furiously and dove into the pile with digging paws and snapping teeth. The twins began waving their misshapen hands and chanting a spell that made the air around Thomas hum with power.
By now, he was so confused that he would have willingly coughed up his soul to whoever emerged from the brawl, but a tap on the shoulder made him look up. A relatively unscathed Satan, looking peeved and tired, gestured towards the wall. An archway swirling with black and silver vapor opened with a small hiss. Thomas knew nothing of magic or devilish powers, but he could feel it pulling at him, like a leash had been wrapped around his gut.
“Whenever you’re ready, Mr. Fletcher,” the Devil sighed. “With some alacrity, if you would.”
He nodded and began to struggle to his feet, but a glittering white hex sailed overhead, leaving a scorch mark on the wall. Thomas sat down in a hurry.
“Oh for hell’s sake,” Satan muttered. He began whispering an incantation of his own.
Thomas took off his glasses and cleaned them on an unsullied patch of shirt. Somehow, all the chaos had left him in no hurry to die. When he put the glasses back on, he realized the fight had come to a relative standstill. The Lab and Winnifred were engaged in a furious tug-of-war, both gripping her amethyst necklace by the chain. The stone roiled with energy as if it could sense the war being fought over it.
“Get off! GET OFF!” Winnifred shrieked, but the Lab refused to relinquish his hold. The two strained back and forth as Anastasia grabbed the dog’s neck, but Keira and Deborah hung on to Winnifred.
A clap of thunder made Thomas’ ears ring. The chain tore asunder, sending the amethyst clattering to the floor. All five witches, Anastasia, and Satan lunged for it, but it was the twins who emerged victorious. As they held the pendant aloft, purple light streamed from the stone, bathing them both. Individual limbs emerged from the mass of twisted flesh and the single misshapen head became two.
A hush fell over the crowd. Even Satan looked impressed. Inch by inch, the twins rippled and separated. Two manes of golden hair emerged from the formerly bald scalps, blue eyes became smaller and clearer, and two rosebud mouths closed around their own sets of teeth, revealing a pair of witches so beautiful that they looked almost angelic.
“We… are cured?” one of them whispered.
“We are two. Not one. Silence… blessed silence…” Tears filled their eyes.
A yell broke the shocked silence.
She lunged at the twins, who went down like pins under a bowling ball. The pendant flew from their hands and smashed underfoot, an empty shell without the souls it had held.
Satan shook his head disdainfully at the brawl. The shadow doorway still gaped open in the wall beside him. “Mr. Fletcher, if you could step this way please.”
“I’m gonna need my walker,” Thomas said wearily. His head was ringing from all the shouting and magic as the five witches and one fairy battled furiously. “Honestly I was hoping it'd be over by now.”
Satan delicately edged along the wall, dodging errant curses and spells, and returned with Thomas’ collapsible walker. “There you are. I trust you’ll find plenty to keep you occupied down there. I understand you enjoyed gambling a while ago.”
“Mhmm.” Thomas stood up, leaning heavily on the walker. “Well, if that’s all it takes to die, I’m here for it.”
He tried to stand, but realized something was gripping the foot of his walker. The Labrador was latched onto one of the tennis ball cushions, snarling ferociously.
“Oh come on!” Thomas tried to yank the walker free, but only succeeded in falling hard on his face as it was pulled away. The dog scampered off with its prize, tripping the furious Anastasia onto her back. Her foot struck Keira right on the point of the chin, and she fell on top of Winnifred, cowering away from the twins’ combined assault. Deborah seized the walker with eight arms and tried to suck it away, but the dog refused to yield.
“Down!” one of the twins was shouting. “Bad dog! Bad dog- NOOOOOOO!”
Slowly, inexorably, the tangle of witches was being dragged towards the dark portal. The dog’s muffled snarls blended into Winnifred’s stream of curses and hexes, accompanied by Anastasia’s screams and the chanting of the twins. Deborah was trying to anchor herself to the floor, but the portal was stronger than she, and a gruesome ripping sound informed Thomas that she had parted ways with some limbs.
Thomas managed to grab the arm of his chair and push himself to a sitting position. The pull of the portal was negligible now. He supposed it was expending all of its energy dragging five witches, a dog, and a fairy godmother into its depths. When he glanced over at Satan, hoping for answers, the man only shrugged and put his hands in his pockets.
The seven vanished into the black depths and the portal closed at last with a dreadful slurping sound. Eerie silence fell over the room, leaving Thomas and the Devil looking equally confused.
“Well that was certainly something.” Satan produced a pocket square and brushed soot off of his white collar. “In a truly bizarre turn of events… I seem to be owing you a favor, Mr. Fletcher.”
“Me?” Thomas asked. “Why?”
“All those souls, of course! If you hadn’t been so careless with your soul contract signing, there wouldn’t have been such a wild rumpus over your death!” He gave Thomas a toothy smile. “Let me ask you a fair question. Do you truly want to die? Or would you prefer to live, if some of your affairs were set in order for you?”
Thomas sat back and thought very hard. He was sick, estranged from most of his family, and owed quite a lot of money to various people. That was why he had wanted to go. But if all of that was set in order… Besides, his caretaker and girlfriend had already disappeared off to Hell.
“I think I’d want to live,” Thomas said slowly. “It’s just that I’ve really got a mountain of problems here.”
“Well, we can fix that.” Satan counted on his fingers. “Five witch souls, one fairy soul, and the dog seems like a good boy, even though animals don’t have souls… Seven favors, Mr. Fletcher. That’s your good health restored, your debts settled, your family’s goodwill, and I’ll throw in a few years of strong business for whatever endeavor you decide is next on your list.”
Thomas was a bit surprised at the generosity, but he did what he was best at and nodded unquestioningly. “That’s quite kind of you.”
“I’m in a good mood,” Satan said brightly. “Anyhow, you’re free to leave. I’ll be in touch in a few more decades.”
“Wait.” Something wary and crafty seemed to have awoken inside Thomas when the Devil returned his health. His mind was racing in a way it hadn’t moved in years. “You won’t follow me from here? You won’t do anything to sabotage me?”
Satan shook his head and smiled.
“Sometimes it’s best that I don’t intervene at all, Mr. Fletcher,” he said. “Humanity has a hundred times more potential for chaos than anything I could dream up. You’re living proof of that.”
Thomas couldn’t help but agree.
submitted by itsHannahTeresa to WritingPrompts [link] [comments]

MAME 0.209

MAME 0.209

With another month over, it’s time for another release, and MAME 0.209 is sure to have something to interest everyone. We’ve cracked the encryption on the Fun World CPU blocks, making Fun World Quiz, Joker Card, Mega Card, Power Card, Multi Win, Saloon and Nevada playable. Regular contributor shattered has added Кузьмич-Егорыч (Kuzmich-Egorych), a Russian Mario Brothers bootleg running on heavily modified Apple II hardware. In other Apple II news, CD-ROM drives now work with the Apple II SCSI card, and another batch of cleanly cracked floppies has been added to the software list. The NES SimCity prototype has been added to the software list, along with MMC5 improvements to support it, and better emulation for Famicom cartridges with on-board sound chips.
Henrik Algestam has continued his Game & Watch work, bringing Popeye (wide screen) and Zelda to MAME. Chess computer support has been expanded with Fidelity Chess Challenger 3, and additional versions of Applied Concepts Boris, and Novag Super Expert and Super Forte. Newly supported arcade games include Akka Arrh (an Atari title that failed location testing), Little Casino II, a French version of Empire City: 1931, and additional versions of Dock Man and Street Heat. A better LM3900 op-amp model means Money Money and Jack Rabbit are no longer missing the cassa (bass drum) channel, and mixing between music and speech is improved.
Bug fixes include the Rockwell AIM 65 being returned to working order, working support for multiple light guns on Linux from Kiall, corrected screen freeze behaviour on Deniam hardware from cam900, and better flashing characters on the Sinclair QL from vilcans. You can get the source and Windows binary packages from the download page.

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed

New working machines

New working clones

Machines promoted to working

Clones promoted to working

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING

New working software list additions

Software list items promoted to working

New NOT_WORKING software list additions

Translations added or modified

Source Changes

submitted by cuavas to emulation [link] [comments]

[/r/CFB Logo Release] - Mountain West Conference

Previously on CFB

FBS Independents

American Athletic Conference

Conference USA

Mid-American Conference

Of the mods involved on this project, the Mountain West's logos got our highest ratings as a conference. We hope you enjoy them too.

Air Force

PromoPimp - The final service academy logo, rocking a slick pair of aviators and the combined firepower of a squadron of Thunderbirds flying in formation. I'd make a "need for speed" joke, but I know that's the Navy.
Qurtys_Lyn - AIRBORNE!

Boise State

PromoPimp - This is officially the first logo that I did to kick off my portion of this project! A nod to the blue and orange Bronco in the Boise State logo.

Fresno State

PromoPimp - Had a ton of fun with this one, and I think it shows. Turning the laces into the collar spikes worked way better than I thought it would.
Qurtys_lyn - They're good dogs, Pimp.


PromoPimp - Of course it's a rainbow. I went with the 5 stripes that have been featured on Hawai'i's uniforms as opposed to the 4 that featured in their old logo as it fit the ball better. There's a nod to the current logo as well.


Qurtys_lyn - The strength of the Wolf is the Pack. The strength of the Pack is the Wolf. And we've got a whole bunch of wolves hanging out with Nevada.

New Mexico

bakonydraco - I made this unofficially for New Mexico's first NCAA Women's Cross Country title in 2015, which they repeated in 2017, and we're making it official! it features a Lobo howling at the moon and New Mexico's iconic Zia.

San Diego State

Qurtys_lyn - As soon as we started this project, I knew exactly what I wanted to do with SDSU. The aztec calendar design across the arrows and banner, as well as the obsidian spear, not to mention the color scheme, look fantastic if I do say so.


PromoPimp - Did you know that the Las Vegas sign was designed by a woman, and since she gifted it to the city it isn't under copyright? It's also not technically in Las Vegas. Beyond the slightly altered sign, the logo features a poker chip (the star on the chip is the same star from the Vegas sign, even though you can't see it) and a classic Rebel inspired mustache!

Utah State

Qurtys_lyn - Just like the top of Old Main, we've adorned the top of our Utah State logo with A's. Just be careful of the horns if you go in for a closer look. I think you may qualify as a True Aggie if you kiss it.


Qurtys_lyn - Giddy up, Cowboy. Our Wyoming logo is ready to get to work, with cowboy hat to keep him out of the sun, and a lasso to wrangle any strays. Just keep it away from Boise State and Western Michigan...
For completeness, here were the two MWC logos we already hadfrom Landotej!
Only one conference left. Join us tomorrow as we take a look at the logos for the Sun Belt Conference (Now with 100% more belt!)
submitted by CFB_Referee to CFB [link] [comments]

Roulette (Luck Based Support)

Name: Roulette

Real Name: Faith Collins

Height: 5'4"

Age: 28

Nationality: American

Occupation: Physicist // Deputy Minister of Physics

Base of Operations: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA // Oasis, Iraq

Affiliation: Talon

Role: Support

Total Health: 200

Movement Speed: 5.5 m/s

1st Spawn Quote: "Let's go, I'm feeling lucky."

Difficulty: ✮✮✮


Once a promising student of theoretical physics, Faith Collins has become a gambling obsessed adrenaline addict who works for Talon under the name 'Roulette' to fund her esoteric experiments in manipulating probability.

Faith Collins felt like the least lucky woman on planet Earth. She began her career as a beleaguered student of theoretical physics but after years of constantly being criticized for her interest in using quantum physics to predict the future, she was devastated to discover she could not find anyone to fund her research. Because she was unable to work in academia with her reputation ruined, she turned to gambling as a source of income. It seemed her bad luck would follow her everywhere however, as she saw no success in the casinos and lost much of her savings.
Faith refused to be beaten a second time and began counting cards to get an edge in the game. As she began winning and making a name for herself, she began testing her luck at other games of chance and found herself thoroughly addicted to them. With the winnings she made counting cards she could afford to lose money on other games, but she craved the rush of victory. She began applying her research to cheating at the various games of chance she had become addicted to, going so far as smuggling equipment into the casinos with her. Before long she had developed a system of manipulating quantum mechanics to guarantee favorable outcomes for herself. The thrill of gambling and cheating was more exciting than anything Faith had ever experienced before and she felt like she was the queen of the world. That is, until she finally got caught.
Becoming increasingly addicted to the thrill of gambling and overconfident in her ability to cheat without getting caught, she entered a high stakes underground poker tournament. While she easily won several games, she was sloppy and far too focused on chasing her victory high to be appropriately cautious. She was discovered long before she could ever reach the finals and the shadowy underground did not treat cheaters gently. Faith quickly thought of a solution, and using her cheating devices, she manipulated probability to make a miraculous escape.
Now ostracized for the second time in her life, Faith fled for several months, using her research to narrowly escape capture time and time again. She soon began to enjoy the rush she felt during these life or deaths scenarios, but needed to secure funding to continue her work. She reached out to the Oasis Ministry of Physics with her research and they were more than happy to grant Faith asylum in exchange for her contribution to their efforts. She began working for them and genuinely enjoyed her research, she even caught the eye of the Minister of Physics and was promoted to Deputy Minister in time. However, old habits die hard.
Faith was an addict, and found it impossible to reach the same adrenaline highs without putting her life in danger. In an impulsive move she interfered with a battle between the new Overwatch and Talon when they clashed in the Oasis University. Recognizing Moira as the Minister of Genetics, she used her prototype technology to manipulate the fight in Talon's favor, but not without getting herself injured. After the battle, she was recovered and interrogated by Talon. They took a thorough look into her past and research, and decided to offer Faith a position. She would work as one of their operatives, risking her life in Talon's exciting missions and in exchange she would continue her research and adapt it for Talon's use. Seeing no downside, Faith took the offer without a second thought.
Roulette now manipulates operations on Talons behalf, and her probability altering technology 'Lady Luck' is used to improve several of their systems. Faith is more than happy to get her high and complete her research under their guidance. She was sure everything would work out well in the end, after all she was the most lucky woman on planet Earth.


Passive Ability: Lucky

Roulette builds luck as you damage enemies and get lucky results. The more luck you have, the more likely you are to get lucky results.
Roulette has a luck resource meter which starts at 0 and maxes out at 100. Damaging an enemy generates 5 luck. Luck is depleted at 2/sec. Whenever Roulette does anything at random, she removes the bottom X entries of possible results where X is her current luck.
(For example: Roulette is rolling 1d6. At 0 luck she has a ~16.67% chance of getting any result. This is represented by a table with 102 options, each result have 17 positions on that table. When she rolls the dice, the computer randomly picks one of the 102 entries in the table for the result. At 1 luck, Roulette removes the lowest entry on the table, leaving the result '1' with 16 entries and all other results with 17.
At 25 luck, she has removed all result '1' entries and 8 result '2' entries. This leaves her with a 0% chance of getting a 1, an ~11% chance of getting a 2, and an ~22% chance each of getting a 3, 4, 5, or 6.
At 50 luck she has removed all result '1' and '2' entries, and all but 1 result '3' entry. This leaves her with a 0% chance of getting a 1 or 2, a ~1% chance of getting a 3, and ~33% chance of getting a 4, 5, or 6.
At 86 luck and above, Roulette is guaranteed to get a 6 as her result, as all other entries on the results table have been removed.)

Main Attack (L-Mouse, R2, RT): Pick a Card

Roulette throws bladed cards from the card dealer on her right forearm. The cards do bonus damage equal to their numerical rank.
Roulette's main attack is a card shaped projectile. The attack randomly selects a card form a standard poker deck table adjusted by Roulette's passive 'Lucky'. The attack does additional damage based on the numerical value of the card. If a face card is drawn and damages an enemy, Roulette gains 5 additional luck. Roulette will hold her next card in her hand so that the player can see what it is before firing. Roulette can reload with a full clip if she wants to change her current card.
  • Linear projectile type
  • 38 damage
  • Pinpoint spread angle
  • 2 shots per second
  • 70 m/s projectile speed
  • 16 ammo capacity
  • 1.5 second reload speed
  • Can headshot

1st Ability (Shift, L1, LB): Heal-o-Slots

Roulette throws a Slot Pack that heals an ally and applies random buffs which can stack for big payoffs.
Heal-o-Slots, new build:
Upon activation, Roulette holds this ability in her hands (similar to Moira's 'Biotic Orb'), she can then target and an ally and press primary fire to throw the Slot Pack at the ally. After tossing the pack, it will track its target until it either makes contact or the intended target is killed (in the same way Brigitte's 'Repair Pack' does). When the pack makes contact with an ally, it will restore 50 health and randomly choose SPEED, POWER, or HEALING.
Each ally has three 'slots' above their health bar. Each time the Slot Pack chooses SPEED, POWER, or HEALING it fills one of those slots. Once all three slots are filled, the ally is given a buff depending how many slots are filled with the same kind. Getting two of a kind will grant the ally a buff which matches the kind. Getting three of a kind will grant the ally all three buffs. The SPEED result grants the ally a 50% movement speed buff. The POWER result grants the ally a 25% damage buff. The HEALING result grants the ally 25 self healing per second. These buffs last for 6 seconds and that ally can not begin refilling their slots until the effects end. An ally's slots are emptied when they are killed or if all the slots are all filled.
The table of possible results is adjusted by Roulette's passive 'Lucky'. While holding the ability (after activating it but before throwing it), Roulette can use the mouse wheel to cycle between SPEED, POWER, or HEALING. This causes 'Lucky' to adjust the table in favor of the selected kind. Heal-o-Slots will default to favoring HEALING, and will remember Roulette's previous choice until she chooses again. High luck always prioritizes the table towards getting two or three of a kind. Whenever an ally gets three of a kind, Roulette gains 10 additional luck.
  • Tracking projectile type
  • 50 healing
  • 120 m/s projectile speed
  • 40 meter maximum range
  • 6 second buff duration
  • 2 second cooldown

2nd Ability (E, R1, RB): Polyhedral Defense

Roulette surrounds an ally with a polyhedral barrier which protects them.
Roulette surrounds one of her teammates with an polyhedral barrier that protects them from damage. The barrier begins with a random number of charges between 2 and 6. The number of charges gained is adjusted by Roulette's passive 'Lucky'. Whenever the ally would be dealt damage, it activates, preventing up to 75 damage over the next second (including the triggering attack). The barrier can only activate once per second and loses a charge upon each activation. The barrier will last for a maximum of 12 seconds and only goes on cooldown after losing all charges. Roulette gains 5 luck whenever the barrier activates.
  • 40 meter maximum range
  • 12 second maximum duration
  • 4 second cooldown
(The shape of the barrier becomes progressively less complex as it loses charges. It progresses as follows: Triacontahedron, Icosahedron, Dodecahedron, Pentagonal-Trapezohedron, Octahedron)

Ult. Ability (Q, Triangle, Y): 52 Pickup

"It's my lucky day!" (Allies)
"You feeling lucky?" (Enemies)
Roulette launches an entire deck of cards into the air. The cards then rain down in an area, damaging enemies and healing allies.
Roulette channels for a moment then launches an entire deck of cards into the air. The cards create a 'storm' which follows 5 meters above Roulette with a 10 meter radius centered on her. Every 0.115 seconds, 1 card will spawn at a random position in the storm and fire at a random target. The card is a projectile which fires at 80 m/s and will select a target within line of sight and within the area. Cards will deal 40 damage to enemies (or any barriers or shields in their way), or heal allies for 40 points. A single target will not be targeted more than twice per second by this ability. Any cards which cannot find a valid target will fire straight downwards, hitting anything in their random path.
The table of possible targets is adjusted by Roulette's passive 'Lucky'. Healing allies is prioritized twice as much as damaging enemies. Low health allies and enemies are prioritized twice as much as other targets. Because the cards spawn in a storm above Roulette, they often fire at an angle. With higher luck the cards will attempt to spawn behind enemies and allies, so they are less likely to miss. Roulette does not lose luck while '52 Pickup' is active.
  • Area-of-effect field type (line of sight)
  • 10 meter radius
  • 1 second cast time
  • 6 second duration
  • Can not headshot
  • Roulette can be interrupted while casting '52 Pickup'
  • Killing Roulette ends the effect

Kit Overview:

With good management of 'Lucky', Roulette can provide powerful boosts of power and defense to allies. Because of her chance based mechanics and the need to maintain her Luck resource, Roulette has a ✮✮✮ difficulty.


Roulette Player Icon
Roulette Classic: This is a quick edit to get the general idea out there. I don't own any of it and it isn't a complete character concept in anyway. All of the Rare skins are edits like this to display color schemes.
Roulette's costume is designed to resemble a circus ring leader. It is made of similar materials to Symmetra's costume, an armored protective fabric. Designed to look visually exciting over actually protecting her. Roulette believes that she is too lucky to become seriously injured.
Her weapons designed to create her barriers and healing packs. They also house the decks of cards she uses to attack. They fit over her forarms.
1) Little Blind: Roulette in a white and black color scheme. Designed to resenble a $1 poker chip.
2) Big Blind: Roulette in a pink and white color scheme. Designed to resenble a $2.50 poker chip.
3) Double Down: Roulette in a green and black color scheme. Designed to resenble a $25 poker chip.
4) All In: Roulette in a blue and white color scheme. Designed to resenble a $50 poker chip.
1) Vegas: Roulette dressed up to resemble vegas show girl with a blue and silver color scheme. Her weaponry and abilities would have more steampunk inspired effects and textures. While the silhouette is wrong, the concept inspiration is this Vegas Show Girl.
2) Macau: Roulette dressed up to resemble vegas show girl with a jade and gold color scheme. Her weaponry and abilities would have more steampunk inspired effects and textures. While the silhouette is wrong, the concept inspiration is this Vegas Show Girl.
3) Jester: Roulette dressed up to resemble the 'Joker' card with a red and gold color scheme. Her weaponry and abilities would have more cartoon inspired effects and textures. The concept inspiration is this Joker Card by 12-tf on DeviantArt.
4) Mime: Roulette dressed up to resemble the 'Joker' card with a black and white color scheme. Her weaponry and abilities would have more cartoon inspired effects and textures. The concept inspiration is this Joker Card by 12-tf on DeviantArt.


Blackjack Champion
Earn 21 postgame cards as Roulette in quick or competitive play.
Reward: Pixel Spray
Luck Sack
Keep Roulette's passive 'Lucky' above 70 Luck for 120 seconds in quick or competitive play.
Reward: Cute Spray
A note about randomness:
While she is an 'RNG' hero, all of the possible scenarios Roulette can create are actually constricted. Her passive farther constricts them so that the better you play, the less random she becomes.
So, in the same way that the spread of a shotgun is random, the number of Roulette's current card is random. They are both within a range that the player and the enemy can predict, just like all of a shotguns pellets with be within the spread. In this way Roulette is Predictably Random.
Also note that the hero stops being random in any way once you get above 96 luck.
Feedback Appreciated
submitted by Donovan_Du_Bois to OverwatchHeroConcepts [link] [comments]

poker chips las vegas nevada video

These chips not only feel and sound like real poker chips but they have the Las Vegas, Nevada sign printed right on each chip. These 14 gram poker chips are made from a clay-composite material to give them their real casino look and feel. Each one has the denomination printed right below the Las Vegas sign as well as the words "Casino" and "Las ... Nevada Jacks is the premiere source for customized poker chips. We are the manufacturer of the Nevada Jack Skull poker chips, and countless ceramic chip sets used in casinos, card rooms, and home games around the globe. The Nevada Jack Skull poker chip is arguably the most popular poker set brand sold around the world. These Las Vegas themed casino chips are now available at poker shop. The Bank Casino - Las Vegas, Nevada chips are for sale in 11 different values, so you can use these chips for both cash games and poker tournaments. Get the best deals on Rare Las Vegas Casino Chips In Collectible Poker Chips when you shop the largest online selection at Free shipping on many items Browse your favorite brands affordable prices. Jun 18, 2013 - This is a pinterest board for Casino chips available for sale. If you have casino chips for sale and would like to include your ebay or amazon listing on this board, please email me at [email protected] and I'll add you so you can pin your listing on this board. If you are an interested buyer, click on the pictures to go to the sales page to make your purchase. Las Vegas Poker Chips are great chips for cash games or tournaments. The many options of denominations offer a wide range of play. This is a 14 gram heavy clay composite poker chip. Most players will prefer its look and style for tournament style Texas Hold 'Em games. The nice and flashy design with the famous Las Vegas sign makes it perfect for ... Las Vegas poker toernooi chips. Deze Las Vegas chips wegen 13,5 gram per stuk en zijn te koop in 8 perfecte kleuren, in het midden van de chip staat groot de waarde op de chip. Deze Las Vegas pokerchips zijn speciaal ontworpen voor poker toernooien en kunnen worden gebruikt voor een diep stack poker, knock-out, freeze outs, rebuys en sit and go toernooien. Luxe gouden cardprotector met afbeelding van het welcome to Las Vegas bord. Las Vegas Casino Poker Chips & Sets. The Las Vegas Casino poker chips are clay poker chips with a weight of 14 grams*. The graphics feature the famous Las Vegas sign and a denomination on the chip. Bring the feel of Vegas to your game. The Las Vegas Casino poker chips are available in 10 colors/denominations. “In Nevada, we currently clean chips once per week, as mandated by the Nevada Gaming Control Board,” he said. “Other states require more frequent cleaning, and we are complying with those requirements in those states.” Las Vegas Sands spokesman Keith Salwoski says that the Venetian and Palazzo clean their chips once a day.

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