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[Table] IAmA teenager who has been carefully recording his thoughts for the last couple years

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Date: 2012-06-14
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Questions Answers
Why did you start keeping records? Is it so when you're old and grey you can look back on your days as a young whipper snapper? First time I started was because I kept on having these great ideas or funny thoughts and then I would forget them the next day (yet still know I had them). The books were a good way of keeping track.
My mother thinks my grandchildren will be happy to have them. I think it would be very poetic to cremated with them though... The historians would write "And thus the world's greatest thoughts were burnt with the world's greatest man."
You're my new favorite teenager besides myself! Can you reply with one of your most favorite things your brilliant mind has placed in your notebooks' pages? I wrote a 15 page summary of when I stayed in a church where the Pastor was in the Ku Klux Klan.
May I have the page numbebook so I may request this? Lol. I'll just tell you the story if that is okay.
Last summer I biked across America with a group of friends. We were doing our first century day (when you bike over 100 miles). So we are biking along, and this intense thunderstorm comes along. We are not allowed to bike in lightening (Metal bikes... flat tree-less land around you... good way to get electrocuted.) So we get a truck to stop and he offers to get us a ride to a local church ("Local" is a relative term when there are no towns around for miles). Anyway, he really kindly takes us to the church (while complaining about the African American children in the schools... so "kindly" is also relative).
At the church, we chill out and the thunder continues. We just goof around and wait for the pastor of the church. The pastor arrives and by that time it is clear we just will not make our miles that day. The pastor offers to let us sleep in the church, and we gratefully accept.
"You know the two best ways to scare a black man? Crazy people and dogs."
My friend asks to go to the bathroom and when he comes back and directs a few us to the bathroom and tells us to look at the bookshelf. On the bookshelf there is tones of Ku Klux Klan related books and items.
Needless to say, we told Pastor Al we would be going to sleep now and then 2 hours of panicked discussion later, booked it out of the church on our bikes (It was 1 in the morning and the rain had stopped.).
But you're white according to your hand in the proof pic... why were you afraid? That does not make all my friends white or staying overnight with a Klan member a good idea.
I was assuming that the truck driver wouldn't have let you in his truck with a black person after I heard that he made racist comments, my bad for assuming there weren't any black friends, makes sense now. We had a mexican girl on the trip. No one was black, but none of that makes any difference. Very few people white would like to stay the night with a member of a violent organization. We were worried about my mexican friends safety, but had she not been on the trip with us we still would not have chosen to stay there. We biked 10 miles further down the road and got some sleep.
Thats great!!! you must have a very deep instinctual process, how bout one more??? book 1 page 76? There is a fraternity initiation where they give you a golden retriever puppy. You must take care of this puppy for a week. You must demonstrate your love for this puppy. At the end of the week you must kill the puppy with your bare bands. Some one should write a story about this... if it is true. (I then drew a sad face)."
I would quit the frat and keep the puppy. Because hey... free puppy! Genius!
I dont want to live on this planet anymore.... Saddest thing I can remember writing in my notebooks. It haunts me to this day...
I've actually heard that story, but about Hitler Youth Groups for training Nazis. Pretty awful. Good news... According to the interwebs this is not true.
Still looking for information on the college fraternity, but I have a feeling that if it is true nobody is readily posting about it on the internet.
I think puppy is an exaggeration...i've heard of chickens but i think they just say puppy to scare you... The puppy killing idea is a fairly common idea, so I have to believe, whether it has actually been done or not, that it is not just a scare tatic when really the frat used chickens. Also, given a chicken to love for a week, I would easily care for the chicken, and easily kill it. I eat chicken regularly, chickens don't have any personality, and they were never domesticated to be loving companions in the same dogs were bred. That being said, I do not want to have to kill a chicken.
Source: broz.
Thanks for that! Pretty interesting Hitler wouldn't allow people to kill "innocent animals" but human beings were just fine... I know... This is going in the book!
Sorry random question- is there any substantial change in the general themes you're writing about? It is essentially an abbreviated stream of conscience. For example, I started out writing about movies, and what made movies good because I was really into Quentin Tarantino. Now I write a lot about politics because I run my school's political opinion magazine . So to answer your question (I hope) the themes of my thoughts change as my interests grow and transform.
What is the worst super power? Best I could come up with "Ability to walk through unlocked doors"
Nah, that's an okay super power. I mean, think about the times when your arms are full! Bam, you can walk right on through. Sorry, I tried. As a bus boy, I should have thought of that. Nice work. Starting over from square one. :D.
Just wondering what you meant by "People don't get what the fuck I'm trying to say". Do you expect people to feel that your dream is somehow significant? Do you feel like all your dreams have some sort of meaning? I've had dreams where I've been "scared as shit". Don't worry about it. Nah. I attach no significance to my dreams. This was like two years ago, and I rarely have nightmares (when I do I am fine once I realize that I was dreaming, like any fairly normal person).
I was trying to describe the worm and what I remember from my dream, but dreams are practically unexplainable due to their lack of logic. How long can any person listen to a guy ramble all the weird shit that happened in a dream?
Book 4 Page 20. 'We shall reexamine they tongue's diction?' - King's Speech.
'Are you proving perpendicular' - Good Will Hunting.
(He has also decided that 'How do you like them apples can stay' as long as it is said in a British accent.)
'Though do not have the capacity for my truth' - A Few Good Men.
'By the magnitude of these jaws I wouldst declare we need a boat of larger width' - Jaws"
This one is not one of my favorites in terms of examples (my friend was just fucking around), but I love the concept of remaking current day movies into pornography with Shakespearian language.
May i do multiples? book 1, pg 144 book 3, pg 5 book 4, pg 105. Book 1: "Breaking Bad is the shit. Future me, you must rewatch all of them and then say thank you to little me for all the happiness I have given you."
Book 3: I drew a walrus and then pointed an arrow to fact that "It does no have an ice cream cone"
I've thought about doing this for years but have never got round to actually doing it! How often do you write down your thoughts and do you write down the date each time? Page 66, Book 3. If my socks are either in my drawer or in the laundry, then it is safe to say that I have had a relatively organized, stress-free few days.
If my socks are scattered around the house, then the opposite is probably true.
The more scattered my socks, the worse my week.
However, there is a tipping point where my socks are so scattered it means that I have had a REALLY good week (Ex. If my socks are in a girl's bed, another country, a girl's bed in another country.)"
This is always something that I've considered doing but just have never had the determination to keep doing it. So kudos for that. Is there any periods of time where you stopped? Why did you start? I often would lose track of my interesting thoughts I had the night before, so I decided I would write them down in a small journal I would always keep in my pocket. I thought it would just be a phase at the time, but it is so good that it has stuck and become a part of my lifestyle. How did you keep yourself motivated to keep doing it for so long? I don't need to keep myself motivated. I'm motivated in the same way I am motivated to get to the car when carrying all the groceries from the store. I feel unburdened when I write an idea down. I don't have to keep thinking about the idea to keep it fresh in my mind because its on paper, in the same way I don't have to carry my groceries home once they are in the car. Is there any periods of time where you stopped? Not really. There have been some week during the school year where I am too stressed and tired to have any time for a reasonably good thought to emerger, but I generally just write down something when it comes to me.
What was your process when you first started? How did you keep yourself motivated to keep doing it for so long? Do you date the material? What was your process when you first started? Have an idea you like at the moment? Write it down. I completely disregarded what others would think (and, most importantly, what my future self would think). This led to a mix of far fetched, trying too hard ideas and some solid stuff. Over time you are able to figure about which ideas tend to keep you thinking for longer and which ideas are generally short lived. I find now that my books are much more dense with good ideas. Do you date the material? Only roughly. I date each book in black sharpie when I am done and title it with its book number. You can see a bit of this in photo I posted of the books. The front book has no writing on it because it is not done yet. I tried dating the first book, but I found it too annoying.
Thanks so much for replying! One more question: do you write down any thoughts that you would consider very private? Indeed. I consider any philosophy type stuff I write about to be quite personal. It's why I am great at giving presentations about things that don't involve me, and I hate giving speech's about my own beliefs. Unfortunately (and in other ways fortunately) for me, the church my family goes to has a rite of passage where the kids have to give a speech about what they believe in. I hated it so much. (It's a Unitarian Universality Church so almost no one believes in any form of god, but everyone is "spiritual.")
What's the last thing you've written (right this moment)? "I found out through the help of Reddit some more fucked up Nazi shit.
'Hitler wouldn't allow people to kill "innocent animals" but human beings were just fine.' - Random internet dude"
Why is your mind so interesting? I can't tell if this is your most impressive thoughts or experiences of the time, or you just are particularly gifted. Honestly, I think the book helps me come up with interesting things. Once I started identifying my most interesting thoughts and what my thought process was behind them, I started to get better at these random thoughts. You just become aware of what type of thinking and inspiration leads to cool thoughts. It's like if you kicked a soccer ball 10,000 times and wrote what you did for your really good goals. You would eventually figure out what you could do to score a goal. For me, it is more about what inspires me to have interesting ideas.
Do you live with your parents? If so, has your mum ever managed to find those books? I am in high school so, yes. And I've shown my mom these books. I am reading her parts of the post now (Yes, complete with profanity).
Ohh how interesting! What does your mum think of the books? What did you do if you had something you didn't want to put down, knowing that your mum reads it? My mom thinks my children and grandchildren will enjoy reading them when I am dead.
To be clear, my mom does not just pick up the book and read it. I share what I want from the book with her. I don't write down my personal secrets in the book. Just interesting things I want to remember.
Do you like to get your thoughts on paper, or is it more like some kind of experiment? I like getting my thoughts on paper. It is one less thing I have to think about. Doing an experiment this long would be such a pain in the ass and give little to no benefits.
Are you from Norway or any Scandinavian country by any chance? I consider myself thoroughly American, but we do have quite a bit of Scandinavian ancestry. Why do you ask?
You do realize you sound like a nut? Absolutely.
why did the chick cross the road? There is no potentially funny punch line that can follow "Why did the chicken cross the road?"
So it's gonna be about Spongebob? Correctamundo!
Book 1 page 45 His Mom: Why would you want to be a drag queen?
Friend: Because I want to be one when I grow up!"
February 18, 2010 8:00pm. Go. "I wonder what I'll be doing on June 14, 2012 at 6:25 pm..."
Book 1, page 21. "Do people realize how ridiculous they sound when they say that they can function on almost no sleep and that coffee does not affect them? It is always the same fucking douchebags who brag about it like it is accomplishment.
Douchebag: 'Yea, last night I was up until 4.'
Normal person: 'Looks like you will need that Grande iced coffee.'
Douchebag: 'Nah. Caffeine doesn't affect me.'
Some people suck."
This is actually one of my favorite threads that I have read on reddit. Cheers for this. Oh and if you have enough time Book 2 Page 67. EDIT: Typo i couldn't let go. "My friend just brought up the idea of having a vengeful cafe... Basically, you would serve millionaires $100,000 bowls of matzo ball soup in the skull of a dead Nazi. During Hanukkah, a menorah of Nazi bones will be lit. ect. (You can tell he is jewish). Other than being batshit crazy, there are many problems with this idea. Most difficult in my mind is what would the atmosphere like? No one wants to eat in a torture dungeon, but I am not sure how right it would see with normal place settings and white table cloths."
Book 6 Page 66. I plan on reserving this page, when I get to it, for this clip from Pulp Fiction . Hopefully, you will be able to figure out why.
Passage 5 from the 2nd gospel of dmmarkey. Started 3 high quality companies.
Over came mental illness.
Never was the first to invent. Always the first to perfect.
Fucking man... Need I say more?
Talib Kweli.
His name is Swahili for the title of my favorite poem... hardly a poem.
He actually has a message... most of the time... and when he does it is more positive than all the other shit out there."
Funny thing is that i have a character like you in my story. You must give us an excerpt! Test how similar we are.
This is fantastic, I just started doing something very similar to this about a month ago. I hope to have recorded as much as you and more in a couple of years, and hope it's as interesting as what you've compiled. Sounds great! My only advice: Don't compile for the sake of compiling. Compile only what really interests you in the moment, and soon you find was to make almost any small idea interesting. It comes quickly if you stick to it.
Just wanted to say, you should publish these, I'd love to read all of them :D I find it so interesting reading through someones thoughts, especially ones that are so funny. Anyway, Book 1 Page 82 if I'm not too late. This is kind of a "Only 90's kids will remember this" entry in my journal, before that type of post was even a thing.
"Throwback: The wonder ball craze was kind of awesomely stupid. I feel like there was absolutely no surprise about what could potentially be in a wonder ball. More surprising would have been like goose shit, or a bear trap, or venus fly trap seeds. You always hoped for something cool (action figure, lazer pointer, a better type of candy) but it was just a stamp and some pez or some shit.
I do kind of like the 'WHO' in the commercial's jingle... It's kind of like you are surprising yourself because there was never anything cool in the wonderball."
Book 2, page 60 :3. "Just had a terrible dream but only can remember a few pictures of a giant worm that looked like it was out of anime. Only reason I remember it was terrible is cause I woke up feeling scared as shit.
I tried explaining the dream my friends. People don't get what the fuck I'm trying to say."
This reminds me of Kurt Cobain's journal - borrowed it from a friend a long time ago, dont know where it is now, i'd love to read it again :/ edit: just added kurt cobain's journal to my wishlist, it's available on amazon That said: gimme book 2 pg 6. Do the same crossword puzzle over the phone (one of them was away from home). Usually not this sappy, but damn! I have to remember this for future relationships."
This is a fantastic idea and you're quite witty. I'm now inspired to do the same :) "Today I called my old teacher by accident instead of my Dad. I called my teacher Dad like three times before he corrected me.
Edit: and, book 3, page 49. A while ago we got the school to buy a new bike rack cause the other one was shit. He gave me his number so he could text me if the school agreed in a teacher meeting. Anyway I put him in my phone as his real full name (ex. John Teacher) instead of what I call him (Mr. Teacher). His first name is the same as my father's so when i thought I was pressing my dad's name in my contacts I was calling my teacher. Shit got awkward."
Great initiative; I've kind of been doing the same thing, but in a more reflective, self-absorbed manner, to keep track of how I feel about things. Do you mind if I hear an entry? It sounds like it might be personal (I wont be offended by no), but I would love to see how other people do this.
Book 1, page 1. Receive an A grade in every subject for 9th grade (This happened.)
Listen to 10 audiobooks (This happened.)
Create a high alititude weather ballloon photography project (No clue what this is. Definitely did not happen.)
Either you have godly large writing to fill up a page with all that, or you use and abuse paper. Keep it up. My note books are tiny (4.5 inch by 3.5 inch). Check the description for a picture.
Book 2 page:68. "My friends and I were telling dead baby jokes for about an hour. This is how the conversation ended.
My friend: 'Ahh. Dead baby jokes never get old.'
Me: 'You know what else never gets old.'
My other friend: 'A dead baby.'"
Book 4, Page 55. "Why say 'Let's agree to disagree' when you can say 'Let's disagree to agree?"
You are by agreeing to 'disagree' you are therefore, agreeing.
You are deciding that you will not agree.
Simple word reversal makes sentences so much better. Ex. It's not the blood in the baby, but the baby in the blood.
Great thread! Very interesting. Friend on toilet: I'm not wiping with this. Other friend: Man up and use it. We are out of toilet paper. Friend on toilet: If you hadn't used the other roll to make a fort- Me: It's a TeePee! Other friend: Yea. And its awesome. So grow a pair and wipe! Friend on toilet: (Pretty angry) It's not a funny name. You are not clever or witty! Me: Don't be afraid to get a yeast infection. Friend on toilet: I will do unspeakable things to your shoes!
Book 2, page 14.
I have been want to do the same thing with my thoughts and theories. If you want any tips or help on how to start, I would love to help in anyway I can.
It is one of the best decisions I have made, and I highly recommend doing it.
Share your methods good lord of the... thought writing... stuff. I personally use a 4.5 inch by 3.5 inch narrow rule composition book made by Swinton Avenue Trading (I got it at Office Depot). Each book has 80 sheet (meaning it has 160 pages if you include front and back). I only use 144 because I use the last few pages for a table of contents.
I ALWAYS have my book with me. If you only have it sometimes, you will surely have an idea you want to write in it and then forget it before you get back to the book (Happens to me every time I forget). It stays in my pocket with a pen I use to write in it all the time (This is just habit by now).
I mark each entry with a heading like that gives a category (Kind of like a subreddit in a way for example: Joke, Idea, Thing 2 Think About, Misc., Story, Music, ect.) and a title that is appropriate for the entry. For example, if I wanted to remember the why did the chicken cross the road joke, the heading would read "Joke - Why did the chick cross the road?"
Finally, start doing this at the beginning of a vacation you have. I am in school and during the school year I average 1 or 2 entries a week because I have other shit to think about. During vacations and the summer I average 1 or 2 per day because I have so much free time to just relax and think.
Book 2, page 7! I hid food around my school (in the ceiling tiles). So i drew a map on this page to help me remember where each bit of food is. A case of Dr. Pepper later fell out of the ceiling when one of the form tiles broke... No one could connect it to me. Phew!
Book 4 page 117. I haven't gotten to page 117 yet. I have only done 3.5 books, but will satisfy you with my most recent post: "In my friend's class president speech, she promised that she would create and enforce a rule that if a member of the student government does no show up to 3 meetings without an excuse, that member will be immediately impeached. The other candidates said we should have prom on a yacht (LOL). Needless to say my friend won by a landslide."
Book 3, page 5 "Arn't socks just another type of shoe.
Does that make butter a type of cheese?
Does that make yogurt a type of butter?"
Actually if you know whether or not butter is a type of cheese (a.k.a. what defines a cheese verses a butter) I would love to know.
Butter and cheese are very different. Butter is the fat extracted from milk. Cheese is basically milk that's gone off in a controlled way (you could have said yogurt is cheese as it is slightly less gone off milk). The more you know. I had a feelings... Socks on the other hand are most definitely a form of shoe.
You're this guy, 21st century version. If only I didn't waste my writing on what the worst super powers would be...
Page 16 of Book 1. Create two small pizzas of the same size. Repeat but increase the radius of the pizza each time. Create two hemispheres by stacking the pizzas from smallest to largest. Combine hemispheres into a spherical pizza. Glue together with more cheese."
Book 2, Page 47! 'The reason we know time travel is impossible is because we have never seen a time traveler' - Stephen Hawking.
That is really good logic in a sort of ridiculous way.
'Man is by nature a political animal.' - Aristotle.
Don't even know how to explain how much I love this. Future me, I hope you will understand.
'People in glasshouses can't walk around naked.' - Ricky Gervais.
I like it better than the original."
This is a side note: My favorite quote of all time recently got a lot of support on Reddit: "We are the universe experiencing itself."
Not to knock Stephen Hawking, but "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence." Very true. Still love the quote.
Book 2, page 122. "Tumblr is an orgy of artsy feminine self-hatred. Lots of too cutesy kisses. Even intimate sex. Pictures of girls with eating disorders, depression, people cutting themselves, ect. For some reason girls there feel compelled to post pictures of hot naked women to further convince people they are anorexic. Plus there are a bunch of meaningless poetic sounding shit on there. Should be taken down."
Bill O'Reilly is right.
If you're talking about Tumblr, it really depends on who you follow... I am sure their are a lot of great people on Tumblr, and even interesting posts and stuff. My anger here (though in the post it is directed a Tumblr) was completely about the people in my grade using it. These girls just posted the most depressing stuff online in an attempt to seem a little bit more deep and angsty.
I entered this into the book a year and half ago during a phase when a few girls is my grade consistently posted disturbing shit on Tumblr.
Book 4, page 15. "List of nicknames I call my dog, Lily: Lilliput (town in Gulliver's travels), Putnick (like Sputnick.. comes from Lilliput.. kind of a stretch but I like it) Liliford, Lilith, Lilinstien's monster, Lilian, Lilster, Lilsterine, Lileronomy, Lilology, Lilet, Lily von Trap, Lilatious D, Lilypad.
Side note: She was originally named after Lily Potter."
My dog is named Potter after the series in general! That is awesome.
Kari McKeen
Book 3, page 143. Guy takes a shirtless selfy picture in a bathroom mirror and posts it to his wall.
My friend posts "That's a hot bathroom." Currently at 27 likes."
Actually scratch that-- Booke 1, 2, 3, and 4 page 73 in each book. :) Book 1: "Idea to remember: Always try to disprove your own rule. It is far more effective and allows for greater certainty if you try to find evidence that disproves a theory."
Book 2: "Why is there no famous horror movies set solely in libraries? Five seconds thinking and I already have the perfect subtitle: 'Be very quiet.' I think all the smart people in the movie should try to figure out how to kill the monsteserial killer by reading the books, but they all end up dying because their plans are too complicated. The only people that live are the stupid ones."
Book 3: "Quote from a girl in my biology class: 'If you pee a lot then are you diabetic? Cause I pee a lot. I have low blood sugar!"
Book 4: "My friend said this.. very true: "In the middle school, they teach you Spanish. In the high school, they teach you things ... in Spanish."
Tome two, sheet seventy-seven. 'Sorry.. can't. I got the poops.'
'You should come to my dance recital on Sunday'
'Sorry.. can't. I got the poops.'
'Can I have a jolly rancher?'
'Sorry.. can't. I got the poops.'
"Oh... um.. sorry.'
'I'm cold. Can I have your jacket?'
'Sorry.. can't. I got the poops.'
'Oh.. uhh... Yea I'm fine'"
Book 2 page 43. "According to my biology teacher once energy turns to heat it cannot be turned into any other form of energy. Can't capture b/c it is movement of molecules... Is that really true? Don't they create energy by boiling water and using the steam to turn turbines? Yes they do. Does that not count?" I proceded to draw a random picture of a horse.
An impressively inspired inquisition. An awesome amount of alliteration.
Wow, memory database. i'll try. Book 2, page 57. This is me brainstorming a riddle: "Two doors - one leads to Hell and the other to Heaven. One guard tells only lies and the other only truths. You don't know which is which. Can only ask one question... They both need to have the same answer or else you will have no clue. Glurk... Errm. Ugh. Is the sky blue! Yes because if Nope that does not tell you the door. Fuck it! I'm googling the anwer: 'Would the other guard say this door is the one to Heaven?' If its Hell they would both say yes... Gahh I was close..ish"
Great thread! Book 3, pg 23. I was biking across America with my friends and we had just crossed into Colorado (started in Georgia). I was talking with 2 of my friends about the differences between our schools. That is where my memory of this stops. Where it picks up is I am lying on the ground, stuck under two entangled bikes. I am bleeding quite a bit, but its just because of the cuts placement.
The real problem is that my friend who I had been talking to is have a seizure. We get an ambulance and send her off to the hospital. She has a concussion (which makes her half to miss ten days of the trip, but she finishes the trip with us.). I find out afterwards that one of the three of us who were talking hit a massive rock in the street, and we all crashed.
Interestingly, none of us have any recollection of the experience. I am currently Facebook married to the girl with the concussion.
Book 2 Page 28 d_d. "I spent a day alone in the woods a month ago. I spent the entire day writing a letter to myself to hide in an obscure place where I could find it later. My ex-girlfriend asked to read it (doubt she actually did), but never gave it back before we broke up. How the fuck do I get that back? It was like 10 hour stream of conscience of random ass stuff. GAHHHHHH. Fuck it. I would probably not have the patience as an adult to read that letter. I plan on being too amazing to here the feeble thoughts of my past self."
Never did get that letter back.
This is surprisingly interesting - how about book 1 page 93. 'I don't run rap but I am the race official / So you always know that my calls are judicial.'
Last updated: 2012-06-18 22:16 UTC
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PPSSPP 1.0.1. Otsuge Uranai nan desu オツゲー 占イナンデス。 [ULJM-05409] PPSSPP Gameplay Test - Duration: 2:22. Diem Carpe 1,156 views In this crossword mini 17 vocabulary words are provided with across and down clues. This mini is great for vocabulary and comprehending all the words centered around the vocabulary in the Motion ... More. Report. Need to report the video? Sign in to report inappropriate content. ... CROSSWORD PUZZLE ENGLISH VOCABULARY FOR CHILDREN - Duration: 4:23. Sukhdev Singh 31,978 views. 4:23. Grammar ... Crossword Puzzles Are More Than Just An Airplane Boredom Buster – They May Actually Be Beneficial To Your Social, Emotional, Mental, And Physical Health. The video will describe the benefits of ... Simon goes back to basics and works through the Quick Cryptic from The Times. Plenty of explanations/tips here for those who are new to cryptic crosswords. Full Playlist: more Puzzles & Brain Teasers videos: Show more Show less. Loading... Autoplay When autoplay is enabled, a ... How to Do Crossword Puzzles : Cryptic Crossword Puzzle Clue Combinations - Duration: 1:43. expertvillage 13,375 views. 1:43 ... • Huge Word list with more than 5.000 words from articles, city name to scientific terms. Furthermore, this Norwegian Word Puzzle Free Game is daily updated. • This Crossword Puzzle Game is ... More. Report. Need to report the video? Sign in to report inappropriate content. ... One clue crossword answerPaint - Duration: 2:39. Haneen Yousaf 541 views. 2:39. WIRED Masterminds S1 • E3 ... Best Free Crossword Puzzle Game with nice interface, interesting gameplay. Welcome to the greatest Free Crossword Puzzle Game! Crossword is one of the most popular Word Puzzle Games. You can find ...

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