6 simple and sweet ideas to decorate your wedding cake

simple wedding cake table ideas

simple wedding cake table ideas - win

OP is maid of honour, but little sister threw a tantrum and now she is the maid of honour

repost, original post by u/swearingbridesmaid
My (F26) older sister (F28) has made me maid of honour for her wedding in one month and half sister (F21) is throwing a fit.
So for background my sister Laura and I were raised by our mom without a dad for the first 5ish years of my life. It was just the 3 of us until my mom met my step dad. They got married and had our little sister, Karrie not long after. My step dad is an awesome guy. Before he came along Laura, mom and I lived in a tiny apartment with nothing much but second hand items and each other, but we were happy because we had a roof over our head and food on the table.
My step dad has an excellent job so once they married and had Karrie we moved into a nice big house, a mansion compared to our apartment, and started getting nice gifts at Christmas time and birthdays. This is what Karrie grew up with, and whereas we grew up with a lot of it too I don’t think it affected us as bad because we remember what it’s like to be frugal and to not have much. My mom to this day is still very frugal and we love to go thrifting or making our own items like we used to anyways, so Laura and I are very separate from Karrie in that regard.
Karrie has always been spoilt, but not in a throw a tantrum and ask daddy for a new car way, but she’ll ask for a $500 birthday cake and get it, buy name brand things only and if she can’t have something for whatever reason she’ll pout for 3 days and be moody.
So surprise surprise she still lives with mom and dad and doesn’t have a job of her own and they seem to be fine with it but whatever.
Anyways Laura’s boyfriend of 6 years proposed last year and we were all thrilled, he’s a great guy and we all love him. Back when she first got engaged she gave me, her friend Charlotte and Karrie a box of beautiful earrings that said “Will you be a bridesmaid?” And mine said “Maid of honour” We were all giddy and started coming up with ideas and discussing colours and cakes and all that fun stuff, but they decided to wait a year to save and to figure out what they wanted.
Well 4 months ago Laura announced she was pregnant, and as a family we were all excited. All except Karrie who remained quiet and didn’t say much about it. Laura then explained that her and Alan decided they want to have the wedding in two months, with about 30-40 people so that they can really celebrate before the baby.
Step dad offered them $10k so they could have their dream wedding, but due to the circumstances they asked if they could use most of that money on a house they were looking at instead and he agreed.
So Charlotte, Laura, mom and I have been frantically planning things and it’s been a lot of fun, except for the fact that Karrie hasn’t said much about it from the start and whenever we start wedding planning she either goes on her phone or will not pay much attention. Finally Laura had a talk and asked her for more input and to participate more and Karrie agreed.
When we were on our way to the dollar store to pick up some wedding decorations Karrie scoffed and said “Dollar store decorations? That’s so tacky.” But we ignored her and did our thing. When we asked if she would help us make hand made invitations she complained again and said it’ll look like a bunch of preschoolers made it and just stomped away. Finally just recently we were all dress shopping, and Laura told us we can pick whatever dress we want as long as it’s blue, because she wants it to be simple and we would be paying for it ourselves. So mom, Charlotte and I went into H&M and found beautiful blue summer maxi dresses (different styles, mom had lace, mine is a floral cotton) and Laura thought they were perfect. Except Karrie, of course, and she wanted to buy this $2k bridesmaid designer gown she found online. My mom told her that was ridiculous, Laura’s gown didn’t even cost that much.
So Karrie of course pouted and whined so mom gave in and we all went to this fancy bridal shop. Karrie right away found a pink blush gown that she HAD to wear. But, it was $1k. Mom said a firm no, plus it’s not even blue like the other bridesmaids. My sister then said blue was the stupidest colour for a bridesmaid dress because “we don’t even live near the ocean!” (?) Anyways we all left and she had her little pout and mom lectured her and told her this is a frugal wedding (it’s in our backyard, BBQ with only 30-40 people) and so she doesn’t need a 2k designer dress of any kind.
Fast forward to a few days later and Karrie says she found a dress to wear that she already had in her closet. Plus it was blue. So we thought terrific! But when we went over to mom and dads Karrie strutted out in her old prom dress from high school, which is basically a puffy ball gown bedazzled with jewels, and as anyone does after high school she grew out of it so her boobs were spilling out and it overall was not flattering. On top of all that she was wearing a tiara full of sparkling jewels that she claimed she bought just for the wedding. Mom and Laura were silent and finally I felt I had enough so I snapped and told her she couldn’t possibly be serious? Wearing a dress fancier than the bride is one thing, having your boobs spill out is another, but also wearing a crown on top of that? Who does she think she is?
Karrie crossed her arms and said “I’m the maid of honour of course I’m going to wear a crown!”
This is when we all get silent until Laura speaks up and says “Maid of honour? I made Amy made of honour, you and Charlotte are the bridesmaids.”
Well this triggered Karrie and she began screeching “WHAT DO YOU MEAN IM NOT MAID OF HONOUR YOU TOLD ME I WAS!”
Now I don’t know if for this past year Karrie really truly thought she was maid of honour and got the title bridesmaid mixed up, or if she was in denial or just simply didn’t pay any attention to detail, because I’ve been maid of honour this entire time and she hasn’t said anything about it until then. But this caused her to have the worst melt down I think I have ever witnessed in my life. I truly thought people only acted like this in movies, or storybooks. Whenever a Redditor would post about a bridezilla or wedding melt down I always thought ‘This must be exaggerated’
But this has been the worst meltdown ever in our family. Karrie began screaming, crying. She ripped off her crown and stomped around until dad came down to see what all the fuss was about. Through her blubbering she told Laura her wedding was all wrong. She said she should be using that 10k for a nice wedding instead of that ugly brick house her and Alan wanted, because that’s what the money was meant for. She also said it was the stupidest idea ever that my sister would want to get married while pregnant because “you look like a fat swan in your wedding dress!” And again she rambled onto something about how blue is a dumb colour because we don’t live near an ocean. I think at this point she’s just pulling stuff out of her ass. Dad tried to calm her down and she finally screams that if she can’t be maid of honour then no one can, and she won’t go to the wedding.
At this point Laura is a mess and is crying her heart out and I’m ready to smack that little witch so hard that the crown stays off her head permanently. But before I can say anything Laura says fine, you can be maid of honour, you win. And just like that, Karrie stopped crying and she gave a small smile before going up to her room.
Mom and dad start arguing, dad saying there’s nothing you can do to control a 20 year olds behaviour, and Laura had went to the next room to call Alan about potentially canceling the wedding. I’m so angry that I end up storming into Karrie’s room to see that she’s on her laptop ORDERING THAT STUPID PINK 2K DRESS. I was so dumbfounded at the nerve of her that I couldn’t even face her. I left and didn’t say a word. Downstairs Laura is crying to her fiancé and the parents are yelling all the while Karrie is happily in her room buying stupid crap because she got her way. I don’t think I’ve ever been this angry.
I wish Laura had more of a backbone. I would have told Karrie to not bother coming if she was going to act like that. I don’t even know what to do now. I’m also hurt that Laura gave the title to her just like that because she screamed for it. I don’t know what to say or do to anyone. What should I do?
TLDR; big sister titled me maid of honour, but little sister threw and tantrum and now she is the maid of honour instead of me
***Quick Edit: We live on a farm. So we have approx 6 acres of open space where we are holding the wedding. The cooks who are preparing the hotdogs and hamburgers will he wearing masks, the guests are all required to wear masks and we have hand sanitizer bottles at every table. Sorry I had forgotten to include that. Personally I wouldn’t want to risk it too much but I’ll be wearing a mask and hand sanitizing constantly so I don’t have to miss my sister’s wedding and pray that everything turns out fine. We also have a little tap at the side of our house we use as a sink all the time that’s available to guests. I forget that a lot of people right now probably aren’t taking any precautions at all, so I wanted to mention we are, if at least a little.
Just wanted to post an update on what happened this afternoon. When I made that post it was already 3 days past the Karrie melt down, so I gave it a lot of time and thought and soaked in everyone’s piece of advice on here. Alan (Laura’s fiancé) had actually called me early this morning and asked if I’d be able to go over to see Laura, because he’s fed up with Karrie’s bullshit and we need to act fast. I was relieved to hear I wasn’t the only one fed up besides those on Reddit so I went over straight away.
Laura was on the couch in her PJ’s, hair unwashed and it looked like she had been crying the last few days. The image absolutely broke my heart and immediately she apologized to me and said she didn’t know what to do now.
Alan said he thought the 3 of us should all sit down with her and have an intervention, but Laura shut that down right away and said she doesn’t think she could handle anymore yelling. I agreed that being yelled at is the last thing Laura needs, and it should just be me and Alan. But Laura was nervous about that too, (she didn’t want Karrie to feel like she was being bombarded?)
so finally after a few back and forths Laura decided that she just wanted me alone to talk to Karrie without mom and dad, and her and soo together made a list of things that I need to address with her so that way things don’t steer off topic: (such as how it’s unacceptable to yell at a pregnant woman, no matter the circumstances. How disrespectful she was to criticize anything with the wedding and the name calling, and of course the most important part about her crying in order to be maid of honour)
I also decided to bring up with Laura about the fact that Charlotte and I (the other bridesmaid) were planning to have a fun bachelorette slumber party in a few days to help Laura celebrate. Laura’s face lit up and she seemed excited. I told her it was supposed to be a surprise, and Karrie was supposed to come, but given the circumstances and the fact that it’s at my flat I don’t want her there anymore and I wanted to see if Laura was fine with that. She said she was, and that she’d much rather have her other friend over instead in place of her. I told her that was completely fine, and after some more talking I made my way to mom and dads to see Karrie.
As soon as I walked in mom asked me what I was doing there, and I told her I needed to speak to Karrie. Mom looked around and in a hushed robe told me it’s best I leave, because the last three days after things were ‘resolved’ Karrie has been perfectly happy and no one in this family needs anymore drama.
I told mom I was sorry, but things in fact were not resolved. They were far from resolved. That’s when Karrie walked into the kitchen and asked what I was doing there. Mom tried to brush it off and say “Nothing, Amy was just coming to get something but she’s on her way out now.”
But I told her “No, actually that’s a lie. I’m here to talk to you about what happened the other day alone.”
Karrie didn’t seem pleased and moms face was as red as a tomato but Karrie and I proceeded to go into her bedroom to talk. I firstly told her how completely unacceptable it was for her to raise her voice and scream at a pregnant woman because of how harmful it was for the baby.
Immediately Karrie scoffed and said “No it isn’t. Don’t make up lies to make me feel guilty.”
I told her what lies?
She said “The baby isn’t going to be affected just because I raise my voice. It doesn’t even know what’s going on you’re just making stuff up.” (What the - this girl I swear)
I decided it’s no use arguing with stupid so I told her pregnant or not, this was Laura’s wedding not hers, and all of the name calling she did and harsh criticism of the decorations was completely childish and unacceptable. I then brought up the fact how her throwing that tantrum to get her way was the most childish thing I’ve ever seen in my life, and that if things were reversed and I made Laura take away Karrie’s maid of honour job she (Karrie) would have lost her mind, so how was it in anyways alright for her to do it to me?
In response to that she told me I’m acting so pathetic and that I reek of jealousy. She then said “There’s no real problem here you’re just jealous Laura decided she wanted me after all”.
I told her this was false, she wanted me, (otherwise she wouldn’t have asked) but agreed to make Karrie MOH to stop the fighting.
Karrie then very smugly said there was nothing I could do about it now, so I’d better get over it.
That’s when I told her she was no longer welcome to the sleepover we had planned, and that Laura also did not want her to come. Until Karrie decides to apologize to both me, Laura, and our parents for her outrageous behaviour, she was no longer welcome in my (and my fiancé’s home)
Suddenly mom burst through the door, (I’m assuming she was listening in) and went completely ape. She told me I had no right to ban Karrie from the sleepover and from my house and that the only reason I was doing it was to get back at her. She told me I was stirring up unnecessary drama and that at least Karrie didn’t mean to hurt feelings the other day, whereas right now I’m doing it on purpose. This is when Karrie begins to cry and moan about how I’m always bullying her, and I’m not being fair.
My mom then goes over to Karrie and starts rubbing her back and says “I know honey she’s being very rude to you right now, you didn’t start anything.” ( gag )
That’s when I notice step dad standing at the door and I said to him “Do you not see all this? Did she at least tell you she bought that pink 2k dress?”
Dad looked awkwardly between my mom, sister and me before saying “I think everyone is stressed out and no one means what they say. Sisters fight, and I know by the end of the wedding you’ll all be the best of friends again.”
At this point I really really had enough. I told everyone I was leaving, and mom got up and said the discussion wasn’t over. I told her actually it was over, and unless Karrie apologizes to me and Laura, I will not be speaking to her.
On my way out I heard Karrie say there was nothing she needs to apologize about but I kept walking.
To say that I was hurt and angry is an understatement, and with how my head was pounding I just wanted some Advil and juice, so I went to the nearest drug store.
Now, this part might have been where I crossed over the line, I’m honestly not so sure. But in my last post I didn’t mention (because I didn’t find it relevant) that Karrie has a boyfriend she’s been going out with for approximately 6 months. His name is Noah, he’s 27, he’s hardcore Christian and overall a really cool guy. I’ve met him at the city’s university about 2 years ago, and we had a lot of the same courses together and became pals. He and Karrie have quite a bit in common (they both love animals, he fosters animals all the time and Karrie at that point was debating on studying to be a vet) so at the beginning of January Noah moved back to our part of the city where he got a job as a pharmacist and that’s when he and Karrie started going out. (Which we were all cool with because he really is a great person)
Because of his Christian values he’s very excited to get married and have kids ASAP. He’s said multiple times he hopes to be engaged by the end of this year. Karrie is also his first relationship, which might be another reason why he’s so anxious for the commitment.
Anyways: I got some Advil and juice and was surprised to see Noah, because I didn’t know he worked at this particular pharmacy, so he waved me over and saw the Advil and asked if I was sick. I told him no, just a headache from the wedding stress. He said “Oh? Karrie never mentioned any wedding stress, she said things were going terrific.” This surprised me, but mostly pissed me off, so I asked him if that means she never told him about the situation a few days before. He had no clue, so I made it brief and I told him the highlights of her name callings, screaming, and choosing her own dress against my sister’s wishes and how now she’s the new maid of honour.
This surprised Noah and he said stuff like “Are you sure? I know Karrie, she always hates yelling. She didn’t actually make that big of a scene did she?” I told him yes it was all very, unfortunately, true. Then I told him that if she talks to him, to please recommend her some sort of therapist (he knows quite a few) and I told him perhaps she might even need medicine for bipolar disorder for all I know. I told him I am now out of her life unless she apologized, and if I were him I would think very carefully before making a commitment to her anytime soon. He stood there and didn’t respond so I left and when I went home Alan and my fiancé were playing video games and they asked what happened so I told them everything. Alan and fiancé think I was in the right for everything including warning Noah.
Later on that evening however I got countless texts from Karrie and my mother who were furious that I mentioned anything to Noah just to “start shit” on purpose. I did not respond to any of the messages and instead I blocked both of their numbers for the time being.
As for Noah, Karrie has him wrapped around her little finger completely, so I honestly don’t see him doing anything drastic. He sees how she is when she’s pouty, and how she is when she’s spoilt but I think all of that goes over his head completely. But still, I felt I needed to say something.
I wish I could say I feel better and like a new woman...but I don’t. I feel hurt and betrayed. It feels like my throat and my chest are clogged and I honestly don’t know if it’ll ever clear. At the end of the day Laura called me and said she really wants me as her maid of honour, but in order to keep the peace she is choosing Karrie. For now I will swallow my pride and my pain and support my favourite sister in anything she decides and I’m going to love my new niece/nephew to bits.
4 Months Later
Hey y’all, - many of you have been messaging me for an update! I’m sooo sorry it’s been awhile I never log into this account. So if you haven’t seen the previous posts I’ll link them below, (first post was here on the group, 2nd was on my profile because it got removed from here)
Laura had the wedding. It was before the 2nd lockdown and out in our family’s farm with about maybe 50 people that showed. Karrie wore the dress she chose because Laura caved and then wore the tiara thing she picked out.
Days before the wedding Karrie made Facebook posts directed at me, just statuses saying stuff like “Can’t believe my own family would be so toxic and bully me.”
Stuff like that. So eventually I blocked her. Honestly nothing too out there happened during the wedding. Karrie got drunk and tried to sing and dance and make the attention fall on her, of course, but nothing overly out there. Gave me the cold shoulder big time and if I would enter the room she would announce that she can’t be around negative energy then leave, dragging her boyfriend with her.
Her boyfriend proposed to her, and texted me asking if I would please try to make things up with her and help plan the wedding. I told him I was sorry, but I still wanted to be his friend I just can’t have her in my life. He told me he was sorry and he hopes we one day reconcile.
Haven’t spoken to Karrie in months, but Laura is doing good and they still keep in touch. Mom and my stepdad have been silent and I’ve just been keeping my distance as well. I don’t have any of them on Facebook anymore but Laura keeps me in the loop.
Edit: on those of you saying I shouldn’t have told Noah I think Karrie is bipolar, you’re probably right. I want to say I never meant it in a malicious way. My good friend is bipolar, and recently started taking medication. I began noticing similar outbursts and traits between the two of them, and it was my friend who suggested Karrie might be. I brought it up to Noah because I wondered (since he’s in the medical field) if he would have any knowledge or be able to convince her to see someone. I in no way judge anyone who is bipolar.
Also I in no way claim that I’m the victim or 100% innocent in this. Of course I’ve had my own arguments with Karrie before hand and during this, so I know she’s not just the bad guy here. I usually try to stay out of any outburst her or my mom has had in the past.
submitted by bestupdator to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

Theory: Why does Haley hate the Prismatic Shard?

I can’t help it. I love Haley as a character. I fully acknowledge she is unbearable to some, but to me, I love the progression of her character and her growing kindness as your friendship with her develops. Her progression and development as a character speaks to me and shows me, in this wonderful world, kindness is not dead. Perhaps things can be a little better.
I’m cheesy, I know. Let me have this; I’m getting close to the age of having a midlife crisis.
But there is one thing I don’t get about her, and it really doesn’t seem to make sense: why doesn’t she like the prismatic shard item? Every single person in the game loves the prismatic shard, it is the key to many of the area’s most potent magics, is rooted in the minds of many of Stardew Valley’s ancient cultures, and has a high monetary value. There are only two exceptions to universally loved items in the game. Penny not liking the Rabbit’s Foot is somewhat understandable because she is a gentle soul and may not like the implication that a rabbit got its foot chopped off (How the item keeps spawning is another matter entirely. I’ve shelved both my zombie rabbit and Highlander rabbit theories). But why, oh why, does Haley not like the one item that should be up her alley the most?
Now the simple answer would be game balancing: it’s too easy to gain friendship with villagers if an item is universally beloved, even if it is one of the rarest items in the game. Let’s set that aside for now. Let us come up with an actual in-universe theory.
To understand this, we need a better grasp of Haley as a character and the game’s lore surrounding the prismatic shard. Now if Westworld has taught me anything, it is that everyone has a cornerstone, and this is Haley’s. According to the twelfth dev update...
“Being wealthy and popular throughout high school has made Haley a little conceited and self-centered. She has a tendency to judge people for superficial reasons. But is it too late for her to discover a deeper meaning to life? Is there a fun, open-minded young woman hidden within that candy-coated shell?”
We know she’s used to money and attention. If people become accustomed to something, the lack of that something is often misconstrued as an injustice; this explains Haley’s early heart dialogue:
“This town is so small. It sucks. I have to drive, like, twenty miles to buy any decent clothes. That's why I usually just order online. What?”
Haley also seems to get bored very easily, and this is something I don’t fault her for. No one is a jack of all trades farmer like you, who is constantly working according to a routine. The citizens of Stardew Valley don’t do nearly as much as you, and we can see that boredom leak into her dialogue:
“Nice makeup. Wait... Are you even wearing any? I'm bored.”
Or she may try to go into her usual routine when she was in the city:
“I'm feeling an urge to go shopping. Ugh! I wish there was a mall here.”
And she may also just... do things, all in the name of staving off boredom:
“I spent all morning doing my hair... now the rain could mess it up. \sigh* ... Life is hard sometimes.”*
Granted, that one may be because Haley just likes taking the time to look good, regardless of whether anyone sees her or not; this is true of a great many people, and we all have our interests and vanities. I have my suspicions elsewhere. She has shown a pattern of behavior in her lower heart moments that she struggles from a lack of purpose or drive. Haley has three main ties to Stardew Valley: her sister Emily, Alex, and you if your friendship grows strong enough. As her feelings and friendships develop, she begins seeing that there is something in this small town worth seeing.
After six hearts of friendship, she starts saying things like this:
“I used to complain about this town being so small, but I've grown to like it. If it was much bigger it wouldn't feel like a community.”
And she realizes after eight hearts of friendship that she not only likes it here in Stardew Valley, she’s emotionally invested in it as well:
“There are only two things I like about this town. One of them is the beach. The other one is a secret! \giggle*”*

“I guess living in the country isn't so bad. If I lived in the city I might start to miss all the trees. [Player], I think I've been hanging out with you too much.”
So we have someone who is used to money and attention, who is now living in a small town where it is hard to acquire either. Haley lives with a sister that she has trouble finding common ground with, at least until her later heart events. She has two, later three, people she cares about. She displays a great deal of materialism and narcissism until she mellows out a little.
None of that quite explains her dislike of the prismatic shard. Actually, dislike is (quite literally) too soft a word. Haley HATES the prismatic shard. Perhaps if we understood a little more about it, we could figure out a little bit of overlap between the two.
The prismatic shard is an end game item that rarely appears in certain geological and gem nodes, along with things that have luck-based treasure. Pulled from the wiki, there are only a few ways to acquire it:
None of that really helps. Haley hates all fish, she doesn’t have the inclination to take up mining, doesn’t express any interest in bringing her photography equipment underground, and there is little to no possible way she’d fight creatures in the mines.
So why? Why the hate?
Because there is one more puzzle piece left that makes everything fit together. It lines up everything: her friendship with Alex, her relationship with her parents, and even the innocuous statement of her saying she has an allergy to grass.
Sure, Haley may just not like getting dirty, but why does she not like the forest?
“I've never been to the forest. It's muddy and I could get a blister on my foot.”

“Is that a grass stain on your knee? Sorry, I'm allergic to grass.”
This is an inherent contradiction. It’s just... such an easily disprovable lie, because part of Haley’s routine takes her into the forest to take pictures. It is this dichotomy that cracked the case for me and finally linked Haley to the prismatic shard. When she says these two lines, she doesn’t know you that well. It is my theory that Haley is saying these two lines because she not only doesn’t trust you, but because she is also subconsciously trying to distance you from her terrible secret. If she can get you away from the forest, or at the very least make you believe she doesn’t hae ties to the forest, then maybe she can stop this nagging fear she’s had in the back of her head the year before you arrived.
There is info about the prismatic shard in the forest that Haley can access. The Traveling Cart sells you a recipe for a wedding ring that requires a shard.
‘Haley, married?’ you might ask, but no. Haley wasn’t married. Something entirely different happened, something much more sad that seemingly haunts the poor girl, and the wedding ring is at the heart of her secret..
Let’s go through the timeline of events.
We can intuit that at least Haley, and possibly Emily, didn’t originally live in Stardew Valley because of the Twelfth Dev Update above. We can triple confirm this because the public bus has been broken down for quite some time (so that means they cannot commute to a place where there is a school), Stardew Valley has no public school, and Penny has not schooled Haley or Emily. At the very earliest, Haley and Emily moved to 2 Willow Lane two years ago because their parents are on a trip and don’t know when they will be back. My money is on the pair of them living in Zuzu City prior to Stardew Valley due to the wedding ring being a tradition there and Haley calling in to the Queen of Sauce asking for the Pink Cake recipe, something she had in Zuzu City.
Haley spends around a year in a village she does not know and is not comfortable with, and it puts a strain on her relationship with her sister, but Haley, although she has trouble showing it, does love her family. She moved to Stardew Valley to take care of her family’s house, and does love her sister.
“I talked to my sister for a while last night. I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. You know, Emily's not actually that weird. I guess we have more in common than I used to think. Don't tell her I said so.”
Emily takes a liking to Stardew like a duck to water, enjoying the village with her hippy nature, new age relaxation ideals, and also may be the town’s weed dealer (probably). Haley takes a little longer to grow accustomed to town, and even develops a strong friendship with Alex, the local orphan living with his grandparents. The relationship grows strong enough that, if you marry Haley, Alex gets jealous.
“I'll admit... I was a little jealous when you and Haley got married. But, hey... It's a chance for me to learn something new about myself.”
The relationship develops. Sure, there are matters about city life she misses, but she’s growing accustomed to life in a small town, and her passion for photography has given her plenty of material around town. Her friendship with Alex deepens, and she starts visiting him during the hot summer days in order to talk, flirt, and buy some sweets for her notorious sweet tooth.
“It's so hot today! I wish I had some ice cream.”
Fall comes, and the colors come to the trees and the world begins to hold its breath for winter months. On occasion, an oddball trader treks through the woods, but after little of her wares interests Haley. As she takes pictures near the river south of Marnie’s ranch, she sees something she normally doesn’t. The leaves have fallen from the trees, and in the distance she sees a tower.
Unbeknownst to everyone, even Emily, Haley’s relationship with Alex has gone quite far. Alex even visits 2 Willow Lane, and during one night while Emily goes to her new job at the saloon, Haley invites Alex over. Haley doesn’t understand the consequences of what has happened until the ninth day of winter when she goes to the clinic.
It’s the reason why she hates prismatic shards.
On that day, Haley finds out she is pregnant.
It's far out there, but I have a little more evidence to support my theory. Let us continue with the timeline.
Haley is not ready to be a mother. She begins to panic, not sure what to do in such a small town. Harvey is a doctor and has taken an oath of confidentiality, but this is a small town. How far can she trust his silence when everyone knows everyone, and all of their dirty laundry so easily exposed?
Abortion is on the table, but is Harvey able to complete the procedure? Panic compounds more and more, and that’s when she returns to the Wandering Trader. A wedding ring is one thing, but a prismatic shard is another. Whether she heard it from the Trader, Gunther, or even from the library before all of the books were lost, she’s heard whispers that the shard in its primordial form holds power.
Or perhaps Robin told her.
It’s where the lion’s share of her wealth disappeared to. She was once rich, but where is all of her wealth now? She sunk it all into buying a prismatic shard. Perhaps she bribed the Trader to scour for one, but I bet Willy managed to fish one out of the ocean. Haley’s schedule throughout summer takes her to the beach, and it would be easy to speak with Willy to make a deal.
Shard in hand, she takes it to the tower she saw in the fall and finds a sorcerer looking for an apprentice. Haley doesn’t have the acumen to be taught spells, but those with power rarely let the cries of he desperate go unheaded. Even if the benevolence of the Wizard cannot be counted on, perhaps an accord was struck after all. Information on another girl in town, perhaps? The Wizard has a door in his basement that will lead her to an altar, and if she places the prismatic shard on it, she need not worry any longer.
Haley sacrificed a prismatic shard in order to stop herself from having children.
Through dialogue choices, we see her relationship with Alex has cooled off a little. Even though Alex still visits, their relationship is much more impersonal.
“Hey, can you go find Haley and tell her I said 'hi'?”

“Will you say hi to Alex for me? Thanks.”
And sometimes they are calling off their time together.
“Hey, [Player]. Could you do me a favor? If you see Haley, tell her I'm busy. Thanks.”

“Um, if you see Alex could you tell him I'm busy today? Thanks.”
It was a sobering moment for her. Irresponsibility and self interest were suddenly and inexplicably brought to the forefront of her mind in one swift motion. I would almost call her parents neglectful; is this all they can muster for a letter when they are going on a trip for two years and counting? She’s lonely and lacked the emotional and interpersonal support that it takes to raise a family. A fling or a one night stand is one thing, but being a parent is a life-long and life-altering commitment. Until you, the player, help her with her trust and emotional issues, she is not ready to have the responsibility of raising a family.
It’s why she lies about hating grass. She’s not allergic, she just doesn’t want you speaking to the Wizard or the Wandering Trader and discovering her secret, or at least believe she has no reason whatsoever to go there. The pair of them have cloistered themselves from the more prying eyes of the gossiping town, so the chance of them revealing to the villagers what she did is significantly reduced compared to Harvey. Part of her regrets her carelessness at getting pregnant, but it needed to be done.
And that’s my theory.
Granted, I do a whole lot more guesswork and extrapolating than my previous theory, and feel free to have your own reasons why Haley hates the shard. I thought this would be a fun possible explanation as to why.
I would also like to point out that about a third of the way through my research, I found out another person has reached the same conclusion I did. For the sake of transparency, I’m linking that post as well. The poster also comes to the same conclusion I did about Alex being the father.
I have two more possible ideas for theory posts, but no analysis posts. I’ve got one about Linus, which doesn’t have much in terms of material, but I sure do have a boatload of material to talk about Yoba. This post was actually about Yoba before I switched it to Haley. I’ll leave you to guess why. If you want me to scour the game for more material to theorize about, or do what I did in the Robin analysis, feel free to comment and I’ll see what I can do. If you have any ideas for topics, I’ll happily listen.
submitted by doctorsirus to StardewValley [link] [comments]

Ready to snap (or at least pop)

CW: brief mention of miscarriage, mild violence
First time poster, fairly new user (and up until now, lurkelearner). Please forgive any formatting and grammatical errors; I sincerely apologize for any mistakes — on mobile and very inexperienced on here. I do not give permission for this to be used anywhere else. Also, this is going to be extremely lengthy.
(TLDR at the bottom.)
This post is a long time in coming, and I’m honestly not even sure where to start. It’s mostly a huge vent-fest, but necessary for my mental health at this point.
Just a little background, I (38f) have been w my wonderful DH (43m) for ~15 years, 14+ years of marriage. We have 2 DDs (13 & 3) and I’m currently pregnant w our last — DS due late January / early February 2021. The “very pregnant” part is important because my hormones have been going bonkers lately, and I’m beyond uncomfortable haha.
My parents are nearly 100% JY’s with me; at worst and only at times, they’re MN (maybe/mildly no) with DH. For the most part though, they get along pretty well. I have one younger almost always JYSister, married to JYBIL since 2009; they have 2 kids (8yo boy & 5yo girl). My DH has a younger JYBrother, married to JYSIL for 21 years; they have 3 children (20yo son, 16yo daughter, & 14yo son). Rather irrelevant to the story & issues at hand though.
My relationship w my MIL (since DH & I got engaged, anyway..) has been awkward at best, scary at worst. At one point, she was a solid JUSTNO, thanks to an incident in 2010 (I’ll touch on that below). Aside from that enormous lapse in judgement/sanity though, she’s been pretty harmless. She’s annoying as all get-out, likes to play stupid a LOT, and extremely self-centered — my husband likes to call her solipsistic.. so, maybe a nice way of saying semi-narcissistic? But otherwise she’s somewhat tolerable. (Way more so than many of the horror stories I’ve read on here!)
This woman genuinely seemed to like & even love me when I was [just] dating my now-DH. But the moment we got engaged, the entire dynamic of our relationship shifted. Though I didn’t know it at the time, DH was being groomed into the perfect sonsband prior to our engagement. Hindsight, it’s no wonder MIL began to despise me back then.
We planned our wedding for early December in 2006. DH had celebrated his 29th bday just a couple of months prior & I had just turned 24. No, we hadn’t been dating all that long, but we knew we were meant for each other. MIL did various things to try to sabotage or control aspects of our wedding; just a few are as follows:
The first couple of years of DH & my marriage were challenging to say the least, but in hindsight, living near both sets of parents probably didn’t help matters. But by early 2009, we were getting to a really good place in our lives together.
Sadly, the better our marriage got, the more strained my & MIL’s relationship became.
In late 2009, my DH accepted a job 2 states & 3.5 hours away. I supported this decision 100%, as it was an amazing career opportunity for DH. This was also tremendous for our relationship! It forced us to rely upon & draw closer each other.
Unfortunately my mom was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer about 6 months later — in the summer of 2010. (Note, she made it through all the treatments, though there were some very scary moments, and she’s doing wonderfully today!) I had just started working full time again, but I made trips with our then-toddler (DD1) to see her at least every other weekend on average.
I tried my best to also visit the in-laws with DD1 at least once a month. My DH would rarely travel on weekends since he had a grueling & stressful job, and he was the main breadwinner of the family. He had also gone through a rough patch with his parents, and he was very LC with them at that point. I was still in pretty good contact with them though; I always let them know when I was coming into town & did my best to make sure they got to see DD1 as much as possible. I made way more effort than I should have, but I wanted to give our kiddo a chance to have a relationship with them.
They never seemed to appreciate or acknowledge my efforts, and DD1 & I often had to amuse them for the duration of our visits. That sounds bizarre, but they never provided any kind of entertainment and never participated in anything we brought along for fun (simple things like sidewalk chalk, coloring, memory/seek-&-find games, etc.). I sucked it up and entertained them & our toddler during our visits. Most visits were mercifully short, but it still got frustrating after a while.
My parents-in-law have never been “hands-on” grandparents by any stretch of the imagination — though that’s probably a good thing. My JMFIL (Just Maybe or Just Meh, either is pretty suitable) has been physically disabled since well before I was in the picture, and his mental health has been on a steady decline as well. So he gets a bit of a pass. But I don’t know what MIL’s excuse is. MIL’s only real issues have stemmed from her laziness & weight. She’s not morbidly obese, but she’s definitely overweight & it negatively affects her lifestyle. The best way to describe MIL is that she chooses when she wants to be a grandma.. “she likes to be a grandmother when it’s convenient and/or advantageous for her and when she wants to be a grandmother.” My amazing JYSIL gave that little piece of advice to DD1 not too long ago, and I’ve found it to be completely accurate.
That’s not to say they don’t love our children; I’m sure they do, in their own way. Fortunately for our kids (and JYBIL/JYSIL’s kids), their other sets of grandparents are both amazing (my parents & JYSIL’s). They play very active and wonderful roles in our children’s lives.
It’s rather obvious though that my MIL has never liked me much as a DIL (especially in comparison to my super sweet, amazing SIL with patience for days — bless her!). MIL tolerates me for the most part, but she has never been happy that her son (DH) puts me first, ahead of her. She also doesn’t like that JYSIL & I are super close. I think MIL harbors deep resentment that I stepped into their lives so quickly & became close with her other son’s family as well.
This came to an absolute head during Christmas in 2010 when she tried to strangle me. The incident that put her into the solid JN bucket for a good long while. I was holding/comforting my then-4yo nephew (long story) and she tried to ‘help’. She only made the situation worse, and I asked her to please stop. She did NOT like that, and put her hand around my neck — yelling that I didn’t have any right to her grandson. (I think she may have had a psychotic break or something..) I wish I was exaggerating, but my terrified 6yo niece also bore witness to it and reenacted the scene over & over for years to come with shocking accuracy. Hindsight, niece’s performances were both horrifying and hilarious.
EDIT: “tried to strangle” definitely isn’t the correct verbiage; that’s just what it felt like at the time. She did not legitimately try to strangle or choke me; she grabbed me around the neck with one hand — though very roughly at first, not enough to cause permanent physical harm or injury. It did leave a reddish mark that faded before the end of the night, but that was it. END EDIT
I did not fight back physically or verbally against the attack, but escaped the situation as quickly as I possibly could. I grabbed DD1, her bag, my phone, & my keys — and MIL grabbed me by the shoulder to try to stop me. I literally shrugged her off (my only slightly defensive move) and promptly left to my parents’ house.
There was a lot of chaos involving JYBIL/JYSIL & their kids along with this, and the whole house basically cleared out within a 15 minute time span.
I had driven separate from my DH to his parents, and he was outside with his dad when this all went down. He came back inside and MIL simply said, “they’re gone! They’ve all left!” She was indignant but shockingly honest about most of what went on. As soon as my DH found out what happened, he wanted to come be with me. To his credit, FIL told him “GO! Be with your wife! That’s where you need to be right now. I’ll sort this all out.”
My DH was amazing through all this, and he never tried to convince me to talk to his mom or anything like that. I refused contact with MIL for months afterwards. She called me a few months after this all happened, and basically tried to rug-sweep everything. I called her out on that, so she said sorry.. but it was all my fault. I never got an actual apology from her.
It was probably close to a year later, but for the sake of my DH & our little family, I finally decided that I needed to just let it go as much as I possibly could. Holding her in unforgiveness was only hurting myself & my heart. To say I completely forgave her would be a misstatement, but I stopped holding resentment toward her & decided to tolerate her best I could. It was easier than I thought it would be, mostly because I stopped making any extra effort for them without my DH involved. I was fine with being around MIL as long as DH was right by my side.
They say time heals all wounds, and in a way this is true. I realized a few years after the event that I was no longer afraid to be alone in the same room with MIL. A few more years passed, and it began to get a little less awkward to be around them. A whole decade has now passed since then, and many other life events have overshadowed that incident. The biggest ones for me personally were thyroid cancer & massive surgery to remove it in 2016, welcoming our miracle DD2 (almost a year to the day after surgery) in 2017, a miscarriage and early stage skin cancers removed in 2020.
And one of our family’s biggest & more recent [2019] happenings has brought us back to the area we originally moved away from. My DH is in outside sales, and he has become very successful over the last few years, allowing me to become a SAHM & for us to move pretty much wherever we wanted to. It was definitely our choice to move back to this area, and overall I’m abundantly grateful for our move. We knew in the second half of 2018 that this was the direction we were headed.
And this move was actually what prompted us to have one last kiddo. We had been trying since we knew we wanted to move, and it only took 20-something cycles + one early miscarriage to be successful. We wouldn’t have been able to welcome a 3rd child if we would have stayed where we were (absolutely no family or support system there). We’ve now lived at our new house for just over a year, and now we’re less than a a few weeks away from welcoming our first & only baby boy.
When we first moved back, and even the summer before, I was back to bending over backwards for the in-laws offering them opportunities to be a part of our DD2’s life. I also went above & beyond to make them feel comfortable & welcomed into our house after we moved in. MIL has once again made it abundantly clear that she just wants to be part of our kids’ lives when it’s convenient or her. But make sure to take lots of pics when she is around.. (eye roll).
Side note, I’ve always loved photography & though I’m only an amateur, it’s one of my favorite hobbies & biggest passions. I used to gift printed photos & books to the in-laws quite often, but I realized my hard work was never really appreciated, and in fact became expected. The last time she got indignant about not getting photos/books years ago (they were literally becoming expected several times a year), that’s when I promised myself that I would only put forth the effort for & on those who appreciated me & my hard work. I still share lower-res digital pics at my convenience (through Google photos since I happily have no social media accounts). And DH has gotten better about sending pics from his phone as well.
The biggest thing I truly dislike about moving here is how close in proximity we now live to the in-laws. They literally live a couple of miles away. And my MIL apparently likes to “stalk” us (basically drive by and see if DH’s truck is in the driveway). That doesn’t really bother me, because we do live in a rather common small town cut-through neighborhood right on the way to their house. The worst thing she’s done during these drive-by’s is honk if she sees anyone outside. So no big deal. Plus they’re supposedly getting their house ready to sell, and it shouldn’t be a long term issue.
Although I’m not holding my breath on them getting their house listed any time soon. That’s been the story for the last 2+ years, yet they’ve made no real progress towards getting it on the market. A house right next to us went up for sale early last year, and the in-laws even looked at it. MIL went as far to say that she might put an offer on it, but I honestly didn’t think for even a second they’d actually do it. They hadn’t even listed their house on the market at that point — and nearly a year later, they still haven’t! I’m afraid getting them out of that house will end up falling on my DH’s shoulders, but that’s a whole other can of worms.
Holidays last year were an absolute blur but MIL basically got whatever she wanted time & day-wise for Thanksgiving & Christmas — on those days, of course. That’s all she cared about, and I knew I wouldn’t have to worry about seeing them for months after. Plus I was so happy to be living back in the area, that I was agreeable to almost anything at that point. (Hindsight, that was a mistake, because apparently that immediately became “tradition” in her eyes.. um, no. Definitely not.)
But after Covid hit, stuff with the in-laws started getting weird.. even before I successfully got pregnant in May. But it’s gotten even more obnoxious since then.
It started with unannounced/uninvited visits — where they invited themselves into our house. DURING COVID LOCKDOWN! My MIL was happily attending unmasked religious services during that time, as well as ignoring mask guidelines in general. Plus they just dropped by without an invite or prior notice. My DH was shockingly chill about it the first couple of times, until I put my foot down & said “This isn’t right! What they’re doing is rude, unethical, and it’s putting us all at risk!” DH agreed, and had a boundaries-talk with them. They pulled that stunt one more time after the first Covid lockdowns ended, which was well after DH told them to at least call first. That’s when I decided they needed to get the message from me loud and clear.
They dropped by, and I let them wait at the door several minutes before letting DH know they were here & going to answer it (DH was in the sunroom & didn’t even hear the door, so he had no clue they were here until I told him). I opened the door gave a very surprised “um, hi!” and went directly outside toward our mailbox, as I said something like, “did DH invite you guys over and forget to tell me?” I grabbed the mail & walked back toward the house staring them down, awaiting their response. They just kinda looked at each other & then awkwardly back to me. I shrugged my shoulders and said, “I had no idea you guys were coming over here. Do you want me to get DD1 so we can do an outside visit? Or do you just want to talk to DH? He should be out here any second — I let him know you’re here just before I came out.” Before they could come up with an answer, DH was already stepping outside to see what they needed. I didn’t wait around to hear what they had to say; I just went inside to put the mail away and then sat down & allowed myself to cool off for a few minutes while DH was outside w his parents.
After I’d calmed down, I went back outside to see what was going on. The in-laws gave a flimsy excuse of needing to borrow something tool-wise from DH, so he went it to get it while I stayed outside. Once he walked in, I was kind but very firm and told them that they NEED to call or text and get an answer from us before they just show up at our place. Especially if they’re hoping to see DD2 (they happened to come shortly after I’d gotten her down for her nap, so I told them unfortunately it wouldn’t work to see her today, unless they want to swing back by in a couple of hours.) I truly don’t mind as long as I know what’s going on! It’s just being courteous, kind, and thoughtful. I ended my little nice-rant with, “you can do that for us, right? We love you and we want to see you — but we’re awful mind-readers! You just need to give us a heads up, please.”
Amazingly, that seems to have done the trick on that little problem. It’s been several months, and only one uninvited/unannounced drop by since then. (And I’ll excuse it because it was just FIL, practically in a panic because he couldn’t figure out something rather simple but technical. He couldn’t find his phone, and he was desperate for DH’s help. It literally took DH 2 minutes or less to fix/take care of it. My poor FIL’s mental capabilities are quickly deteriorating and it’s so sad!) MIL even left something for DH on front porch once, after DH told her sorry but it wasn’t a good time.
After I we found out I was pregnant in May, we told family about the good news fairly quickly. We would have told the same family if we would have had to go through another miscarriage, so we wanted them to share in our joy as well. They were all instructed not to blab, but I know MIL told a number of heFIL’s extended family. Whatever. Once I found that out, I gave my mom my blessings to tell whomever she wanted. She’s not on social media & her social circle is very small, so I’d prefer my mom get to tell them rather than them finding out through means of the in-laws.
Since day one of finding out I was pregnant, MIL has made it ABUNDANTLY clear that she wanted this one to be a boy. A brown-haired, brown-eyed baby boy, thankyouverymuch.. Both our beloved daughters have very fair features like me (blond hair & blue eyes), while my DH has brown hair & eyes. For the record, I love my DH’s features and I don’t care what color hair & eyes our children have! I will always love them equally and unconditionally! And DH loves our daughters & their lovely features as much as I do. My only wish is that this baby be healthy (same outlook as my DH & my parents btw).
Once we found out that this baby is a boy, part of our (well, certainly my) joy was definitely stolen by the MIL. She seriously gloated & bragged that she kneeeeewww this baby was a boy all along. She had wanted a gender reveal party, but especially after I had already found out he was a boy, I nipped that in the bud. I told JYSIL that if baby had been a girl, I would have gladly done the party to make her look like a fool, but she got lucky & guess-demanded right. That’s fine, but no party for “you” (she actually texted DH, “when’s our gender reveal party??!!” DH gave her the benefit of the doubt that she meant to type ‘your’, but I’m not buying it for a second).
MIL never asks me how I’m doing/feeling or how baby is. In fact, she she seems to ignore the fact that I’m pregnant and not as physically efficient at the things I usually do. She instead constantly puts the focus on herself in my presence, especially if anyone else asks about me in any way. A hat-tip to FIL because did ask me how I was doing/feeling when they came to visit for Christmas last month. I sincerely thanked him for asking, and said that I was doing ok but definitely getting a bit uncomfortable now that we’re in the home stretch. That’s all I could really say before MIL began talking over me about how terrible her feet have been lately.. That’s her latest stunt — moaning about how awful her feet feel (she has mild plantar fasciitis).
We did Christmas with MIL & FIL on Christmas Eve, just our little fam & them. I know MIL was irked that I wasn’t comfortable with a huge family get together, but JYSIL & I had already talked about it, and she wanted to isolate from me for at least a week or 2 after traveling (she flew down to see her oldest son for a few days & help him settle into his new apartment). She was truly trying her best to protect me, which I’m so grateful for! We told them we’d be happy to wait and do a big fam Christmas after the 1st of the year, but that was unacceptable to MIL. She really wanted to do it on Christmas but we flat refused that nonsense. And we told them that if they wanted to do it on Christmas Eve they needed to be at our house no later than noon, so we would still have time for our little fam’s traditions that evening. They showed up a good half-hour late, but fine — not worth blowing up over.
We had mostly chips & dips, finger foods, and snacks (rather than a big meal). And MIL insisted on bringing her “famous cheese ball”. The only thing well-known about this cheese ball is that it’s nauseating to even look at for a normal person. Combine that with the constant ‘morning’ sickness I’ve battled this whole pregnancy, and I didn’t want to get within 6 feet of that thing.
MIL did remarkably well on choosing Christmas presents for the girls this year (although she kept referring to DD2 as “the baaaayyybbeeeee”.. obnoxious but whatever). They both got age-appropriate, sensible gifts that they loved. This is a great change from the usual/norm. My & DH’s gifts were a joke, but we couldn’t have cared less.
After gifts, it was apparent that MIL really wanted to hang around longer and be part of the rest of our Christmas Eve, but FIL was spent. That meant they had to depart — but MIL volunteered to take FIL home & come right back if we wanted. We politely declined, and thankfully that was the end of their stay. It did put us a bit behind schedule with the rest of our day, but it turned out pretty ok. And we’ve already decided to block out Christmas Eve and Christmas Day for this year.
Somehow though, they guilt-tripped/convinced DH to stop by on Christmas. I knew JYBIL & JYSIL had somehow gotten roped into doing Christmas that evening with them, but I didn’t know the full details or if DH would even be stopping by while they were there. I wasn’t happy about the situation in general, but I also know better than to try to stop DH from visiting them. Apparently MIL had it dead-set in her head that she WAS going to get her ‘big family get together’ on Christmas whether anyone else liked it or not. BIL/SIL figured this out; unfortunately my DH did not. He thought he was just being polite and giving his lonely parents some company on Christmas.
Late that evening, DH did drive over to his parents like he told them he would — but no one answered the door once he arrived. Apparently they had decided to go over to BIL/SIL’s house UNINVITED to try to force this big family Christmas thing! I don’t know all of what happened with that debacle, but I know BIL/SIL’s Christmas was a nightmare (possibly ruined) thanks to MIL & FIL.
Clearly, most of what’s recently happened with my little fam has just been obnoxious/annoying/BEC stuff, but I’m getting to the point that I’m afraid I’ll snap at the next incident, no matter how small or stupid. Especially since I found out more of the story of what happened to my sweet BIL/SIL on Christmas, I’m just ready to tear into the monster-in-law. (I’ve jokingly called her that throughout the years, but it’s pretty accurate in general at this point.) My SIL is way too sweet and very non confrontational, but I’m just not that nice, haha. Pregnant or not.
I guess this rant/vent is mainly due to pregnancy hormones and recent stresses in general. But I think I just needed to write this all out & get it off my chest. If nothing else, I guess I’m recording this for my own future reference. I’m sorry for the massive post, and I know there’s a lot to unpack here. Thank you to whomever reads through all this, and any advice is certainly welcomed.
TLDR: way too much to unpack thanks to 14+ years of MIL nonsense. Mostly a huge vent sesh. Disclaimer, very pregnant here. So hormones/discomfort w being less than a month away from due date is probably playing a big part in the need for this post.
submitted by Mom-n-em to JUSTNOMIL [link] [comments]

Do I need a day of coordinator? (Small, simple wedding)

I've heard that hiring a day of coordinator is ALWAYS a good idea, and I understand why. I always thought that I would hire one. However, for what my fiancé and I ended up planning, I am genuinely not sure whether it would be necessary.
We're having a small wedding (35 guests maximum) at a lodge with a restaurant that will serve all the food, beverages, and cake. We're hiring a photographer, a florist for some minimal greenery decor, and I'll be hiring a hair and makeup artist. That's it. Decorations will be simple. We won't have a DJ or band, dancing, activities, or anything else to time and schedule- just a simple ceremony, photos, and meal.
The venue doesn't offer full event coordinating services, but if there are any issues with the food service, tables/chairs/linens or event space they should be helping us with that. I know there are other things that could potentially go wrong, but it doesn't seem like there's a whole lot to coordinate. I am having a hard time thinking of reasons why we would need a day of coordinator.
The only thing I actually can see relying on a coordinator for is setting up and tearing down our minimal amount of decorations. Is it worth hiring a day of coordinator just for that? We can make room in the budget for a coordinator if we need to, just trying to get a sense of whether it will be worth it to us.
What's your take? At what point is a wedding simple enough that a day of coordinator isn't needed?
submitted by heartrabbit to weddingplanning [link] [comments]

Hunter or Huntress Chapter 45: Tom the Huntress

Damit the streak was broken again. Still, I think IRL cake day is a good enough excuse. Time to see if Tom can redeeme himself or if he is gonna keep getting laughed at a bit longer. Twoflower68 has once again done his duty, with skill and precision, so you have a chapter to enjoy.
With that let's get on with the show.
First Previous Next
Chapter 45: Tom the Huntress
It had taken a few days for Dakota to get Nunuk to agree. Apuma had tried figuring out if someone was allowed to join both the guard and the huntresses. In the end, the fact that it wasn't mentioned anywhere, what the case for nondragonettes was, had closed the deal. Even if Apuma was still a little grumpy they had stopped his searching on the third day. Sapphire had gotten off her crutches and was walking about again even if she was not allowed to fly yet, instead doing various exercises with her wings to try and strengthen them again. She did still need to be careful with her leg though.
Luckily they had agreed he didn’t need to do any cross-dressing. His current equipment would do. Even if they were again fussing over the lack of white. He had elected to just wear his fancy new cape for once turning it white, which seemed to satisfy them. He did still want to get that thing resown into something, but there wasn’t enough fabric to make a full uniform. The cape was long enough to mostly wrap him up in so it seemed best utilized like that for the time being.
They had insisted that he needed some jewelry though as much as possible in fact. Every huntress was supposed to show off just how well their keep was doing apparently since they were often the ones out and about. So against his wishes, he had gotten out some of the few pieces he had brought for trade purposes and donned them.
This had clearly been insufficient so he had been forced into borrowing a few pieces from the other huntresses. They even made him wear a modified version of the weird tiara thing they all had in copper. Apparently, it signified his rank within the huntresses. He guessed that made him whatever was above recruit. Fengi too was wearing a copper one after all and she was clearly a fully-fledged member.
When Tom had tried to protest against the quickly growing amount of jewelry, Sapphire had just gone. “You need to be the best girl don’t you? or was it most?” He had damn near smacked her for that one. As the whole room started laughing. It would seem everyone had that particular story retold in detail.
As he stood in Dakota’s room getting kitted out. He felt like he was the victim of a girls night only everyone around him was armed and trained killers. Judging by the fact he was now the most blinged-out figure in the room they all found it hilarious that he found it this uncomfortable. At least they hadn’t made him shave or do something with his hair. That whole situation had clearly stumped them since, well, they didn’t have any.
They had tried to tie it up though, in the end, Fengi had figured out how to make two very simple ponytails. She claimed it looked a bit like their horns. When Esmeralda had asked if they had anything they could use to die it with, He had threatened to shave himself bald. He was just happy they didn’t have any makeup. He elected he needed to make sure he didn’t teach them about that particular invention ever.
He ended up looking like the gayest medieval reenactor he had ever seen or heard of. He honestly didn’t know whether to laugh or cry as he marched out in front of Nunuk sitting in her high chair. There was a lot of cheering and hooting from everyone assembled to watch the proceedings. Especially the guard who clearly found it hilarious to watch him decked out like this. Kokashi appeared to nearly fall over laughing.
Kiran just turned to Holdey “See I told you so!”
The old lady still looked haggard, sitting in her chair. She even still had some bandages on. Tom had asked if Dakota couldn’t just have done it in her place. But Nunuk had refused point-blank. She could walk so she could take his oath. The offer of doing it in the infirmary hadn’t worked either so here they were.
It was supposedly going to be much the same deal as when he had been inducted into the guard when he first came here. He was to swear another oath of fealty to the Bizmati family and the keep as a whole.
He had been instructed on what to say this time. The last one had been a bit of a mess, magical translation, general confusion, and all.
“Tomas Hansen, on account of the fact your people do not align with ours on matters of gender roles or physical characteristics. You have been deemed eligible to join our huntresses. In light of recent events, my daughter has seen fit to request your immediate addition to her ranks. I have elected to grant her this request. Do you accept the responsibility of joining our Huntresses under my daughter’s command?"
“I do my Lady." Tom felt more like he was at a wedding and he was the fucking bride. Nunuk’s breathing was heavy and she was clearly in pain even from speaking. Better to just get this over with.
“Very well, I will have you recite the oath of the huntress then.” Nunuk stood the effort clearly painful as she winced. Why couldn’t she just have stayed in bed? As she began, placing her hand on her chest. Tom doing the same echoing back the sentences one by one.
“Repeat after me.
I solemnly swear, to show the good virtue of this keep and the name of Bizmati.
I shall provide for my keep and hunt far and wide for it and those who call it home.
I shall take to the wing by the will of my Lord or Lady and always hunt the prey that they require of me.
I shall not seek to keep my spoils from those who I have sworn to serve. For such would be my undoing.”
They really hadn't been that creative with these, Tom thought. That was pretty much the same one as last time. Still, he was apparently now sworn to defend the keep and go to war for it if he understood this correctly. If an enemy could be classified as prey at least. Also keeping the spoils of his work was apparently his undoing. Were they communists or something?
Following the swearing of the oath, there had been a short celebration, mostly just people congratulating Tom. He guessed this would normally be a big day for someone. Looking at the other huntresses he did feel like he had cheated or something. But they were the ones who had asked him so not much to do about it. Besides they were all clearly finding it hilarious so he could play along.
Right then, that had neatly solved the problem of bringing Tom on a hunt. Even if Sapphire could see Fengi was putting a false smile on for the inauguration. Maybe she was just tired though, the last few days had been multiple trips a day after all.
She had worked for years to become good enough to get her crown. Tom just had it handed to him. Tom was a lot older than Fengi though and Sapphire herself had been accepted after just a short year as a trainee. It wasn’t like Sapphire didn’t feel Tom deserved it and he was certainly deadly enough to warrant it, but still, it did take the air out of the celebrations, that this wasn’t really a big day like it usually was.
Luckily Tom didn't seem to mind they weren't holding a feast in his honor like they usually did. In fact, he looked like he was ready to be done with it the moment he walked out into the hall. He had protested loudly at the fact they had decked him out in as much jewelry as they could get their hands on. It was a shame his ears weren’t really made for earrings.
They were so soft and floppy, and he couldn’t move them more than a little wiggle. He had protested loudly at the notion of poking holes in them too, so maybe they were very sensitive. The hair had been a challenge, he had a combe to straighten it all out from the usual mess. He clearly considered this sufficient and they had no clue what you could do with hair like this. Fengi sort of fixed the problem with some string making two long strands which looked a bit like floppy horns if you squinted very hard. Esmeralda had a bit of fine silver chain they tied into the hair. It looked weird but it would have to do.
In Sapphire’s opinion, it was still the best Tom had ever looked. The armbands and necklace were a fine addition and rings hadn’t been a problem. His crown wasn’t bad either, Shiva having hastily modified one to fit his head. He was starting out as a copper obviously which technically made Sapphire his superior. She would make sure to rub his face in that one at some point.
Following the swearing-in and short celebrations, she had gone up to Dakota to discuss just how uncomfortable Tom clearly was at the whole situation and suggested a plan. A fiendish smile was all the reply she needed from Dakota. This should be fun.
Dakota had gotten up onto a chair to get everyone's attention.
“Seeing as we have a new huntress or perhaps I should say hunter among us, I would like to know just what I have been given to work with. We shall depart immediately. Sapphire, you ride with our newest addition. We make for the plains”
It had taken a second for Tom to realize just what that meant as he looked down at all the jewelry he was carrying and shook his head despairingly.
Tom had gotten his weapons including the fourth gun he had been talking about. Following the discovery he had brought another one, there had been rumors running rampant in the keep. Mostly people discussing if they could manage to get it off him somehow and what their plan for doing so was.
Sapphire for her part was playing on it being her to receive the privilege, she did think of herself as Tom’s closest friend with exception of Kiran of course. It looked different from his rifle, it was just as long if not a bit longer. Looking at the end of what he called the barrel for whatever reason. It had a much larger hole, was this even more powerful than his rifle? If so why hadn’t he used it and what would happen if he fired it. She had heard Jackalope and Esmeralda’s tales of how his revolver had felt like they were kicked in the hand.
Jackalope had of course not been ready for it resulting in the face smack. It would make sense if a more powerful gun kicked harder. So what would this do then? On second thought, perhaps Jackalope could be allowed to test fire it first just to be sure.
They had mounted up, on the quad bike, Sapphire sitting behind him. He had insisted on bringing the trailer and a few other items, she guessed he was planning on doing a lot of hunting today. Perhaps to make a good first impression.
They had traveled fast by ground standards, but the others still had to wait for them a bit every now and again. Jackalope had come along too despite not being able to fire her bow. She was not going to miss Tom’s first hunt, she made that clear.
On the way, Sapphire had finally given in to her curiosity.
“Tom, what is this other gun you brought? It looks a lot different” Tom had slowed down a bit so they could talk more easily.
“It’s a shotgun, It fires many little round balls in at once. Great for birds and small things”
“So it’s not just a bigger one, also why does it have two barrels? The other ones only have one.”
“No, the rifle is actually more deadly at least at range. A shotgun is only really effective to maybe 30 meters, but that is pushing it. As for two barrels it has two shots. Then you have to reload yourself.”
“I see so it’s like for some who can’t hit anything?”
“More like things which are hard to hit but sure, whichever way you look at it.”
“But why not make it like your rifle so it has many shots?”
“Well back home you are only allowed to have two shots, remember hunting is a hobby mostly”
“So you deliberately made your weapons worse to make the hunt more challenging?"
“You're crazy, but why would you bring a weapon here which isn’t as good as you can make it?”
“It was the one I had. Besides, there are a lot of weapons out there that are better than mine. I'm just not allowed to have them. They are for the army only.”
“Wait, your weapons aren't used by the army? What do they have then and you said you were in the army”
“I was army once. Not anymore.” Tom appeared to think over his response for a bit before answering
“They use rifles which fire faster. You have seen when I shoot I have to load the next round, yes?”
“Yeah you move the lever thing back and forth and it spits out the metal cylinder”
“Army guns do that themselves, they fire as long as you hold down the trigger. Bang, bang bang. A machine gun can fire hundreds of rounds in seconds before reloading. Assault rifle usually 30”
“I see." She had just replied. She needed a bit of quiet time for that one again. He had talked about weapons that could destroy cities, so of course, they had this kind of thing. It had just been so abstract. A weapon that fired itself with the power of Tom’s rifle. She could understand why they felt the need to hide if that was a normal weapon to them. The amount of death that could cause.
Jackalope had come down alongside, perhaps wondering why they had slowed down.
“Has it gotten tired or something?” Tom responded by speeding back up again. It wasn't much further to the tree line. As they crested a ridge they could see a herd of large red deer in the far off distance not far from the edge of the forest. They didn’t hunt red deer that often as it was a lot of work to get them home. sometimes they would herd them back home to make the trip shorter.
Tom had warned them that his quad bike used fuel which he could not yet replace even if he had brought quite a bit of it. He had still wanted to go near the woods though for some reason so this seemed like as good of a target as any. Tom pulled to a stop getting out the binoculars seemingly agreeing with her.
The others had come down seeing as they had stopped. Dakota walking up to them arms crossed
“So then Tom, I’m guessing you have found a target, how do you wanna do this?” Dakota had questioned
“Aren't you the leader?” Tom replied, seeming a bit confused.
“This is your first hunt as a true huntress, you are in charge today.” Sapphire knew that was a blatant lie, but hey, it was a good excuse. Fengi had raised her hand for a moment as if to ask a question before Esmeralda lowered it back down. Tom didn’t seem to notice though.
“Well back home I need to sneak up on them on foot. I have not tested my rifle beyond 250 meters so that is max. I would like to get closer though.
“You want to slowly walk up to them and hope they don’t run away?”
“Not much else to do, can't outrun them and can't fly” Tom gestured to Dakota. "I have a gun and some grass to hide in” Tom looked down at some of the jewelry and walked about a bit, he nearly rattled as he walked. All except Dakota had a bit of a snicker.
“Okay then, anything you want us to do, except watch?” Dakota asked, still sounding serious. Sapphire admired her for keeping a straight face, she was certainly struggling. He was so keen on hiding for his first hunt and they had covered him in polished metal.
Tom seemed to have a brain wave at that though, his face lighting up as he thought for a second.
“Can you herd them?”
Okay then, there he was in the middle of a grassy meadow a bunch of red deer a little over a kilometer away, apparently not bothered by the fact they were here. Also, he was now in charge of this hunt for some reason. His first idea had been sneaking up on the herd and picking one off at long range. The deer here likely had never been hunted from the ground, at least at this kind of range and never with a rifle. So he was confident it should be an easy hunt. All the bling might be a bit of a problem though.
That idea clearly hadn’t gotten much traction though. Damn these expectations. That is when Tom had realized he was not alone here now was he. He was in charge, so he had a squad of airborne and mostly combat-able dragonettes at his disposal.
He began explaining the concept of ambush hunting. They clearly knew how to herd a flock of animals, they claimed to use it to keep them in the open and sometimes herd them closer to home. The whole lying and waiting thing was not something they had tried though. It took some convincing, but they had put him in charge after all so ambush it was.
He and Sapphire would lie in wait. Sapphire with the new bow and him with his rifle. While the others would herd the deer towards them picking up any targets of opportunity. It was a large herd, they could take quite a few animals without hurting it too badly and they needed a large haul after all. So might as well go for broke.
Dakota had decided to stand off to watch from the sky not feeling up for joining in the herding yet and she was curious just how this would work. Jackalope, Fengi, and Esmeralda would be doing the herding then. Jackalope might be down a hand but there was nothing wrong with her wings.
The group had retreated to behind the hilltop and the dragonettes took to the sky climbing away from the herd so as not to spook them. They then circled high around the herd coming at them from the forest, just cresting the treetops. Tom was crouching on the top of the ridge with his binoculars. Keeping an eye on the herd.
The sight of the huntresses descending down, shouting and roaring had the desired effect. As one, the herd turned to run away from the threat. Tom was gonna have to trust the huntresses to keep them together and going in the right direction as he ran back down to Sapphire. It wasn’t like he could do anything except wait after all.
They both crouched down sitting at the ready, Sapphire having an arrow knocked. The wait was excruciating. It had been a while since Tom had been hunting, he liked hunting. This was fairly different from the quiet stalking procedure he was used to though. It was a bit like having dogs and handlers pushing through a section of forest driving animals towards them. Except this was a big herd of stampeding red deer.
As he held his breath he could hear the dragonettes making as much noise as possible just like he had told them to. The herd came up over the top about at the same time as he got a Lion King flashback. Perhaps this hadn’t been the best idea. He got to his feet taking aim at the lead animal. Back home this would be considered reckless or perhaps downright idiotic. Not to mention poor sportsmanship, but this was a matter of food not sport. He just hoped that they would veer off and not just plow right through them.
Sapphire fired first letting an arrow fly hitting the lead animal in the throat dropping it rolling to the ground. Tom followed up with a shot to another one square in the chest. The large deer panicked splitting up to either side of them, some stopping to go back over the ridge. The results were perfect flanking shots galore. He did beat her to the follow-up shot putting down another deer with a fine shot to the shoulder blade. It had stopped for a moment turning to go back the way it came.
Sapphire landed a shot on a large buck. The shot was perfect once again right in the neck. Tom was beginning to suspect she was some sort of magician with a bow. She had only had the thing for a few days after all. For his part, he bodged the third shot, as the deer began coming around the two of them. Blowing off a leg with a low shot. They were splitting up nicely and they each turned to go back to back. He heard Sapphire loose another arrow behind him as he was forced to put another one into the one he wounded. He didn’t want it getting away missing a leg after all that would just be too cruel.
As the herd opened the distance on them he loved his rifle. That was 6 deer by his count, they needed time to process the meat after all. No use killing more than they needed not to mention what they could carry. He turned to Sapphire as she loosed another arrow hitting a bounding deer in the back of the head. He swore he could see the arrow turn before it hit the target. That was an insane shot the deer bounding from side to side at more than 50 meters. With a damn bow!
“There, I win”
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So then, Tom finally had the chance to do some hunting with them. Even if they are not back to full strength just yet.
What did you think of the Huntresses showing a more girly side rather than the usual? Not to mention Sapphire finally starting to get back into fighting shape?
submitted by Tigra21 to HFY [link] [comments]

Helped Destroy My Trust in Humanity? I Put You on The News!

Once upon a time, I (almost 49F) had an extremely close friend, “Mindy”. Hell, she was not just my friend, she was like a sister. We met in grade school. She pursued my friendsip, always tried to sit next to me, always wanting to talk. Over the years, we would spend lots of time at each other's houses, but by the time we were 19, my house was our meeting place because she had extremely bad family trouble. My parents kind of informally took her in because they sympathized with her situation. I always tried to make her feel like she belonged and avoided luxurious stuff if she could not afford it (expensive shows, nice clothes she might like but could not wear). Other times, I just gave her some stuff from my closet. She was nice, outspoken, and made me feel like I had the most loyal friend on the planet.
The years go by. I’m fresh out of college and got a nice job. Mindy’s life has improved. She had her own place and 9 to 5 very reliable job. By then, we had a group of friends. All young professionals trying to make our way. I remember that time in my life as bittersweet. We would often reminisce of our college days, and, because this happened in the 90s, there were no social networks, no texting. If you wanted to get in touch, you had to exchange phone numbers or emails. Now it's fairly easier. So exchanging old stories glued us together as we wondered how things worked out for friends we may never see again.
Gatherings and get-togethers happened in my apartment. I loved that place! It was spacious, still half empty because I was careful not to throw too much money into decoration. Around those days, Mindy began to look sickly and quite not herself. I was worried and loved her to death. She had been there for me. Especially when my fiance broke up with me for no reason. I guess we now call it ghosting. He was the first man I ever truly loved. I was never able to get him to express his love like I did, but I accepted him for who he was. He had some cold stages which Ieft me wanting but I thought I could manage. Basically, I was settling for being breadcrumbed. He was gorgeous, successful, and protective. So when he proposed, I was on cloud 9 and decided to ignore the negatives. I had saved a lot of money for our wedding. To be fair, he did the same in a separate banking account. Things came to an end when all of a sudden, he broke up with me. He told me he did not want to get married and did not love me nor wanted any type of relationship. He let me keep the money from our joint account plus some of his things at the apartment (workout bench, clothing, pretty much everything). This had a bad effect on me. I felt like he despised me and wanted to cut ties no matter the cost. Invitations had not been issued, so calling off the engagement was not such an ordeal. Mindy was there for me, listening to my pain, my rants and endless sobbing. I lost so much weight I was embarrassed to be seen out on the street.
She had a boyfriend, George, and he was awesome about letting me crash at their place whenever anguish and pain hit me hard. They both cut ties with my ex. I had made so many life altering decisions for him only to be left in the dark. Mindy and George sat me down and disclosed that my ex was seeing someone else. I remember the shock and emotional pain. My heart was racing and I ran to the bathroom because the bad news made me throw up. I never understood how my ex treated me like that. Those Christmas were so bad. I would sit in my living room staring at the wall. Mindy and George and helped me set up a very 90s posh concept Xmas tree to cheer me up (only white lights, a few golden ornaments and natural pine). I was so depressed the tree stayed put until next Spring.
By Summer, Mindy broke some devastating news. She was terminally ill. I was so angry! She didn’t deserve this. Her diagnosis was grim. So bad, that George proposed earlier than he had planned because he wanted to live in the moment. She had always dreamed of a huge wedding. It was her obsession. We would go into bridal shops and try as many dresses as possible when we were teenagers. The wedding of her dreams was now out of the question. Her family would not pitch in (she’d left their home on very bad terms) and George could not pay it on his own. George was now barely out of medical school and up to his neck in debt.
I decided to pay for her wedding. It would be a small event, but I would make sure the decorations and her dress were as dreamy as she had always wanted. I still had the money I had saved for my wedding and as financially risky or stupid as it may have sounded back then, I was sure those final days with Mindy would be worth gold when she was gone. Her illness made me realize there are worse things in this life other than being unceremoniously dumped by my ex. I threw myself into it. I was also happy and hopeful, as Mindy was able to go to her chemo sessions by herself without becoming too sick. She also looked much better than other patients.
Our group of friends also helped her a lot. There was not a day when someone would not bring her groceries or help pay for a random utility bill as she was now out of work. I had initially offered to help her setup a better health insurance plan but she declined (pay attention to this, more on this later). So I decided not to intrude and give her the fairy tale wedding (or as close to it that I could) that she wanted.
She had picked a nice rental dress and tiara. The florist was to accommodate her taste and create an indoor garden (the venue would be my apartment). The baker had been retained for a 6 tier wedding cake. There would be 35 people. With tables, an aisle and a musician to play some music (we could not do the loud disc jockey thing).
Now, back to the insurance issue. My first job was as a junior sales executive for a health insurance company. There was a legal dispute against another insurer and I was called in by the court to be a witness. As I was getting cleared to enter the building, I saw my ex. My stomach churned. I immediately thought “ courtroom wedding”. By the time I reached for the elevator, he had already vanished. That messed up my day. I relived the lack of closure all over again. I could not let it go. I contacted a good friend who I knew was doing her law internship at the court district. She helped me by checking any legal records regarding my ex. No court wedding ( I was relieved, I know it sounds silly), but there was a fraud claim and he was the plaintiff. I didn’t make much of it but it was strange. He was very smart and getting screwed out of his money sounded too uncharacteristic.
I still wanted to help Mindy and tried to set her up with a good insurance plan. I knew it was difficult given that companies treat terminal patients as money dumping risks. I pleaded with my old boss and he searched her name but she was not in the company database. Maybe she was using a different insurer, but that was odd because she clearly told me what her insurance company was. I felt guilty because I was kind of snooping.
Things were normal for a month, until my friend at the courthouse broke some disgusting news. The defendant in my ex’s lawsuit was my best friend, Mindy. She asked me if I knew anything about it. I had no idea or clue. She then disclosed that the case had become “popular gossip” among courtroom clerks because my ex had fallen for a complicated Cupid scam. As it turned out, Mindy and my ex had an illicit love affair behind George’s back and mine. It spanned a full year. And she was not “out of work”. She had been fired for embezzlement and larceny (stealing from an employer). I did know that she kept moving apartments but I thought she had been trying to save on rent, so she had kept looking for cheaper and cheaper places. She moved around towns in the same city. First she took my ex’s money for some “investment” and she used her former employer’s credibility for it (never got too many details). Then she got him to help her with “medical bills”, and scammed him out of close to 20,000. Her illness was fake. I avoided her for a week. I hired a PI to help me get whatever I could, without much hope as their affair had ended. The PI managed to help me get some closure. His name was on her lease for a small studio. Everyone in the building thought they were a couple. It was their love nest and it was 2 hours away. I never suspected anything. But apparently, he had been lying to me about his actual working hours. He had also helped cover for her car payment at least 6 times in a year. She had my ex as her sugar daddy. She had seen me cry, puke, curl on my bed and had broken the news that he had someone else: herself.
My ex seemed salty over the fact that she had chosen to stick with George. It was simple math. My ex was very successful but George, although not wealthy yet, had become a physician and was spoken for to start a small practice with a potential partner. She upped and left and cheated him out of money along the way. Apparently my ex figured out she had been lying about her condition. The disgust, pain and disappointment hit me fairly hard, but somehow, I had so heavily invested myself in helping her that I had emptied myself of any potential nerve wrecking reaction. I was numb.
I went straight to all the wedding vendors and cancelled before it was too late to get my money back. I defunded her wedding. No cake, no dress and no veil. I sat down with George on a Friday afternoon and offered him all evidence and proof. He cried, but at the end admitted to feel painfully relieved. Yes, he loved her, but he had felt pressured to get married. He confessed to many red flags: she always went to her medical appointments by herself and became irritated if he asked too many questions. She had shown him some test results that were incredibly well crafted but now knowing what she had done he thought the medical documents could be fake. He confirmed that the sneaky way: having his nurse ex roommate run her name in the computer at where she claimed to be her doctor's office ( it was logical on her part as back then, a fairly small town had only one oncologist).
We also suspected that she may have been having a new affair as she spent more and more weekends with her all girls church camping group. She claimed it was her sanctuary and helped her a lot. It may have been a front.
George and I accepted the fact that we had been cheated, taken advantage of and emotionally destroyed by the same person. I personally felt a loss of innocence. Now I understood why she wanted to keep her wedding thing almost a secret. It may have been possible that making it public may have blown her cover, one way or the other. George and I decided to do “what was right”.
I paid for a “video tribute” to my “loyal” friend and decided to send it to the local news as the “heartwarming story of love and healing”. It featured her and George’s apartment compound on purpose so that everyone wanting to serve her court papers could find her. I did not want to see her and I made up excuses, but George had a hard time feigning happiness once she had returned from her “camping trip”. It was an agonizing week. The news weren’t showing our “positive note” yet and we were sick with the waiting. It all blew up on Tuesday morning. The news channel enthusiastically showcased our story with a collage and lots of information about her and how she was about to get married and had almost already “beaten cancer”. Dozens of “ill spoken” haters popped from out of nowhere. As it turns out, this had been her second “illness story”. I never knew someone so close to me could lead such a scummy double life. My ex went straight to the channel and was interviewed. Oh man! It was pathetic! He poured his heart out about how crazy in love he had been and how she had only used him. I think by then he did not care if all our friends and families found out what he had done.
George confronted her with all the information. She denied it, then said it was a lapse of “bad judgement”. She moved out without too much drama. It took George over a decade to forgive himself for allowing someone to make him look so stupid as a person and as a physician. She left me some voicemails with lots of excuses. I picked the phone only once and told her I had defunded and pulverized her wedding and that it was me who told George what was going on. I used a leveled voice to tell her to never call me again unless she wanted to find out how far I would go to see her pay for her unlawful actions. I cried immediately after I hung up. It was so surreal.
George and I slowly found normality. But it took some time. He dated a couple of girls here and there but was not ready. I myself became shut down. She avoided jail I don’t know how, even when our mutual friends filed petty claims for all the money they invested buying her stuff while she carried on her false pretenses.
Eventually, I used the “wedding money” to partner with George and we opened a small clinic. Best decision ever! Over the years, George and I became best friends and grew closer. We got married some years ago and are proud parents to a happy family.
Fun fact: I got a FB message from her 7 years ago. She began very sweetly but then proceeded to blame me and accused her of “stealing her man and her life”. I blocked her.
Fun fact 2: I ran into my ex in 2001. He apologized profusely. I accepted his apology and told him it all worked out as I now have a life with someone who truly deserves me. Back then George and I had begun dating.
Fun Fact 3: Mindy avoided doing time for her deeds back then, but was prosecuted for setting up crowdfunding for a fake cause and stealing from an elderly person.
Edit: Thanks to all of you who have shown so much love and support. I had no idea this would gather so much attention. To the kind person who reached out thinking I'm depressed: thanks but I'm not. This was way long ago ( pre- 1997). Mindy has become a common joke between me and my husband. Everytime we do something crappy to each other, we use her name. Like when he eats my icecream of when I forget to get gas. We go "really, Mindy?". Or whenever we catch someone in a lie. It's all good. I hope her highness doesn't mind us using her name in vain if she ever finds out.
submitted by forestcabin123k to ProRevenge [link] [comments]

Factory Girl

Very few books has been written about the people working in Chinese factories, and most of them were written by journalists. I thought it might be interesting to share the experience as someone who has been working in factories for 15 years.
My first job in a factory started in the summer of 2003, I was 14 and had just graduated from middle school. My parents had been asking around trying to find me a job for weeks before the graduation. We needed the money. One of my cousins helped me get the job. It was a biscuit factory in our town, about 40 minutes bike away from our house.
I started as a temporary worker making moon cakes. The pay was ¥10 a day, approximately $1.40 dollars. Moon cakes are a special occasion food people eat during mid-Autumn Festival, which lands on the 15th day in August on the lunar calendar.
Given it’s a seasonal food, the production site for it was set up temporarily as well. It’s under a shed that connects 3 buildings. The roof of the shed was about two-stories high, and only about 35 square meters (315 square feet). A long table was placed in the middle of the shed to lay out the majority of the processes for the making of the moon cake. 4 or 5 baking ovens stood by one side of the wall, the other two sides had bags of raw ingredients for the moon cake.
Making a moon cake is quite similar to making dumplings. Get the dough ready, roll out each wrapping, wrap up the filling. The differences are that wrapped moon cakes would be placed in molds to get shaped and brushed with a layer of egg yolk before baking. It’s a very simple process, so we had multiple people sitting side by side doing each step to speed things up.
All of the work was done manually. Despite a few fans that sat the corner of the shed, some workers were still sweating from the heat from the nearby baking oven or just the labor they were doing. A lot of the sweat dropped on the food we were making. And when the fans rotated away, flies lands on the ingredients. The idea of having moon cake has never excited me since then.
Preparation for the stuffing happened on a smaller table next to the big one. We were basically making three kinds of stuffing. Peanuts with rock sugar, red bean paste and fruit flavored stuffing made by white gourds. My job was to carry the semi-ready stuffing from a nearby warehouse onto the table. It was all done manually as well.
It was easy to carry peanuts and fruit flavored white gourds as their packages were smaller and lighter. However carrying the red bean paste was a lot harder. They were packaged in metal cans that weighed about 20kg. I could barely lift it by one hand, so both hands had to be used. It was too heavy to carry and I had to drag it across the floor.
I was not used to carrying stuff that heavy and had to take breaks from time to time.
Once my hands and back got used to the carrying, I was able to earn little breaks for myself. Sometimes I would help Mr. Liu, a man in his middle thirties worked at the smaller table, mixing and kneading the stuffing. Other times I would go over to the next table and learn how to wrap the stuffing while chatting with the people there.
We had about 20 workers working in the shed. Most of them were villagers in town, working in the factory allowed them to be close to home and care for their families. Two other girls were my age, just got out of school as well. There were 4 older girls in their late teens and early twenties. They used to work in other places outside of the province but moved back home because their families were working on matching them up with boys and marrying them off. It was not a wise thing to do to let your daughter work too far away from home when she is old enough to get married. Who knows if she would ran away with a random boy to a place far away from your hometown. In china the boys family is expected to pay a significant dowery. That has changed in more developed areas, but still remains to be the cause in many remote and undeveloped parts of the nation. Raising daughters costs money and almost every family was waiting on her wedding day to cash out on the investment.
Our work started at 8am in the morning and finishes around 8pm in the evening, with short breaks during the day for meals. Working 12hours or longer in a day was not easy, especially most of the time I had to stand and walk around, but I was happy, I was no longer a mouth needing to be fed in my family.
In the early 1980s, we still used the communal farming system. The village owned the land and every family works on the land together and got a share of the harvest at the end of the season. That system was replaced by all the land in the village was divided and allocated to each family based on the number of members in that household. When someone past away, that family loses a share of the land, and that piece of land would be redistributed to the new born. Normally my family should be got distributed an extra plot of land, because I was adopted, people in the village committee did not think my family deserved to be given the land. My family adopted me because of the kindness of their heart, otherwise I’d have ended up like many baby girls at the time, being dropped at the side of the road left to die. I think it was a very unfair thing to do, people’s kindness should not be awarded with cold indifference. I’ll never forget the helplessness and anger in their voice when talking about it.
I actually gained weight shortly after working at the factory. We had a chef who cooked for all the workers and everyone would get a small bowl of dishes and all-you-can-eat rice. Heading to the kitchen was always happy moments for me. I no longer needed to be mindful if we have enough food for everyone and could simply indulging myself in enjoy the food. My family worked hard in the fields to grow whatever crops we could, but land was limited and food production yield was low, as a result food was always tight. The thought that now I have this job that I can earn my keep and even bring home cash made me happy.
Moon cake production would go on for a few weeks and I knew I was hired for that only. I wanted to get hired for biscuit production to have a more stable job. I figured if I work hard, people would notice that I am a hard worker and would consider me when the opportunity came. And it worked. I was asked to join the people I was working with to start another shift for the biscuit production when the moon cake production came to its end.
Working on the biscuit production line was more intense than the previous one. Biscuits were baked through a tunnel heated by coal and the cost of stopping the line and let coal go wasted was unthinkable. So instead of taking time off for meals, we took turns for meals. The number of people working on the line was the same number of stations on the line. In other words, someone had to do two person’s job if someone gone off for meals or bathroom breaks. Most of the time we’re able to manage, but when production was not going well and we really could not afford anyone to leave their station, we had to wait and miss our meals.
Despite the shift ended at 8pm, most of the time we could not get off when the clock hits 8. Mangers of the factory would arrange truck(s) arrives 10 or 15 minutes before the end of the shift. And the rule was people working on that shift needed to load the truck. We’re feeling exhausted after a 12 hour shift and no one liked to work an extra hour or two to load up the truck, but we had to do what we were asked to do. Job opportunities in the town was very limited, it’s not like we had a lot of options.
When we were finally let off, people would either go home or shower and sleep in the factory dorm. I got to watch a bit TV (there was one TV in the whole factory where we used to sat together and chat) or stand on the dorm balcony and let the evening breeze dry my hair before going to sleep. I started to think about my future in those rare moments. Going back to school did not seem very likely, but as start of a new school tern approaches, my craving got stronger, especially seeing kids my age showing up at the high school next door.
I was the top student (out of about a thousand) for the middle school entrance exam. However, my parents did not see the value of me continuing my education and were counting down the days to my middle school final exam so that I could go off and start working. Given most the parents would end their daughter’s education after middle school in our village, I understood the prospective of continue my education was very thin. Girls would move to another household and became someone’s wife and daughter-in-law when she got married, and that would be the new family she needed to care for. So the earlier your daughter starts working, the more time you get to have her making money for your family before that inevitable day comes. That’s the unspoken thought of most villagers at the time. So they’re not encouraged to invest in their daughter’s education.
I made very little effort in answering the questions when sitting through the exams and the grades reflected that.
Mom came to visit me at the factory one morning. I had just finished a night shift and had gone to sleep. She woke me up and wanted me to try on a pair of new high-heels she just bought for me, which I felt weird. But maybe that’s her way of helping me transition from a girl to a woman. I was too sleepy to be bothered, but she was persisting and telling me now that I am older, it’s time for me to dress like other girls. I tried, but it did not fit, despite mom kept squeezing my feet into the shoes. My sleepiness went away in the moments of squeezing and pushing.
I asked mom if I could go back to school and redo the final year of middle school. I promised I would study harder, get good grades. “We just spent our money on building the new house and we don’t have money for that” was the answer she told me. Tears came out my eyes on hearing that. I told her I could collect my wages from the factory and if that’s not enough, maybe we could borrow some from our relatives. She did not like my proposal. “If you go back to middle school but failed to get in high school, you’d waste a year of your life”, that was her response. I promised I would get in high school. Then she told me I would be too old to get marry. I did not quite understand her logic, if I got into high school, I would graduate before turning 18. How that would make me too old to marry? I sensed the conversation was not going to the direction I wanted to go and more tears came out. Mom started crying too. In her tears she told me she could not make that decision for me and left soon.
I went back to sleep in my tears. The thought of living my life like other girls in our village did not excite me at all. Working in the factory for a few years before marry someone in town. Have one or two kids, tending the fields while caring for the younger kids and elderly in-laws, as the husband would migrant to other cities or further places for jobs throughout the year. The more I thought about it, the harder it was to stop myself from crying. I really did not want to live my life that way, but I did not know how to turn it around.
Here's the part 2 of my story. Factory Girl 2
submitted by Xuemeipk to LifeAfterSchool [link] [comments]

Nikky Foxs drag Race ALL STARS 1 episode 1 the roast

Nikky Foxs drag Race ALL STARS 1 episode 1 the roast


Nikky Fox:may the hungry games begin!
the werk romm got a makeover as now its all white and purple!

Lex pistol comes in

Lex:the pistol is going for the KILL
Lex:HIIIIII im lex pistol from season 1 of Nikky Foxs drag race……i was 8th place…not the best but i did got 1 win bu tim here to show that lex is not dead….yet*laughs*
Lex:im the first one in hereeeeeee,honestly period
Lex does a slow split on a table
Lex:wait……OMG new werk room everything its purple and white,gurl let me take my station!
Lex is checking herself in the miror
Lex:i look stunning…..well where are the bitches?

Soshilina Evangelista comes in

Lex gasps
Soshilina:the BITCH is back!
Soshilina CF:hiiii hoes its your favorite villian,im soshilina and im straight from season 2 and i was third….so close to the crownnnn chille!
Lex hugs soshilina
Lex:you look gorg!
Soshilina:thhank youuu,you also look…..good
Soshilina CF:really….a corset with some tulle….this is all stars hunty…but ok..you do you!
Lex:so how do you feel to be back,like i am so fucking happy as my drag changed up so much since season 1….so dont unpack
Soshilina:what ever you say…..

Lemonchella Bella comes in

Lemonchella: Lemonchella is back in the Haus, and she's never going to be sweet again. She's sour now, bitches.
Lemonchella:wait…..who are you again….
Lex:fuck you*laughs*
Lemonchella CF:i thought she was dead….but shes here….well nikky picked the first one out*laughs*
Soshilina:you look……*laughs awkwardly*
Lemonchella rolls her eyes
Lex CF:well….this is gona be intresting-

Antoniette Avangaar comes in

Antoniette:the avangaar family never leaves*laughs*
Antoniette CF:hello guys its me Antoniette from season 1 andddddd season 2…..and im the drag mother of Amelia Avangaar as i said avangaar family never leaves *laughs*
Lex:OMGG hiiii
Lex and antoniette hug
Antoniette:the WINNER is here so move ladies
Soshilina:ok stinky……
Antoniette CF:sis…….dont tell me that i stink when you fart every single minute….
Lemonnchella:well are you excited to be back….again
Antoniette:ofc i am, this is 1 of the most famus tv shows!(xtinas drag race is behind my drag race)

Catalina comes

Catalina: Your reigning Miss Congeniality is here.
Lemonchella CF:why is she here…..
Catalina CF:hiiii yall,its me catalina blanca the lovley miss c of season 3, i placed 6th on my season with 0 wins…..but im here to show that i am ready to win a damn challange gurl!
Catalina:hiii season 3 sister!
Catalina hugs evryone
Catalina:can yall belive we are the chosen ones for all stars!
Lex:like…..its so cool to be here since everyone thought i died bu tim here so….dont unpack ladies!
Queens laugh and Soshilina rolls her eyes
Soshilina CF:im getting a little sick of Lex right now beacuse she thinks she is a huge competision, and let me tell you…..we are all better then you so shut the fuck up already!
Catalina:well we got a new werk room,its so bigger now, i am very excited to see the main stage….do yall think it also got a makeover
Antoniette:well it had to be, if the werk room is new that means everything its new…the untuck room,the main stage,our rooms everything!
Lemonchella:thats so sick….but i want you all to look at it beacuse yall gona be here for 5 sec!

Joanna fidelia comes in

Dramatic music comes up
Soshilina CF:not this bitchs *rolls eyes*
Joanna:i enter the werk room and i see…..an ugly hoe…really soshilina is here?
Antoniette:coco and alyssa drama gurl
Soshilina:im done with this….
Joanna:hi foxies
Hugs everyone exept soshilina
Soshilina:what about me….
Joanna:what about you……gurl bye
Soshilina:gurl that was 2 years ago…grow up!
Joanna:im am grown up hunty dont come for me, first look at your mug beacuse its still not cute!
Soshilina:i wanted to be nice but i guess we need to play dirty….chille
Soshilina CF:gurl……shes still a young baby…why is she an all star who knows tbh.
Catalina:well hi sisterrrrrrr
Catalina:well maja blanca is my drag sister and manila is our drag mother and joannas mother is manila and we are drag sisterssss*they hug*
Soshilina:great….now we only need bea darling to come..

Bea comes in the werk room

Bea: this good girl, went bad
Soshilina:oh fuck my drag
Joanna:karma hoe
Lex laughs
Bea CF:hiiiiii its me bea darling and hunty let me tell u im not playing nice this season im playing dirty,as you know me from season 2 on…..sixth place and also a returning queen….honestly period!
Bea sees sohilina
Bea:fuck no…..
Lemonchella CF:2 bitches are here that hate soshilina….i am LIVINGGGGGG
Bea:omgg you are still alive
Lex:omggg everybody says that
Bea:well…..this is awkward…and im not talking about the smell
Catalina:i….im just gona go to the corner
Lemomnchella:im going with you
Catalina:i can see a lot of drama this season

Yolanda Sofine comes in

Queens gasp
Lex:i thought she declined all stars-
Yolanda: The Real Queen has arrived
Lex:she looks so good
Soshilina:im shocked shes here
Joanna CF:the competision is here…..
Yolanda CF:HELLO hoesss its me the bitch who deserved to be in that top3 but who cares
The queens jaws are on the floor
Yolanda CF:Everybody is suprised that im here as i declined all stars but….i thought about it a little and i said why not…..but those bitches better be ready beacuse im not gona play this season….ima slay…but you all know that*laughs*
Yolanda:yall are shocked to see the queen of all stars?
Catalina:didnt u decline….
Yolanda:i did…..but then i just said why not maybe there will not be all stars 2 who knows!
Lemonchella:tea…..well HI BITCH!
Yolanda:HIIIII BITCH*laughs*
They hug
Yolanda:excited to see you….in this look
Yolanda CF:love that bitch…but what is she wearing-
Catalina:you look EXPENCIVE!
Yolanda:just maybe…1Mil $

Passion Fruit comes in

Passion: *opens umbrella* When it rains, Fruit Grows!
Lex gasps
Passion CF:HIIIII im passion fruit from season 1 and im also miss c……period ima win this!
Celestial:your makeup its so pretty i wish i can say the same for your look
Yolanda:OOP…..celestial beacoming a bad bitch
Passion:well…..ok »miss c«
Celestial:im sorry im just the best miss c!
Passion:OH OKKK in your dreams….did you win a challange……..hmmmm?
Passion:you said enough

Anita drink comes in

click here to see her look(im sorry reddit cant have more then 20 pics)-her look
Yolanda:oh fuck
Anita: Guess who's back from therapy!
Queens laugh
Anita CF:hello childeren its your grandma anitaaaaaa aka the robbed winner of the season and all the challanges!
Passion:the queen is here
Antoniette:werk that big ass gown!
Anita:well hiii
Soshilina:well you look older!
Passion:i missed that
Foxie mail:welcome my all stars with a new stage and werk room comes new turns!
Joanna:oh shit!

Nikky comes down the stairs

Nikky:OMGG hello my all stars!
Nikky:yalll see the new werk room? Well with the new stage we need to have more turns and shade,fort he first challange i challange my all stars to roast me and your sisters i know its the first episode but the WINNER needs to be prepared for EVERYTHING and on the runway you foxies will do an rudemption runway on yalls worst runways and our guest jusge is someone who knows SHADE for sure fish 104!
Nikky:well my all stars good luck and dont FOX it up…..i know yall missed that*laughs*
Nikky Leaves the werk room
Pasion:this is so weird……being hereeee again but lets win this roast
Catalina:wait u think….you know comedy….okkk
Passion:you are such a bitch when i walked in what the fuck is wrong with you?
Catalina:nothing really……
Passion rolls her eyes
Lemonchella CF:no tea no shade but….catalina its not the same….im not talking that she got fater but also…she got attitude…….oop
Queens are doing their makeup
Antoniette:so what do yall think about yalls roasts?
Anita:i feel like my roast is so much better then the one from season 2 so im confident about winning this episode!
Lex:honestly im not the »comedy«queen but i think i did a good job, im actually proud of myself
Passion:i think we will all do good as nick saw something in us to be the top 10 of all seasons, so i think we will all do good!
Lemonchella:well lets just hope fish is not gona be harsh on us
Yolanda:ohh shes gona be harshhhhhhh
Nikky Fox walks down the new bigger stage
click to see her look:her look
Nikky Fox:WELCOME to nikky Foxs drag race ALL STARS please welcome our QUEEN and a WINNER of season 3 fish 104,will you be ross or michele
click to see her look: her look
Fish:hunty ima do michele visage!
Nikky;well this week my all stars had to write their roasts and on the runway the theme is RUDEMPTION and btw i didnt tell them but on the roast in the audience are the queens that they were on theirs season so
Nikky Fox:WELCOME everybody to the roast lets start with Joanna fidelia
Joanna CF:im scared beacuse i see some….people that were from season 2-
Joanna: Wow, it's so nice to see such ugly bitches here... I've seen cuter at a pound... for battered, three-legged dogs. Nikky, it's so nice to see your show actually making it to an All Stars season. Actually... I'm wrong, it's not an All Stars season - it's an intervention. Because you were clearly on crack when you chose this cast! And you know when you were also on crack? When you didn't give me a three way win for the girl band challenge on Season 2... yeah I still remember that ho. Speaking of crack, hey Yolanda! You were on... hmm... Season 3 right? Sorry that might be wrong because I didn't watch that season. To be honest, I don't think anyone watched that season. If they did, then you'd be behind bars right now because someone would have ratted you out for your crimes against fashion! Y'all, Yolanda is such a cheap ass queen that when she visits charity shops to buy her next performance outfit, the sales assistants refuse to take her money because they think she's the charity case! I can see my Season 2 sister, Bea Darling is here. Bea Darling? More like FLEA Darling! Back on Season 2, Bea got a bad reputation for having the itch. I guess since then she added a 'b' to that! And finally... the grand queen herself, Antoinette. Antoinette is addicted you guys... to flopping. Not only did she flop in her first season, she begged Nikky to come back on my season and flop even harder! I guess third time's the charm... and because I am such a congenial queen, I'll help you back after this roast! Mwah!
Bea: Now let’s get this roast a cooking Let me start off with a moment of silence… so you can all go check who Lex Pistol is. Nikky Fox for someone so old it's surprising you act so young. You quickly went from toddler to grandma cumming on comand! Joanna is a clear example of under the radar but hopefully all stars can change that! No edit, boring personality, that will change! However no wins...maybe as2. Anita Drink, clearly you do. Hydration is always good for something way too salty. Clearly her loss wasn’t delight-ful Soshilina always takes things to literally, her face is a drag, she’s very well rounded, and she “lipsynced for the crown” every other episode. Yolanda is very similar to Paris Hilton. Both have good fashion, and look like they’ve had a pretty controversial past. The only difference is Paris can slay a music video. Unfortunately I have to leave now, very similar to Catalina in a few episodes. But seriously what did she do besides wasting a double save?
Now passion fruit
Passion: Nik- Lets start off with the drag legend and icon herself sitting infront- oh wait Rupaul couldn’t make it today so we had to get her rental version Nikky Fox. Nikky Fox is so poor (Audience) HOW POOR IS SHE. Nikky is so poor she had to create 4 seasons of a Rip-Off Rupaul just to make 10 dollars off of her taxes.
Lex- Speaking of Fraud let’s talk about Lex Pistol. She scammed all of you out of thinking she had actual talent. Instagram filters don’t work in real life honey....
Ant- Lets talk about my goooood sis Antoinette Avangaaar. She looks like if a cricket and Chicken Little had a baby and then dropped it on its head. She’s dumb she probably didn’t know I was describing a twink. Don’t worry honey, we will get that tumor checked out.
Joa- Joanna Fidelia.... you may be thinking, “Passion who are you talking about”. I don’t know either. If you say Joanna’s name 3 times maybe you can get a 2 piece from Popeyes. But for real Joanna you are sickening. But without the ening, Joanna you have 3 days left to live.
Now Anita Drink
Anita: Ah, what a joy to be brought back from the retirement home! Now where do I begin with these bitches... I mean--lovely ladies! I mean, really... some of you were so forgettable that I'm just going to spend five minutes roasting Donald Trump and his cult." Everyone laughs. "Oh, y'all bitches think I'm joking?!"
"Let's see... oh! Antoinette Avangaar! Back back back again! Back like a pest. We just can't get rid of you, can we? Maybe Twitter ought to suspend your account next. Antoinette said 'let them eat cake'... so she all brought us her caked-on makeup to feast on! What a doll!"
“Yolanda Sofine… I think you already read yourself plenty by letting your ass hang out on your season, but let me give it a shot anyway. Yolanda Sofine--so fine, now when the hell did someone lie to you like that? Yolanda So-freaky, but that Beyoncé look was anything BUT a Freakum Dress! Yolanda So-fraudulent, because you are one lying bitch… and when I hear you stomp down the runway all I can think is ‘Yolanda So-fat!’”
"They say reading is fundamental. Clearly, Nikky Fox didn't get the memo. Just how fucked up must your insurance be when you keep letting all these girls punch each other!? Remember the first rule of Fight Club: Omg, girl get the fuck out!”
"Soshilina Evangelista, glad to see you back here! Here to replicate your track record from Season 2? I mean, who doesn't love a sloppy bottom, right? I hope you're ready to dance your ass off! Break a leg! ... Before I'll do it for you. Well, Soshi like Sushi is coming in raw. Let's hope she got enough time to work on all those half-cooked jokes. Everyone, give it up for Soshilamea Evangiloser!
Now soshilina
Soshilina: Anita Drink? I think Anita whole Refund because I’m still wondering why the fuck are you in this competition?”
“Joanna Fidelia, the hardest part about your roast was watching you fit all your vocabulary into one sentence.”
“We have Passion Fruit in the house... Anybody know who that is? The material of that dress looks like the material of toilet paper that I wipe my ass in every night. What the fuck are you wearing?”
“And the mighty queen herself, Miss Nik. I’m so glad to be brought back here, and I think I have what it takes to beat all these bitches and get this crown. Cuz if I can beat you twice in a competition like this, this should be easy!
Now lex pistol
Lex: Thanks girl! The best thing about your roast is that the audience will forget your jokes and your name within seconds...
BEA DARLING: With a name like that you should be in porno or spy movies – the only thing stopping you is your body and personality...if you had one.
YOLANDA: Girl, I went to your Facebook page and saw you liked the Frock Destroyers AND The Dixie Chicks So, yeah – I’m just going to assume you’re music tastes are just as good as your drag...mediocre
JOANNA: Some of you may not know Jo over there has been playing with balls for years. Later, she decided to pursue a career teaching tennis.
ANITA: Anita’s last name is really Johnson. Unfortunately, her parents had to rename her due to the fact that during her conception no one and I mean no one had a good time.
PASSION: The beautiful and quirky queen Passion Fruit once taught me everything she knows about men and comedy – those 3 lowly seconds were well spent.
Now Yolanda Sofine
Yolanda: Wow… Thanks Lex, whoever you are. Now judging from these past few roasts you guys must be STARVING for anything good!”
“Bea N Darling.. now you’re a lovely person, and just like your fashion you a have unique sense of humour… Oh and by unique i mean Uniquely Disgustingly Horrible! It will be so much fun to see you on AS5…. Redemption Season.”
“Moving to someone that is just as disgusting, my sister Anita Drink!”
“Y’know when you told me you were going to Season2. I couldn’t believe it! Not only were you not funny… but you also aren’t the prettiest either! So thank god i helped you pack…. and i will do it again. Seeing you pack back home will truly be the highest high anyone could get. And must you know a lot about high don’t cha”
“Antoniette Avangaar… you’re beautiful, you’re talented, and hilarious. But most importantly…. no one has ever said that! Also, don’t flatter yourself by saying you’re the best Avangaar. Because neither of you are any closer to having the same amount of talent as Nik than Fishy does sooo… that says a lot.”
“Now.. To the queen that puts in the U in C.U.N.T, which as you can tell should stand for Ugly… It’s Lemonchella
Now lemonchella bella
Lemonchella bella: Let's start off with Nik the Mouldy Hamburger. The pure definition of grammar disaster. I can't wait for a hair dance. Or a milk bath, you love milk bath's right? As the prettiest and clearly the blondest one here, I have this to say. I can't WAIT to see you rob myself, and then create some weird ass winner... like Fish 104? GIRL. BOOT.
Now, let's talk about Joanna. Christina Aguilera's biggest fan, but just like Xtina, you are outdated, old and... useless in 2021. I am so excited to see you here, because I cannot WAIT to see you go home first! It'll be so funny, just like Christina Aguilera trying to sing a high note. AUSGGGGHHHHH YEEAAAAAAHHHHH FLOP.
Now, Ms Anita Drink. Why don't we just call you Alcoholic Failure? Everyone talks about you being robbed, but the only thing you were robbed of was going to rehab, because girl clearly... you need it. That yellow face? Those fat cheeks? The smell? GOD, the smell. Can she just die already? I mean, you're old so... i'm just going to sit here and wait for 5 minutes.
Finally, Yolanda. The Latina fashion Queen on the Drag Race Scene... but doll, you aren't barbie. You aren't even bratz. You're just... like any doll that ain't barbie, a Fad... and that makes me sad! Because you're too dumb to even know that you are a failure. Let me spell it out for you. Y.O.U.R.E D.U.M.B!
Now, i'm going to leave here before Nik robs me on the challenge. Bye!
Now Antoniette Avangaar
Antoniette: Hello everyone my name is antoinete avangaar probably everyone will react oh shit not here again. I mean I would react the same (jk) but if you cant read yourself how the hell you gonna read somebody else now that I read myself lets read all of you boring bitches …..
Who to start with ? ……
Lets start with fish our guest judge
Hey fish
So your name is fish but you’re not fishy and honestly wit these looks I have no idea how you even won season 3 chileeee-
Next up lets lex
Girlll ave you even your busted runways on season 1 looks at lex
Ohhh nothing changed smiles
Passion fruit…
I would read you but honestly...my knowledge about you is as big as youre career...nonexistent yeah thats forgettable
Miss lemonchella Bella
I understand why you give your drag queens such long names because when people are talking about you they give up mid-sentence
And at last lets read miss niky fox
Hi nikkky you know what you’re to boring to read you
It was Antoinette avangaaar
See yall in hell bitches
And lastly Catalina Blanca
Catalina: Before I start of my roast I would like to thank Nikky's designers for finally letting her wear something that is not garbage. Now, let me start Antoniette Avanagaar, I am really curious, how does it feel to lose... 2 times? I mean 3 times counting this season. Moving on to Bea Darling... Really Nikky? But you know what Bea, I'm really interested about your roast. Imagine going home because of a roast for the 2nd time. Last but definitely the least, Passion Fruit, Miss Congeniality of Season 1... She is SO congenial that she have to share that title with Miss May I. Havanather.
Nikky Fox:that was the end of the roast ty everybody for joining!
Theme is rudemption

LEX PISTOL-Denim runway


PASSION FRUIT-diamonds runway




ANITA DRINK-Lip sync Look




BEA DARLING-yellow and blue








YOLANDA SOFINE-night of 1000 beyonces

Nikky Fox:ok ladies when i call your name please step forward….Lex pistol and Bea darling you ladies are safe, BUT bea you were so close to that high placement i just wana say that you had a BIG rudemption on the look and the roast good job!
Bea:thank you!
Bea and lex leave the stage
Nikky:now lets start the critiques!
Nikky:you suprised me today with this roast beacuse you KILLED it, i love how shady you were and not gona lie i think this runway is good so GOOD JOB
Joanna:thank you!
Fish:the roast is so good but i HATE this runway i think you would do a better job with a diffrent runway
Nikky:this is such a good roast,passion you know comedy and it shows and im loving it,the runway….its a silver dress but i seen you wearing worse so GOOD JOB
Fish:IM IN LOVEEEE with this roast its so shady and funny like im in loveeeee BUT this runway is a no no its a simple silver gown with a head piece…
Passion:thank you
Nikky:im gona get hate from this but…im not a huge fan of your roast its not bad but i didnt laugh as much as passions roast and this runway….also not my favorite
Fish:i think your roast was GREAT,again not the best but i actually think its pretty good your dress its nice i actually really like it!
Yolanda:thank you guys!
Nikky:you ended the roast but…..i just dont like it you got some good jokes but some of them just didnt land in the right was but this runway its SO FUCKING GOOD
Fish:honestly i agree with nikky on this one!
Nikky:the roast is…….very short i expected a lot from you but this is just a no,i liked 1 of the jokes but this runway is GORGGG but ur rudemption was animal print but this is just an animal runway and not really animal print
Fish:i agree it was a short roast but i think it was…good and i LOVED ur runway!
Nikky:OH MY GOD this roast is my favorite of the night,the shade was amazing every joke you did was spot on,the runway i love that is almoast the same but much better
Fish:i fell in LOVE with your roast, i think its so cool and amazing your runway its a simple little dress but i like it!
Nikky:im not a huge fan of this roast as soshis i liked 1 joke but it was a little beter and longer,i think your look is SO MUCH BETTER but a little simple!
Fish:this roast…….it was so bad and runway for me is meh
Nikky:you SHOCKED me beacuse this roast was perfection i fucking LOVED it for me im in LOVE with this runway its just perfect!
Fish:your roast was my favorite of the night beacuse…UGHH it was so shady i LOVED it but this runway….its cute but really HAYDEN WILLIAMS….overdone
Nikky Fox:ok ladies me and fish made some decisions…..Anita drink and Lemonchella Bella today you slayed like nobody else….conDRAGulations you ladies are the top all stars this week
Anita and lemonchella hug
Anita CF:i deserved to be the top all star…woo im excited!
Nikky:that means Passion fruit and Joanna fidelia good job ladies you are safe!
Nikky Fox:ladies 1 of you is safe and that is……Yolanda Sofine you may step to the back of the stage
Yolanda:thank you so much!
Nikky Fox:that means soshilina,antoniette avangaar and Catalina Blanca you ladies are in the bottom
Antoniette CF:fuck
Nikky Fox:my top 2 all stars go in yalls lip sync outfits so you 2 will LIP SYNC FOR THE LEGACY!
To be continued….
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simple wedding cake table ideas video

Wedding Cake Alternatives. Puff pastry with berries and fruits and fresh blooms is another cool idea, cannoli wedding cake is a popular idea among newlyweds, churros wedding cake are amazing for Spanish or Mediterranean weddings, choco tacos and ice cream cones will bring an instant party feel to the space. Hopefully, you will be able to find great wedding table decoration ideas, that you will be able to use at your own wedding. After all, it is important to have the perfect wedding table decoration. Try choosing simple wedding table decorations according to the overall theme of your wedding, as you probably don’t want a clash of two styles. So with that, here are fifteen wedding cake ideas that give small cakes a big dose of pretty: Put a Flower On It. 1. One of the easiest ways to take a simple cake from boring to wedding is with edible flowers. You can buy them fresh or dried. Choosing a wedding cake is such an exciting part of the wedding planning process. There’s not much else that can satisfy us more than a good wedding cake can – both in taste and in style. A beautiful wedding cake can be a real focal point at your wedding reception, adding to your wedding theme and really making a statement. It will also make a seriously Instagram-worthy wedding photo idea ... Whether you’ve chosen one or several wedding cakes, displaying them to advantage is an important point for wedding decor, especially if you are going to organize a sweets bar. You can place the cake on a glass table and add flowers or candles, make a floral arch behind your cake, oraccentuate it with lights. If […] Wedding cake table ideas with flower blanket. Using a blanket of beautiful flowers over wedding cake tables is quite creative and glamorous. When using blankets of flowers, you cover the whole cake table in a carpet of different flowers like roses, peonies and daisies. Ahead, we've rounded up 30 wedding planner-approved small wedding ideas to consider for your big day. Who to Invite to a Wedding: Etiquette and Questions to Ask Yourself Strategically Plan Your ... 15 Stunning Cake Table Ideas. 36 . 36. Shares. Can’t think of something to do for the cake table at your wedding? Here are some of my favorite ideas. (Image Source) Blanket of Flowers. If you’re aiming for a classic/romantic look the first 3 option are for you ... But for your cake to look the most glorious, you want to consider the best locations for your table. An outdoor wedding might take advantage of a romantic, quiet spot under a tree (above) or on the lawn with a picture-perfect view of the lanterns and string lights over the reception tables in the background. 6 simple and sweet ideas to decorate your wedding cake. By. Lauren Fraser. 0. Facebook. Twitter. Google+. Pinterest. ... For this reason the best cakes are also the ones that invite you to tuck in. Make it simple by decorating your cake table with pretty signs that encourage exactly that.

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